What's happening in the game right now is very concerning

When prepatch drops, I expect some of its features to be bugged. However, this is the first time I can remember where a significant number of back-end core mechanics/database stuff (rep, achievements, quests) and technical settings (graphical glitches, down to simple things like UI scaling) which should have nothing to do with the prepatch were suddenly considerably affected and or completely broken.

My first instinct is to blame a short beta window, but I’m not sure that a larger one would account for these.

As things stand right now I’m not sure how they could possibly release TWW in a month. I think this will be the first time we see a launch pushed back by a significant length of time.

Love your game Blizz, hope it’s not too much trouble to fix it.


I suspect fewer people even play the beta now since the game is so jam-packed with stuff to do right up until the expansion drops.


I just plan on logging into my Remix character to kill the bosses on Timeless Isle every day for rep and then logging off. I just want to get as close to Black Prince exalted as possible before it switches back to weekly timeouts.

Maybe they will have some bugs fixed by next Tuesday.


I would be wary - apparently people are losing rep by turning stuff in right now.


Um, what do we have to do other than go get the portable warband bank? Did i miss something?


Well I’m still working on the Forbidden Reach because I didn’t realize just how much stuff there was in there for the meta. I never even got around do doing M+ in season 4. When I logged in last night I didn’t see how to get the warband bank. I still have some quest to check up on Alexstrasza that seems new-ish?

I think my main problem is I don’t play this game for 8 hours a day anymore.

Warband bank is in gadgetzen, the quest is probably in your adventure guide if it didnt pop up.

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Well, even without addons (and ignoring the fact the Warbank is entirely disabled) I’m personally riddled with LUA errors. Couldn’t even comfortably run legacy raids today for xmog/mounts etc.

Some other random issues I encountered:

  • Sylvanas is currently bugged (Goes to 1% p1 cannot kill, have seen this multiple times).
  • Some achievements losing progress since patch.
  • Specific achievements not giving rewards (IE Warbound III achievement gave title, but no saddle/mount given).

IDK, tons of other small things. But they definitely exist.
Annoying enough at the moment to be game breaking in ways.

I’m not petty enough to be mad at the people working on the game, they are awesome and I hope they are earning what they deserve. That being said, Blizzard certainly isn’t the company they once were.

Corporate sucks. I’m not talking about flawless releases, but certainly waiting for things to be “ready” would be nice.


Apparently, the pre-patch went live with bugs that had existed for months prior. So basically, Blizzard doing Blizzard things. :man_shrugging:


This happened with Dragonflight Beta as well.

I played Dracthyr extensively and there were tons of bugs myself and others reported several times that were never fixed until way later.

It’ll continue to happen because they fired all of their QA. But meh, everyone already knows this.


To be honest I’m less fussed about why this happened and more worried about the potential road to fixing it without reverting to 10.2.7, including player databases. The problems are extensive on the rep side of things, and that’s just one area with considerable problems right now.

Something unintentional and rotten has happened.

Without accurately measuring rep gains the game has close to no purpose.


I am being wary… That is why I am in Remix. This isn’t a warband reputation and I am pretty sure I am exalted on my main in retail. I am not doing anything in retail until things are fixed.

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Remix is having the same issues right now.

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I don’t even know if that is it, but I am sure it is part of it. I mean, for the longest time I couldn’t even get past the bugged NPC to get skyriding. I guess I could have walked everywhere, but yuck. So I ended up never doing much Beta Testing personally.

TBH, right now, things aren’t so awesome. However, I am unwavering in my confidence they’ll straighten it out.


I hope so. Been playing since vanilla and remember servers being down for a week for expansions and still think this might be the most fundamentally broken I have ever seen the game.

Again, really not writing any of this to crap on Blizzard. I am certain this is not what the devs expected at all. My personal WoW database entry is something I have poured so much into, and what is going on right now suggests the database is not interacting with the game correctly, or vice versa.


I’ve seen it happen once with each rep, but it’s always corrected to the right amount immediately after (ie, I’ll earn 50, then it says “Decreased by 2150” followed by “Increased by 2200”), I think it’s just a hitch with the game syncing your personal rep to the warband.

I’m tellin’ ya, man. As we speak they’re over there at Bliz HQ writing the magic script. maybe they playing little throttle game to show the big guns who’s actually in charge. a little post-unionization FUn

This was expected given they just made most of these Account-Wide and all new features impact these categories directly.

The conversion stuff didn’t seem to work in Beta even, so I’m not sure where it was tested.


I had very high hopes because currency transfer was flawless for me (I have it all on one toon now), but boy oh boy I hope this is simply malfunctioning code with a clear failure because it feels much worse than that.