Whatever Happened To The Heart of Azeroth?

This one was really disconcerting as Dracthyr with Khadgar in DF, or a Forsaken/DK in SL or…just pick X expansion and Y race really…

Khadgar: “I know we’ve known each other for some time…”
My derpy looking Dracthyr: “Man, I just met you, can you at least buy me dinner first before the nostalgia phase?”


It was created to soak up Azerite to heal her. Then used to destroy N’zoth.

We aren’t soaking up Azerite to heal her. She’s healed. So its purpose is done.

And I hope to God I never see that piece of crap system ever again in this game. lol

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Apparently we still carry it around, because we whip it out whenever we visit that machine where what’s his name – Dagran – hangs out doing tech-nerd stuff with the machine speaker.

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I ate it. With a side of fava beans and a nice Chianti.


I broke it, like Magni, she never answered back.

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I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

As the game always says, “that item cannot be destroyed.”

So if it went in, it’s gonna come out. Whole.



“Human lady goes to Strmwind clinic after impromptu Azerite Enema gone awry”

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The beans and wine are to lubricate the process. It’ll be fine.


Plausible, it was already used in Shadowlands (we were only able to get out of the Maw because the necklace unlocked the waystone) so the game narrative does appear to be assuming that we’re carrying the things around.

Lorewise it would be a fun callback to see it used in the plot. Maybe have Xalatath steal or destroy it. Drain it of all the power you worked so hard to imbue it with.

As a game mechanic, it should not return.

still thinks to myself that it would be nice to be able to put “non-deletable” items into void storage. void storage for the most part has been dropped off the scene and unused for a long time just sitting there with a few slots. why not allow us to drop non-deletable items there for… um… safe keeping? :smiley: (definitley not to be forgot about and free up a few bank slots in our regular banks)

But does it have any power left in it? If so, then why haven’t we been using it (other than a simple tether or door key lel).

Yes it still has power and the reason we don’t use it, for gameplay, is because people hated it completely. Lore wise we still use it

It’s keeping my kitchen table from wobbling


When we went to the Shadowlands, the lore explanation for why we stopped using it was that it didn’t work in the Shadowlands because it was connected to Azeroth.

Then when we returned from the Shadowlands Blizz just didn’t bother to say anything.


It got drained of its power to stop N’Zoth back in BFA, so it’s just a useless, if pretty, necklace now. That it still works in some content in game is a non-canon compromise on blizzard’s part.

No, it wasn’t.

We didn’t use the Heart of Azeroth’s power to stop N’zoth, we used the power of the Engine of Nalak’sha to run the Forge of Origination and shot an Origination lazor at N’zoth using the Heart of Azeroth as a conduit.

But nowhere is it ever stated or even implied that this damaged or depleted the Heart of Azeroth.

The only reason we were given to stop using the Heart is that it doesn’t work in the Shadowlands. And by the time we came back from the Shadowlands our gear was far too strong to be worth swapping for Azerite gear.


In my priest’s bank right next to Xala’tath.

Also because people complained to much about the system. So blizzard forgot it. We still use it but it won’t be used, system wise. Forgotten like glyphs are