Whatever Happened To The Heart of Azeroth?

You know, the powerful relic empowered by the World Soul itself?

Sounds like something that should be useful in some fashion during the Worldsoul Saga?

Maybe Thrall should wield it to shoot lazors at Iridikron or something.


i destroyed mine with the a10 warthog


As the game always says, “that item cannot be destroyed.”


laughs in a10 brrrrrt

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Do you want them to bring it back and force us to use it? Because this is how you get them to bring it back and force us to use it


That is a… very interesting screenshot angle… ahem.


It may have been drained of power when destroying N’zoth, or maybe not.
Either way, it’s currently sitting in my bank vault along with my Artifact Weapons and a host of other Legendary items I can’t get rid of.


wouldn’t be so bad if we could put the stuff we cant delete into void storage, but we also cant do that. :confused:

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Red Skin Draenei Mommy has my heart (Of Azeroth) :-p

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That screenshot is actually from the in-game cinematic that plays when you complete the quest to kill N’zoth.

I thought it was pretty so I took a screenshot at that moment :smiley:

This is the full picture:


It would be very awkward to bring it back being:

  • it’s 3 expansions back, and many players now never played WoD.
  • It’s a reminder of their terrible borrowed power mechanics that was killed in SL.
  • Pretty sure it’s no longer relevant after the defeat of N’zoth.

The Heart of Azeroth wasn’t created to kill N’zoth, it was created to protect the World Soul of Azeroth, something that’s central to the Worldsoul Saga.

And we don’t have to use it. It could be a plot point. Like the Xal’atath Dagger was in BfA, when we used it to stab Big N’zoth so we could enter his body and find Small N’zoth inside.



Lore wise, we still use it seeing how we use it to get into the heart of azeroth room thing.


Canonically, the Heart of Azeroth is a powerful magical artifact that can be used in great times of need. Comparable to the Demon Soul Disc or more relevant to this story, the Dark Heart medallion that Xal’atath had. It was entrusted to us, because we are Azeroth’s greatest champions. It’s been used multiple times now since it’s inception, and nothing is preventing us from using it again, except the development of the plot.

It’s not “broken” or “disabled” or “drained”. We just don’t use powerful artifacts willy-nilly.


It was either drained to release N’Zoth from his prison in the Eternal Palace or used up to giga-blast N’Zoth in order to reenact The Return of the King.

I agree with this. If they want to bring it back somehow then everyone needs to have the same baseline for the start of TWW regarding the Heart of Azeroth. We can’t have Player A that did the most stuff to build up the heart during BFA getting a huge buff over Player B that started in Dragonflight and ended up with the highest Mythic Dungeon score.

it’s in the bank.

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I’m not complaining…


Neither actually, it still exists in SL and is explained as the tether used for your soul to return to its body as a connection to Azeroth when one dies in the Shadowlands. So canonically we still have the HoA on us and mechanically it can’t be deleted.