Whatever Happened To The Heart of Azeroth?

Another item collecting dust. All these items make good dust collectors. Now does anyone want to buy dust?


Buys the dust and sculpts it all into giant dust bunnies


you would have to pay me to take that dust collector lol

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It hasn’t. We literally still use it. Go to the heart of azeroth, to get there we use the medellion. The thing still holds power, we just don’t use it in game

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me like it :heart_eyes:


Once we combine the Heart of Azeroth with our Artifact Weapons and Legendary Gear, we can final release “Captain Azeroth.”


I can’t use a thing I don’t have, though.

Lore wise, you do. Don’t worry about it.

Except, I don’t.

This character (and most of my others) never stepped foot into WoD. They don’t have the gear, the quests completed, etc.

One of mine has, cause I went back for the backpack
 but that’s 1 character out of 20+.

That’s the problem with binning expansions and never reusing them for content or carrying things forward: you can’t use the old stuff nearly as much without retreading old ground to bring players who weren’t there for it up to speed.

Don’t worry about it, lore wise, you do. You don’t have the quest achivements, lore wise, still happened and you did it.

You’re missing the point.

The game can’t assume I did it, because if it does when it goes to explain whatever, I’ll be immediately dropped from whatever story their trying to tell. That’s why when Xalatath came back into the forefront, they had to reintroduce her to the tens-of-thousands of players who never did the Spriest quest in Legion, or any of the N’Zoth chain. Yes, those may have happened - but they weren’t really mentioned all that much.

So if I do, ‘lorewise’ have the Heart of Azeroth - then the game will have to reintroduce me to the item and its importance. There will have to be cutscenes or texts showing me being given the necklace and explained why it matters. Or
 they can just do what they’re already doing, and use the Earthen as the vehicle to do the same thing.

They just expect those that know know and those that don’t just have a pretty cool medellion they whip out when they go to the heart of azeroth. But the quest literally says you use the heart of azeroth to get into the heart of azeroth. During the harbinger prequest and after.

I just went and did The War Within, Poor Reception, and Azeroth’s Voice now.

The “Heart of Azeroth” was not mentioned once. It was not depicted. No mention of it being required to enter the Chamber of the Heart. No mention of it being needed to activate the consoles. No bringing it up when Magni does his “I’m talking to Azeroth” bit.

I even rewatched the “Events So Far” cutscene, and it wasn’t depicted or mentioned there, either. (btw that cutscene was so weird, when the hyper-real bit of Thrall shows up right in the middle of the more current in-game model rendering)

Fun fact that I didn’t remember, is that Locus-Walker telling Alleria that this is the precursor to the Void Lord Dimensius manifesting to consume a planet, which means that’s most likely Xal’atath’s ultimate goal.

It was in text quest lines, not spoken.

No, it isn’t:

You can read the exact quest text there, right in WoWhead. It is not mentioned.

Yeah, and doing said quest, guess what gets pulled out to go into the chamber? The heart of Azeroth.

edit: literally went back to the chamber, you pull out the heart of azeroth to get into it. Or the vault of memory.

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I click on the Titan Teleporter and I go in. I do not pull out a medallion of any sort. You might be, because your character may have done it. Mine has not. It is just me standing there until the “use” cast is done.

I literally never did any quest on my Kul’tiran that did any sort of heart of azeroth thing. Guess your character is just broken

edit: Ill try on my earthen now.

Are you doing the War Within Quest? Or just entering the hatch?

Because the War Within is a different version of the area (marked by the ‘glowy song of Radiance’ effect). Once you complete the chain, the quest is likely the default BfA version.

No quest, just entering the vault of memories where the machine warden is. You pull out the heart of azeroth to enter that area as well.

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