Just because there’s a feature in place to make getting a group together easier across multiple servers doesn’t change that you need to get the group together.
And Alyrha is correct, this idea that pugs in Vanilla and BC were suddenly these overwhelming bursts of player interaction is rose-tinted glasses at their finest.
Hell vanilla and BC pugging I remember being even MORE unfriendly unless you had someone in the group who could vouch for you.
Group finder has players across the game who just click ‘accept’. The only reason to even talk in pugs when you see a mage from Kel’Thuzad Radi. io check a +2.
I feel the need once again to say. That’s YOU. And that’s ok. Please understand this, ok? I am not advocating for a change to the current m+ system. If you prefer it for whatever reason, YAY. My suggestion is to anyone else (gasp, there’s people who like different things!) to enjoy endgame content in their own ways too.
You are acting as if this is fundamentally different from the way groups are formed in classic. But you aren’t explaining how, aside from a concise interface rather than posting in trade chat, it’s actually different.
People don’t talk in Classic pugs. And you don’t ask extensive questions. You go “LF DPS BRD”, someone whispers you “me” or “x”, and then you hit “invite,” and they click “accept.”
And you’re basing this on what exactly? Your own anecdotal evidence and nothing more.
The bottom line is there is already an option to take mythic dungeons slow if you so choose, you can ignore the timer, and cc to your heart’s content and pull slowly as you wish. I would wager the fact that people have no desire to do this tells me that they are more interested in finishing the dungeon efficiently rather than taking needless time for whatever apparently “extra enjoyment” you’re claiming happens.
Also you can stop with the pearl-clutching. I was nothing but respectful in my post, I didn’t insult you personally in any way, I pointed out the discrepancies in your logic and nothing else. You acting like a snowflake doesn’t change that.
Yes, even in the fabled vanilla pugs were not chatty kathy all the time unless you were discussing a boss, or waiting for someone to come back from AFK.
Blizzard tried slow and controlled dungeons with lots of CC in Cataclysm. The player base revolted, heroic dungeons got nerfed, and eventually we ended up where we are now with CC mostly being about controlling mobs placement and stopping them from casting, instead of “sheep Moon.”
Access to information was vastly different compared to fifteen years ago. Not to mention that Classic is filled with the same neckbeards that have been playing WoW for fifteen years.