What's happening in the game right now is very concerning

What is the meaning of getting exalted with him? (serious question)

It is thereā€¦

what is the meaning of trying to complete anything in the game? KSM, Mythic Raid, PVP rank? You choose what you want to work towards.

Thank you, regarding those missing action bars.

Curse you, for now making me consider re-subscribing.

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Hi if you read the post again you will see I was saying that UI and graphical glitches that are happening right now should have nothing to do with the prepatch, not the reputation issues. Very little was intentionally changed visually.

i think most of us were psychedā€¦
8 hours to 10 hours to 12 hours
dusted off much of the psych magic.
then, upon entry, we find a multiplicity
of malfunctions and bad decisions.
thatā€™s my opinion of what weā€™re seeingā€¦
5 open accounts/20 yearsā€¦
iā€™m tired of their nonsense/but i love
the gameā€¦itā€™s part of my dnaā€¦so, iā€™ll
eventually adapt and return.


Lol youā€™re welcome! And Iā€™ll accept the curse - welcome back! :purple_heart:

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itā€™s a +1 for people who werenā€™t around in MoP

What is wrong with you, you sick? Iā€™m crazy for achievments, i literally just wanted to know if there were mounts, cool xmogs or something.

I finished Remix about 5 weeks ago (purchased literally everything) and stopped logging in.

Yesterday I realized I hadnā€™t done Julyā€™s Travelerā€™s Log so I hopped over to Remix for some easy credits. One of them was ā€œget 25k bronzeā€ so I did that and then realized my character had over 100k bronze on them. No idea how, I had depleted my bronze completely when I ā€œfinishedā€ remix by buying all the items.

On a lark, I went from vendor to vendor and found that over 85k worth of transmogs had been ā€œunpurchasedā€ and the bronze seemingly returned to my character. No idea how or when this happened, or why.


I think in this situation itā€™s mainly that they havenā€™t actually pushed the most current build out.

From my understanding itā€™s the same reason talents arenā€™t fully implemented yet, right now the Prepatch on live is actually behind the beta build in feature sets.

Itā€™s very possible some of this may be fixed on the beta (Iā€™ve been busy with work and havenā€™t had a chance to really login recently to test thing) but I canā€™t say for sure.

back in bfa beta I reported a bug with a rare spawn in the 1st zone not spawning properly it made it live into the game since then I havenā€™t done a single beta because I know they donā€™t Lisen to us on the beta

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Sounds like you should be applying to code for blizzard.

All my maps have disappeared, like I never explored the world. ;_;

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For anyone who has played for more than an expansion at a time, this is par for the course

Rep, achievements etc which used to be per character are going account-bound now and that is probably a HUGE back-end change in ways we cannot even see. Bugs are expected. Not welcomed but expected.

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Ah, the days of where if thereā€™s a game-breaking bugā€¦ wellā€¦ tough. You ainā€™t beating it unless you go out and get a GameShark to cheat through the game-breaking bug. :rofl:

Case in point: Space Station Silicon Valley.


They wiping their sweat with your dollars mate, they got this :sunglasses:

Every big systems patch had this issue. Iā€™ve lost legacy rewards before from these types of patches. This one isnā€™t really that bad.

also World quests from prior expansions

Quest are bugged from prior expansions

Guild Achievement spamming some times the same 3 achievements every 15 min

in guild chat it sometimes spams every guild member that is online (as if they just logged on) every few min

i lost 2140 ish rep from doing legion quest with rep

so may other bugs , i agree this is probably the most bugged pre patch in a long time

hope blizz team is alright and fixing these issues

Seems like this is a you issue; none of that is broken for me. Try updating your addons.