Whatever happened to slow and steady dungeons?

If you don’t like mythic plus then just don’t do it.

Also, just to ask, and I know it’s said before:

Why can’t you and your like minded folks just do normal M+ and disregard the timer, and take your time and chat to your heart’s content?


you still have to create the group? you have to manually invite players and they have to click “accept” after applying

just because you aren’t spamming in a chat channel doesn’t mean you aren’t forming a group for yourself what are you even saying

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Actually, the epitome of social interaction is spamming LFG in trade chat. That is what made Classic great, and BfA bad.

maybe classic wow is more your pace

nah instead you do it in /lookingforgroup, which is functionally a world chat, you dont even need to be in a city you can just be doing whatever and decide “i want to do dire maul” but thats if you even need it, which after a few quest runs and some gear clears nobody ever does anyway

Ugh I give up. People are so defensive.

Makes one separate end game suggestion on mythic dungeons for those not in love with timer systems but love to do dungeons with like-minded players

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I’m not being defensive. All I am saying is that if you do not like that part of end game, you do not have to partake in it. there are plenty of players who do not do M+, Raiding, PvP, Pet battles, Mount farming, or any other type of gameplay that they just do not like.

You pre-emptively claiming everyone else is “so defensive” is telling on your self you know.

No one else here has had to engage in the pearl-clutching, just you.

As people have said, the change you want is something that’s already in game. Setup a group and call it “slower paced m+8, not making timer, want more immersive experience” and see how many bites you get. If people join, you’re vindicated and you have your group for all the immersion you could ever want, if no one signs up you’ll have your answer why we’re saying this isn’t something people want now.

I’m lucky to have friends and a guild with similar mindsets. That extended to a larger pool of people over LFD so more solo players can find more players catered to their way of playing would be great. But you don’t ever see a ‘+10 slow, steady, relaxed, don’t worry about the clock’

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You know, just out of curiosity, I checked the profiles of the people who agreed with OP.

Guess how many had done the “difficult” non-M+ dungeon content that currently exists in WoW? One.

People like to complain about M+ timer and whatnot, but they don’t actually have any interest in doing difficult content if it isn’t perfectly convenient.


(You do see lots of +10s and +15s that are just labelled “completion,” however.)

They still exist, it’s just that now you out gear them in a very short period.

Back in the earlier expansions, dungeons were tough because there wasn’t a lot of good gear to be had outside of dungeons. Now, world bosses, emissaries, dailies, etc… all of them can award you gear that is as good or better. Dungeons were central to the game because you really didn’t have many other options for getting good gear.

The big thing though is… for a decent chunk of the player base, that content just isn’t hard any longer. Even when cc’ing was the norm, you could still plenty of that content with the right setup and not have to CC everything. Pulls these days are far more complex then even old raid bosses.

That said, dungeons have a much longer shelf life now. In wrath, by the we were clearing Nax, most of the dungeons were pointless outside of frozen orbs and a few other things.

Honestly, what you want isn’t bad by any means, but the game has just moved away from that.


It started in WotLK with timed achievement in heroics. It was fun back then because it was a real push just for fun.

Dungeons were never “slow and steady”, even in past expansions people speedran them when they overgeared it. No reason to pull 1 pack at a time when you can pull more.

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Actually I’ve found the attitude most prevalent in people who do above +15 - people with IO ratings of 2000-2500.

Don’t get me wrong - I’m not criticizing the attitude. That’s the correct attitude to take when there is a timer. When there’s a timer, your DPS output is absolutely the most important aspect of your play, so it’s correct play to prioritize DPS over doing all the mechanics properly or being careful about your movement.

You only lose 5 seconds for a death, but a 10% hit on DPS for one person is a minute off the timer: it’s better to be play sloppily and die 10 times, as long as you keep your DPS up. You only lose maybe a minute for a wipe, but lose 10% of the party DPS and that’s 3-4 minutes off the timer: better to play sloppily and wipe 3 times.

Do DPS think they’re doing mechanics because they do some of the mechanics and don’t notice the deaths? Sure. Are they actually playing carefully enough to avoid all wipes and deaths? No, because if they played carefully, they’d miss the timer.

That’s what’s wrong with the M+ system. It’s not a problem with the players; it’s a problem with the system.

So I just logged in and I’m at 2481 on IO, so…still calling BS. And that is with a very “non-meta” spec for the record (boomie).

Um, so two problems with this.

At high keys, many mechanics that are avoidable are fatal without cooldowns, and often you want to prioritize defensive cooldowns for unavoidable spikes in damage, depending on affixes in particular. So no, you won’t be avoiding them for a tiny boost in dps.

Second, your DPS goes to zero if you die, so forsaking mechanics that could possibly kill your or drop you low enough you are putting undue stress on your healer is not efficient.

Uh, what? First off, if you die it’s not just a “5 seconds” it’s what ever extra time it will take to finish off the mobs, then 3-4 seconds rezzing you assuming you don’t instead release and run which depending on the dungeon could be a 10-30 second runback. If we’re on a boss, there is no release option and we are limited to a very small amount of battle rezzes. A wipe costs significantly more time than a minute on a boss in particular because you not only have to all release and run back or have one person release, run back, then start casting rezzes, but you have likely lost dps cooldowns meaning the boss will take longer to kill. 3 wipes at 17+ is almost a guaranteed timer fail.

Again, you’re just throwing stereotypes at me, dps prioritize avoiding unnecessary damage while maintaining high dps. If you’re doing +17 and higher keys you should know how to do both. That would include interrupts, hard and soft CC’s as needed, dodging aoe, dispelling, and prioritizing kill targets. Your misconceptions about what mythic+ is are seriously flawed.


The guy who doesn’t do M+ doesn’t understand how it works. I’m shocked, shocked I say!

…Well not that shocked.


Actually, they do if you look enough. Sometimes it will say “for completion”. I think you just don’t like the rushed speed more than disliking the lack of socialization.

I think people need to accept their limitations. I’ll never run a mythic raid. Could I? Yes. Would I be happy doing it? No.

And if you have guild mates or friends who run higher keys? Why not just set up a group with the intention of not making the timer? I’ve burned plenty of keys for friends because they meant more to me than the key.

TBC and early Cata were the best times for dungeons.