What's happening in the game right now is very concerning

The tank changes also say something.

I totally agree with stated goals, but deciding to go forward with with them so late in beta, after all the dungeons and raids have been made, appears risky. Seems like something they’ve been fighting about internally and then someone made a panic decision at the last minute.

There is all kinds of stuff going on in retail. My guild has been talking about screens covering up bars. Druid mounts messed up. One guy doesnt has only 3 of the 10-15 reps for dragon flight and many of his legacy reps are missing. Skill bars filling up with skills when people log in. Useless stuff. Who knows what all is undiscovered that is wrong.

I remember world servers crashing and people being stuck inside instances because the server that kalimdor and eastern kingdoms were on had crashed.

You haven’t been playing very long have you? TBC was pushed back several months from when it was originally suppose to release. Even with that delay the servers were unstable for a several days during the prepatch and during launch.

People don’t like to tank or heal now. Or let me say, not enough people like to tank/heal. I don’t agree with making healing more stressful, but I also dont agree a tank shouldn’t need to be healed. I wished they would have done something amazing in the hero talents that made people just want to play those classes. Something very over the top. Give hunter an exotic beast that can actually tank. Let a healer summon a healing creature like ffxi. Let DK use a creature of death to share damage. Something really fantastic. But, here we are. Nerf before go time. It didn’t work out well for the Jedis is all I remember.

That was prior to them becoming corporate. If corporate says they need 3rd quarter revenue, you release in the third quarter.

blizzard has always been corporate as blizzard

Davidson and associates to Vivendi to Activision to Microsoft, only time they were solo was as silicon and synapse

Vivendi was just as much a corporate company as any that have owned Blizzard before. The point I was making is, if Blizzard did delay TWW. It wouldn’t be the first time.

Activision/Blizzard and Microsoft. To be more clear. I understand the history. 2008.

It would not. It is just less likely. Different division for microsoft are expected to hit the targets for the quarter. If not revenue could be off for quarterly reports which causes negative things for stocks. Granted. Microsoft is much larger than activision, so they could absorb a hit if something else overperformed. But, I am guessing that no one at Blizzard wants to start the first year at Microsoft by not meeting goals.

til the corporation vivendi, isn’t a corporation… lol

they won’t delay, not really enough reason to.

When they delayed SL it was really, really screwed up, but i don’t even know if any amount of delay would have fixed the issues it had.

There’s really no reason to delay TWW

Meaning Vivendi owned it well before world of warcraft and let blizzard be blizzard. They were the original coiners of Blizzard Soon. It didn’t change until the activision merger in 2008.

yet the best expansions came out post merger

I am not sure which you are talking but I will believe you. I did not play from after Lich King to the beginning of BFA. BFA, Shadowlands and Dragonflight all feel like the same expansion with a new face. I see this next one the same way. Something needs to change with the 4 island 8 dungeon 1 raid theory and the latter 2 being the only viable content.

Mop, legion, and df.

Df feels nothing like sl

I wish they would leave some ideas back in df. I don’t see the zoom of the dragon in a new world. The crafting I like. Just don’t like the 3 tiers of mundane items like herbs, potions, ores, leathers, etc… And the currencies… We are not even going to talk those because they doubled down in war within. Fishing I feel they started a good thing, but they are taking those tools away.

The problem is that this expansion and the prepatch has included a significant database change along with assorted sections and mechanics in the game which, as much as they tried to prevent bugs, is such a magnitude of change that they couldn’t do that as. Icy as they wanted.

The graphical glitches and minor problems shouldn’t have happened.

But we haven’t seen such a change to the databases and mechanics in an expansion for quite a while. And unfortunately, the limited number of alpha/beta testers, didn’t prepare them for the retail database which was so much larger and more delicate.

Kind of hard to make gathering fun without the tiers, but it does make inventory a nightmare

They should have prolonged testing then. Releasing early in this state does way more harm than good.

Plenty of stuff to do.

…I just don’t want to do any of it.

Enjoy. Next time learn to control your emotions when coming @ me. You lookin’ very unhinged.