What's happening in the game right now is very concerning

The amount of changes and the amount of glitches and most will still bend the knee and take it. Some day the community will mass cancel subs and vote with their money but sadly it wont be today or tomorrow…


This is a ridiculous reply. I have no addons and these are problems that are widely reported on these forums, nevermind this post itself.


I’ve been playing since cata.

Expansion releases are always total chaos, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
It a tradition at this point.
Things usually get sorted out and wrongs get righted

We never got dance studio, but I can understand why we aren’t allowed to make our own animations.

Been playing since vanilla and this is the most broken the game has been.

Dance studio was wotlk


You lot wanted Blizzard to rip apart pillars of the game to make it more user friendly, more alt-friendly.

They did that. That’s inevitably going to create bugs and other issues that need to be addressed. They’re addressing them now, or at the very least, trying to. Maybe next time, don’t keep pressuring Blizzard to make massive changes to how the game is played if you don’t want to deal with bugs like these.

Oh who am I kidding, ya’ll will keep asking for big changes, Blizzard will give them, and then you’ll keep complaining about the bugs that inevitably pop up because of the big changes you asked for.

yep, it was, and had we gotten it, I would have been able to make my own dances in cata :slight_smile:

Maybe I’m just fortunate, but I’ve not had all of these issues as others have had.

I’ve not lost any rep or achievements that I’m aware of
My community in remix has started a cross realm/cross faction guild and we’ve been able to invite everyone so far. last I looked we were nearing 300 members in retail from the roughly 700 remix community players.

I’ve not seen the guild spam, I have seen guildies come and go but not to the point I’d call it spam with so many. Not sure, but I think toasts can be turned off if it does get to that point.

I’m not getting lua errors on anything except my few out of date addons, and those I can live without. All my “can’t live without” addons have been updated, Still waiting on you altohaolic :upside_down_face:

like I said, maybe I’m lucky, fortunate, blessed, whichever,but I’m just not having all these problems.

as far as the extra account wide storage goes, I have a bank guild,the warband will be nice once we get it, but it’s not a show stopper.

This is assuming so much lmao

I wasn’t asking for any of this, but was happy to see it being developed.

I am not angry, nor annoyed, I am concerned. Hence my post and the comments that followed.

You want to read what you want and you did.


Except that’s literally the entire point on alpha, beta, and the ptr…Also, asking for QoL changes is to be expected on a game that’s 20 years old.

I’ve always been fairly patient and understanding with technical issues, but these are more than that. This entire update screams of incompetence. I imagine there is 2-3 people in the whole team that have an idea and are doing all the work, and a pile of un qualified diploma holders who have no business being there.

I mean look, the big story out of blizzard at the moment, during their worst update launch to date is…“we have unionised”. It’s not like blizz hq is a coal mine in the 30s.


I never asked for any of this. They broke the entire game. They try to sell us “new QoL” but end up taking away what we had and enjoyed.


I thought the beta felt rough and clumsy. Then I launched pre-patch. This is some hot garbage. All we can hope is it’s at least stable enough to get distracted by the coming event. Then maybe by launch, they’ll either improve some of this or at least offer some information about planned improvements.

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I’ve played beta. It doesn’t get better.

Retail is the new beta! It’s like Windows OS where the software is in constant beta state. That’s good for shareholder value in the short run, but bad for the player base in the long run.

When I read that Blizz announced the start of TWW in August instead of November, I immediately thought that this would have dire consequences in software quality.
When the prepatch launched this week, my expectations were not disappointed. The character screen is buggy (at least on macOS), looks unfinished and so are a lot of other things in the game.

What managers don’t get is the fact that in software development when the number of team members is doubled, they calculate that the team then is able to develop things in half the time.
In reality, increasing team size leads in most cases to more inefficiency.

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…you understand that bugs get triaged… right?

it’s FAR more important to the playerbase as a whole, that issues which are game-breaking are dealt with first.

a glitchy rare isn’t exactly 911 worthy, when there are bugs preventing people from progressing.

And the amount of people who jump onto alpha, beta and PTR tests is an extreme minority compared to when it goes live.

You know how some people will say: “Well it didn’t bug out for me!” when someone talks about a bug they’re experiencing? Yeah, that can literally happen in a small, controlled group. Bugs don’t appear, no one experiences them. Then when the patch goes live to millions of people, suddenly people are experiencing the bug.

Bugs will ALWAYS be a thing when every patch goes live, when every expansion goes live. There will NEVER be a 100% bug free launch, ever, period. What matters is not that the bugs exist (they always will) but that they are fixed quickly with minimal interruptions.

I don’t play beta because for years a group of us have constantly been reporting bugs on Beta and then on live when bugs make it to live and it just goes ignored. Chromie time was supposed to go to 61 in patch 10.1.5, it arrived DoA and STILL doesn’t work to this day. So beta can piss off for all I care. Not wasting my time anymore

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I played the beta for a good bit. Nearly everything was working when I last tested it. It’s mind blowing to see this stuff go live and not working at all. Like, how could they F this up so badly taking it from beta to retail?

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I haven’t played in days. Sad to hear it’s bad

WoW is relying heavily on databases, so there might be conversion errors when running conversion routines on live servers. That’s a thing you can test, but that would require a lot more effort in my opinion.

Why am I not surprised Carhagen is back at it, defending Blizzard and making it our fault somehow lol.

Let’s be real. PTR testing is its own thing. I’ve seen a few developers speak on this and when you shift it to the live servers… lots of things can break, etc…

Given with their ambitious plan to change up a lot of things in TWW… this was bound to happen whether we like it or not. This next month now 'till launch is going to be them ironing out the GLARING issues. Unfortunately we’ll be left with a heap of other issues that’ll probably either never be fixed or it’ll be a long time before they are addressed.

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Expect the worst and you won’t be disappointed.

Just take a gander over at d4 and what they say about expectations. And we all know that game is a steaming pile of trash.