What's happening in the game right now is very concerning

Worst case scenario is some sort of roll-back, but the fact they kept it online indicates to me that we aren’t at that point.

I really appreciate this optimism :slight_smile:

Beta was an alpha, pre patch is beta. We’re the QA now. This is how games are made in 2024.


War Within but literally


This is what happens when they make changes to the base codes of the game. Its part if the process. Lets not doom everything because a huge patching day was rough


It’s Xal’atath the WoW code simply cannot contain her power.

This happens in almost every game released, certainly within the past 10 years. What is the problem? Are things just too complex to program properly anymore?

Well, sure. Most patches don’t even touch that stuff - it’s probably been 15 years since reputation was changed on a deep level.

I don’t know why you’d say that “should have nothing to do with the prepatch” when warband systems are the majority of the prepatch. (It’s not like War Within has any complex new systems of its own like garrisons or dragonriding.)

I agree that this doesn’t bode well for the overall quality control of War Within, but it’s not like it’s completely out of left field either.

Always have been.

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No, I’m talking about games like Civilization and stuff. They were never released in the past with known bugs like they were for Civ 5 and 6. This isn’t just a WoW problem.

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I logged on, on Wednesday morning, and my actions bars were either missing or a mess. I’ve never seen it this bad.

In any event, that did it for me. I’d already been on the brink of unsubbing for a few months, and this was the proverbial straw. I don’t want to have to rebuild my character almost from scratch.

After 8 years, my last day will be August 5.

I wish everyone who remains good luck.


Seriously though… why did all my guild rep get removed? Stuff is legit broken right now.

A small percentage of beta players report bugs. If I had beta I would have given devs a pile of reports, but unfortunately I wasn’t willing to pay them to do a job.

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I remember way back before the internet was in every home and when you bought a physical cartridge for your nintendo 64 that puppy was not getting any patches or updates so it had to be pristine and if players ever did find a weird bug, it was always something way out of the way you had to cheese yourself into just for the lols.

So err… what I’m getting at is everything being online these days and able to be patched and updated on the regular slowly led to the inevitable slip in release based standards.

The players of the gaming community are partly to blame. We preorder everything and play buggy messes to not feel left out. If we pay for it that way, of course they are going to keep shipping it that way…

And sadly I don’t think there is a way to put the toothpaste back in the tube. :upside_down_face:


I still can’t duo queue into bg blitz with my brother which is the only thing i want to do in this game. So now i don’t get to play at all until it’s fixed :sob:

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This is the first time a major database merger has taken place during a prepatch. The creation of Warbands and the merger of everything across an account is a significant database change and there was always a chance that issues were going to pop up. I’m not sure why it’s surprising.

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I just re subbed after like 8 years and am thoroughly confused. The servers seems to be up and down way more than I remember, my graphics are all messed up after the last patch, flying seems schizophrenic and it’s mechanic seems opaque. What was wrong with tapping the space bar?

I thought the new expansion sounded pretty cool but now, as in the past, I am spending too much time mucking with the interface and trying to decipher the byzantine mechanics for simple crap like flying. Pretty disappointing.

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The odd thing for me is that my random LUA errors I would get before this patch when logging in are gone and the only broken thing I noticed were my action bars. I had the dreaded wiped action bars on logout, but I just deleted any loadouts I had and made new ones and all 5 of the main characters I play are up and running with no issues. Its a complex code base that probably has lots of bloat in it throughout the years. They can’t possibly test the huge number of configurations that exist in the real world. I just roll with the punches and make due. Its not like they WANT these issues, they just happen. The real test is running it live, no simulated environment can match a live launch. I work with IoT projects and deal with full stack development and found that out the hard way. No amount of testing can prepare you for live, or production, servers. They would never launch anything if they waited until it was “perfect”. It will never be perfect, its code.


This happened in Shadow Lands as well. Bugs that were reported in beta for months went into the release and didn’t get fixed until then.


The things you listed might not be so largely affected by most former pre-patches, but Warbands fundamentally changes all of them.

I’m just saying, all you had to do was open Options and check the box to turn those action bars back on. They just got unchecked.

Once you turned them back on, all of your spells and things on those action bars were there just fine. :woman_shrugging:t2: