Ah, so you’re not in the same instanced version. The War Within quest version you cannot leave outside of hearthing, or taking the teleport at the end.
Doing it now with the quest activated. My goblin pulls out the hearth of azeroth. Never did the azerite stuff with that character as well.
And I just did it on my troll who has the heart equipped.
All they did was a generic “using item” animation as their hands scrunched together.
yeah, yours is broken 100%.
I’ve repeated it on multiple characters now. Never anything more than that is done.
Yeah, we already established yours is broken.
Given that my installation isn’t corrupted, I think it’s a bit of a stretch to claim it’s ‘broken’. Obviously you have a flag enabled that I don’t - most likely a feat for something like a N’Zoth kill or similar. Which goes back to my point: for people who didn’t play through BfA at the time are not being told about the heart or its importance.
As far as Blizz is concerned: It is no longer relevant.
NEver killed N’zoth. So it isn’t that. Skipped all of the azerite stuff. So not that either. Yours is just broken.
hello there luxuria. it is your best friend felbread.
10/10 most epic battle pose
I wish I had one. Would definitely make commuting more fun.
Pretty sure they just wanted an excuse to post that screenshot
Demon Hunters!
I was shocked they doubled down on Magni and brought him back instead of reclaiming the disc space and deleting the heart chamber from existance.
I did not even think any of that old legacy garbage worked anymore.
I usually skip Broken Isles because I don’t wan’t to be stuck with a super wimpy legacy weapon I MUST equip to make quests work and then it sits in you bank and mocks you for having dead space for all eternity.
I literally never equip the legacy weapons. I get all three and put them in the bank. If a quest needs you to use it, which is really almost zero, just take it out and put it on before you take it off. ONly time I needed the weapons was when I unlocked hidden transmog looks for them.
Didn’t we just use it in that room with Moira’s son and Brinth to waken the console or w/e?
Wouldn’t it be better to use this powerful relic to shoot worldsoul lazors at giant monsters than as a glorified keycard?
Why do you keep mentioning WoD, we got the Heart of Azeroth in BFA, 2 expansions after WoD.
Story and lore-wise the game assumes you’ve done plenty of things that you may not have actually done or even been around for. It’s the same reason NPCs talk to you as if you’ve known and worked with them for years, because so far as the lore is concerned, you have.