Whatever happened to slow and steady dungeons?

That 470 gear has no guarantee even if you have bought 10 wow tokens and it’s a gamble I’m not paying for.

hmm,if i did tw ,which, i love back then,it would be a slow steady pace through a dungeon which is nice.But with the gear a of now I doubt i would ,I would rather had my old set gear before it was nerfed to hell.

It’s totally fine! I appreciate it. I share the account with my brother with autism who loves doing dungeons, so I’ll make sure to let him know you said so.

Thanks, you do that. Keep enjoying that dungeon content that you don’t do.

Low-Effort Troll.

Gotta go fast!

I was so hype about mythic dungeons when they first appeared in WoD. Not only was it a chance to put on my rosy tinted spectacles and bathe in the soft waters of nostalgia once again, but it rebuilt the bridge between the casual and hardcore playerbase (that had been burnt to the ground by LFG). The gear was too low to be useful for the truly hardcore, whilst the solo playerbase stuck with LFD.

In the middle was this narrow strip of players who loved to run dungeons, wanted a challenge, but didnt want to raid (or were actively declined from raids through LFG).

I guess we were too niche a playerbase which is no doubt why they smooshed together mythic dungeons and challenge dungeons into the current mythic game. Pity.