Whatever happened to slow and steady dungeons?

And yet it’s too difficult for most of today’s M+ players.

I agree, leave the timer for MDI competitions. With the Mythic Plus loot nerf now in effect for shadowlands, why is there still a timer for casual play?

None of today’s M+ players at the levels you’re discussing would have a hard time pulling mobs away from a sheep.

If they’re like I was in TBC : they break the sheep/sap on purpose, because there’s no reason to not get cleave damage on the mob. We’re all good enough with stuns and interrupts to keep things controlled without needing a full 60 second CC.

Cool but you’re still wrong.

I understood fine, my intent with that specific sentence was a broader point about this person’s lack of experience. Not in a judgemental way but to suggest that the issue they are having would likely go away on it’s own after they acquired more experience with the game in general. I’m not sure if increasing your general comfort with playing a certain role would really interfere with your comfort level in specific instanced content.

Mainly,because time changes everything and the younger generation is built on fast and furious than slow and steady pacing. Wish they keep sunken temple the way it used to be.

It is considering they rather down the mob with it because it’s faster for the timer.

If we get Classic TBC it wont be the same as back there, maybe if you did heroic dungeon on full greens you would need to cc, but just with a bit of gear you can go back to aoe everything down.

Players are just better, there hasnt been a need to hard cc for a long time.

I was doing Heroic TBC dungeons using 5 piece T2 Judgment, for the 5pc +Spell power bonus, because anything more “tanky” as far as gear went, I couldn’t take enough damage for Spiritual Attunment to refund me enough mana to keep going.

TBC Heroics were not that hard.

Spoken like someone who healed in Cata. Blizz massivelvy changed healing trying to stop the gogogo mentality, but the others archtypes never got the message. So when the invariably died, a lot of shade got thrown at the healer…

I cant count the times in a dungeon I had to say " You do know they changed healing so I cant just keep you all up with chain heal when you skip mechanics?"

Cata dungeons were similar to current mythic dungeons, you could still chain pull, if people knew what needed to be interrupted or stun.

It was just that coming from Wrath dungeons, people were not expecting to actually do mechanics on each trash pull.

I’ve done dungeons with today’s younger generation. They hate the fast and furious approach just as much as any other new players, because it’s difficult for them to get a grasp on what’s going on so it’s difficult for them to learn how to play.

I’ve watched them play phone games, too. The phone games they play are typically not twitch games; in fact, many are scrollers that are the epitome of slow and steady. Then there are the applications that let them spend unlimited time exercising their creativity.

Maybe fast and furious was right for Millenials when they were young, but it doesn’t work for most of today’s young people.

The first few months of cataclysm was the worst… NGL…

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Like I said, most had not even heard about healing changes and most had no clue what to CC or stun. People still cant do the magic resist triangle in Tol’Vir.

Many of our DPS that had completed LK in 10 and 25 man routinely died in Heroics. They could handle the Cata raids but always died in the dungeons.

hmm, then what created this mentality of this fast approach in a dungeon?

The 45 minute Baron run back in Vanilla.

It’s funny you guys try to pretend speed running dungeons hasn’t been a thing in this game since day 1.

It sounds to me that different people like different styles of gameplay no matter their age and is silly to make blank statements like “x” generation loves/hate m+ with no actual data to back it up.

people paid 15 dollars for that token to buy the carry from /2 so you better hurry up and get them to 120, then hurry up and get them full 470 gear.

The blind can see what caused this, but no one will admit it because that would mean they’d have to play the game again.

I agree,maybe it just that different style of play for different people.

I think it was a gradual process of nerfing content so that it could be speed run efficiently.