Nah. Tanks could pretty easily keep getting groups for the same key and the same level of they’re pugging.
Not to mention, if you’ve worked your way up, you should have learned all the mechanics and just need to work on the pacing
Nah. Tanks could pretty easily keep getting groups for the same key and the same level of they’re pugging.
Not to mention, if you’ve worked your way up, you should have learned all the mechanics and just need to work on the pacing
Conversely, it could mean people want to be able to do more of it in the time they have to play. Why do 1 run when you can do 2 or 3?
M0 gives your alts good enough gear that nothing out in the world is really a danger besides world bosses and good enough to go into normal raid. Not too shabby.
Good thing for you there’s 3 untimed difficulty levels and even in the timed one you can complete it and get loot + a cache.
I see you’ve never actually tried focusing on one dungeon at a time. For example, right now there are only three Shrine groups available: +6, +10, and +16. If I want to practice on +2, +3, +4, +5, +7, +8, +9, +11, +12, +13, +14, or +15, I’m out of luck. Even at peak times, half the levels won’t be available.
That’s ignoring the fact that if the key is difficult enough that the tank needs practice on it, someone will drop the group 90% of the time and you’ll only practice the first few pulls.
M0 gives your alts good enough gear that nothing out in the world is really a danger besides world bosses and good enough to go into normal raid. Not too shabby.
You couldn’t be more wrong. The only dangerous things out in the world are enemy faction players, and gear up to maximum gear level helps to mitigate that danger.
Nobody does mythic+ that way. Only at the 4, 7, and 10 level mark are new mechanical changes a thing…10 being the biggest simply because the seasonal affix literally changes every dungeon to how it is pulled and done thanks to ob skips/strats.
Nobody does mythic+ that way.
That’s exactly the point the bear druid and I are making. Mythic+ doesn’t permit learning one dungeon at a time that way, so nobody does it that way. As a result, people like her and I give up on tanking M+, resulting in a tank shortage.
There is a reason Classic WoW is nothing like the expansions.
Ironically, everyone became “pro” at WoW during TBC after they nerfed everything and dumbed down classes.
Matter of fact, they spent a lot of time “dumbing down” WoW during Classic because it was “too difficult” for people to understand their class.
Think about it:
They had to dumb down WoW, which at the time, was one of the EASIEST most casual MMO compared to its competition .
Now everyone thinks they are dungeon master pro, DPS pulling everything and blaming everyone else, tank is either a tyrant or getting bullied by trash talking DPS players, guilds break up, transfer and disband after wiping in a raid.
Retail WoW isn’t even an RPG.
It’s on the same level as one of those phone games.
If I want to practice on +2, +3, +4, +5, +7, +8, +9, +11, +12, +13, +14, or +15, I’m out of luck.
Post a group as tank LFG KR 6 your key and you might get some bites.
I’ll concede that not everything is immediately available, though I don’t really see anything wrong with that.
I’d personally make it so that if you had a key you could choose any lower level of that dungeon instead, but even that wouldn’t work for what you want. I think the only way your system would work is if only the first one dropped any loot.
Slow dungeons like Blackrock and Sunken Temple in swamp of sorrows, and Dire Maul were the best in dungeon design. Why they butchered them I don’t know.
You couldn’t be more wrong.
I’m not wrong, I just meant PVE wise. You can eliminate the PVP issue by turning WM off if you’re undergeared.
That isn’t true though. The key thing is to actually understand what each and every mob does and what every affix does. Then it just just becomes as easy as applying that knowledge on a week by week basis.
For example, in Underrot on the trash on the 2nd boss, most people panic and try and always deal with the flowers first because they can stun someone for 30 seconds or until healed a crapton…but it’s a disease effect that a lot of classes can dispel or otherwise deal with and the real danger is actually the fixating bats on a squishy or the maggots that do a stream of spit that even on non fortified weeks can kill someone in 2ish seconds. You are far better off zerging down maggots or using knockbacks on them and saving any stuns for bats to buy you time while interrupting the lashers as a last priority especially if your group has 2+ means to handle a disease or stun should one get off.
There also is no tank shortage. There is a PUG tank shortage but in reality there is a tanking glut at every other level.
I think the only way your system would work is if only the first one dropped any loot.
With the expanded cache system, I think it could work if the key specified a level but you could use it in any dungeon. Require the dungeons qualifying for additional choices in the cache to be different dungeons, and there would still be an incentive to run more than the easiest dungeon.
You would still be able to endlessly farm 1 dungeon for a specific piece at the highest level though, which is pretty unbalanced. Even at 3 levels below heroic raid level.
Beating the timer is rewarded and thus has turned the system into a race against the clock mentality
Different mindsets from WoWs creation and now. Smartphones were in their infancy and social media was new (MySpace). Now a whole generation has grown with these things.
Now it seems players want this M+ system. By design it is adrenaline fueled, fast paced with a dopamine rush reward at the end. In itself it fosters that elite type i.o. rating thing. If you’re not onboard, then too bad for you.
The old Sunken Temple was to me the very best in dungeon design. Old talent trees were the best in character design. And old glyphs were great too.
I’m old…
I’m not a fan of timers either, but as opposed to some, I would say they should remain for those who enjoy that. I would like to see timers in Mythics as a option, rather then a built in feature, but that’s just my personal wish.
With the expanded cache system, I think it could work if the key specified a level but you could use it in any dungeon. Require the dungeons qualifying for additional choices in the cache to be different dungeons, and there would still be an incentive to run more than the easiest dungeon.
You would still be able to endlessly farm 1 dungeon for a specific piece at the highest level though, which is pretty unbalanced. Even at 3 levels below heroic raid level.
I don’t think being able to endlessly farm gear 16 ilvl below what you get in the cache is a big deal.
You can easily speed through classic dungeons just as easily you can take your time in retail.
Um, the dungeon pace is set by the party.
First of all, which is it? Can I can choose to take my time, or does my party sets the pace? It can’t be both. Either I set the pace or they set the pace. The truth is, the party sets the pace. Therefore, I cannot choose to take my time. That’s the nature of group content. I have to be considerate of others, and that means keeping up.
Second of all, this is factually incorrect. The gameplay of classic encourages people to slow down a bit and so they do so. Things like mana being scarcer, and more punishing trash mobs. People sometimes even stop to wait without being asked because they see someone’s OOM. It’s great. I don’t even have to worry about it. The pace the gameplay sets naturally just works for me.
Retail has no mechanics encouraging you to slow down, for the most part. Why shouldn’t the healer pull mobs? The game isn’t going to get them killed for it. Nothing’s going to happen. Why not just pull as much as you can as fast as you can? Why wait? Why rest? There’s no reason to. The natural pace of the gameplay is faster.
Hey no problem, thanks for enjoying the dungeon content while claiming to not do the dungeon content!
Second of all, this is factually incorrect.
Rofl, no its not. If people in classic can clear an entire raid within an hour of the thing opening, do you honestly think it’s going to take a long time to clear a dungeon?
I’ve already run pug Classic dungeons. They’re fun, and the pacing is a bit slower due to things I mentioned before like having to stop and drink. I’ve literally compared Retail and Classic side by side and figured out what exactly it is that makes me hate retail dungeons.
Don’t presume to know better than me about my own gameplay experience. :u
Except for the fact that the whole element of positioning is removed, so in fact it’s easier.
Dude, pulling back mobs out of the area of sheeped targets is child’s play.