Whatever happened to Heritage armor?

Forgotten, but a few races indirectly got heritage armor through Warfronts.

I’m sure we will have the rest of the sets soon, $30 per set in the cash shop, compliments of Bobby.

I just earned mine yesterday, and the heritage quest-line itself was a lot cooler and a little more involved than I expected, with the voiced dialogue, the mini Sunwell Plateau instance (with a small but notable visual upgrade compared to the regular SP I farmed very recently for this mog set I’m wearing lol), and particularly the animated Sylvanas backstory – so I’m not surprised they’re slow to work on these, assuming the others available are of similar quality. The animatics alone are expensive work for relatively niche, optional content. I do hope the other races get theirs sooner than later, but I also hope they get the same love belves did.

All that being said, I’m a very new player, and I think it’s been a couple years since the last addition? Which is definitely a very long time to wait lol. Especially seeing how many core races are still missing out.

Heritage armor seems to look good on some classes and inappropriate for others. What looks great on a mage looks weird on a rogue.

Agreed. Even with the class-reliant robe/pant looks they offer belves, my boy still looked a little too heavily armored for my tastes lol. I changed the mog out after a night.


Any goblin heritage armor that didn’t include slinky party dresses, the native garb of female goblins, was inauthentic.

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Maybe till the final race get heritage - the first races armors would look - out of date .

For some of the races who don’t have Heritage sets yet, they used the no-longer-obtainable Elite PvP sets from BfA for several images. True for Humans, Night Elves, and Undead.

For the main icon for Tauren, they didn’t even use the Tauren heritage set for some reason.

Personally, the only set in game that looks any good on a Vulpera is the heritage armor. Every other helmet looks waaaaaaay too large.

i tried to replay with “bahahaha”, but the forum gave me an error “body seems unclear, try to explain more”.

It’s actually pretty easy to get, you have to try earlier on in the week when it resets. It is still possible towards the end of the week. I would suggest getting into a normal warfront, then messaging the players in there and asking if they’re down, then form a group after the warfront.

The tophat is sick!

more like ignored.

those don’t count, they mog on all races. also if you unlock 1/4 you unlock 2/4 of the warfront sets (just on the other faction).


“slow” is an understatement. they didn’t finish them before shadowlands came out, then they claimed they would release them every .5 patch… but they didn’t do that either.
This isn’t some depressed indie developer.

The Undead Royal Guard armor would be just fine

Give Draenei/Troll heritage armor. I’m not asking :japanese_goblin:

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The weird thing is that they did NOT get it; my assumption was that Gnomes got it because Mechagnomes were getting it.

So I thought it was weird that Lightforged were getting it but not regular Draenei (as well as the other ones that had a similar race getting it.)

Yeah I mean it would be easy to make night elf heritage armor anyway. Just take some ugly Druid tier and wrap vines all around it like turn that shizz into a poison ivy trap. Bam night elf armor. As for forsaken, war front armor with more skulls.

Sometimes though you regret the idea of heritage armor. Look at the trash they put on dark irons and goblins.

Both of these armors fit perfectly.
I would rather worry more about the Pandaren one. A cringe-worthy blue and red suit.

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My dark iron mage running around in dragon age one dwarf plate looks cheesy and awful.

Some races have so much more attention to detail given to their heritage armor than others. Blood elves can. Go dress or pants. I’d love it if my DI had a plate dress option since he’s a mage and mages wear robes. But alas he does not

Blizz seemed to cancel it in the hope we would forget.

What Nightborne NPCs have: Revealing armor for the tattoos
What the dev team gave for Nightborne heritage: A multilayered unisex prom dress. NB players were hoping for the revealing NPC armors.

I have been wanting the druid/archer armor ever since seeing it in the BfA beta. Instead, the dev team gave us some NElf-looking battle gear for different proficiencies usable by all races. I wound up making my own NElf heritage-like set that players thought was the real thing.

Yea well thats not the type of thing I want to wait half a decade for.

ok dude ok dude if u type so

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