Whatever happened to Heritage armor?

something similar to warcraft and the wow classic intro cinematic. lit


Still waiting for Darkspear Trolls. As fun as BfA Zandalari armor was, the whole point of the Darkspear is that they aren’t part of the Zandalari, or any troll empire. They’re unique, and need armor that depicts that from, i don’t know… sometime less than over a decade ago.


Whatever happened to predictability?
The milkman, the paperboy, the evening tv?
How did I get delivered here? Somebody tell me please
Cause this old world is just really confusing me

Clouds as mean as you’ve ever seen
Ain’t a bird that knows your tune
Then a little voice inside of you whispers
“Kid, don’t sell your dreams so soon!”

Everywhere you look, everywhere you go
There’s a heart (there’s a heart), a hand to hold onto
Everywhere you look, everywhere you go
There’s a face (there’s a face) of somebody who needs you


Well many posters claim that at least four races got theirs by default with the warfront gear.:unamused::expressionless: So apparently that leaves us with trolls, Draenei and pandaren…

In all reality, blizz probably canned the artist putting the sets together. Or it got sacrificed for putting together the tier sets.

Those races have no heritage. :laughing:

I hope the rest of the races get their heritage armor soon.

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the strange thing though is that by the time the new heritage armor will come out, the old ones will look horrible in comparision (looking at you already worgen heritage armor)

every expacs brings a higher quality of armor, some of them will have 3-4 expacs worth of higher resolution (first heritage armors are from legion, already 2 expacs old).

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What ever happened to Pandaren heritage armor?

Too much work, and apparently they had to spin a few years worth of cube crawls.

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it’s ok, the concept of heritage armor confused me at first too.

This post hits so much harder a month later… :cry:

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Oh I’m sure their coming up with a way to bring it back via Cash Shop. Something to line Kotick’s pockets with before he resigns.

…Too Soon?

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Players don’t actually want this, though. The devs are spending time on things players do want.

OP posted this 6 months ago and still no word on heritage armour.


Budget cuts or something.

Also RIP Warfronts, you had so much potential. They just had to go and only release them as the lowest possible form of content that hardly anyways actually enjoys (LFR).


It’s obvious that human heritage armor would have basically been the Ararthi warfront gear. Same with Dark Shore and nelves. My guess is at some point during BfA, blizz realised they needed something for warfronts so they rolled those 2 races heritage mog into warfronts. RIP anyone who didn’t play BfA. Trying to get the 10 needed for a heroic warfront now is harder than soloing mythic Sylvanas.

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When will we see more Heritage Armor?

  • They’re definitely coming and are excited to share them with the community.

Sure, Blizzconline before 9.1 Feb 2021, patch 9.1, 9.1.5, 9.2 and there’s not a sign about Heritage Armor, when the community asked for this even during Q&As…

Well, it’s possible the new updated race pages are showing the heritage armor for each race given any race that has theirs already is shown in that armor. Guess we’ll have to wait and see, pretty underwhelming if so. Then again, they did botch the Worgen one.

I’m still so surprised Gnomes were one of the first!

I wore it some, but found it kind of “blah” for a DK.
I was very surprised to see my level 40 alt Gnome Warlock can wear it, just because I got it on this character.

So it is cooler on your alt, since their low level mog choices are more limited.

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Forgotten. :confused:

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