Was this just completely abandoned? Don’t half the races not have this yet?
just like most things that the players actually want… the devs forgot about it…
They had said they will add them over time. They were never quite specific on the time frame though. I expect maybe we will get at least by the end of this expansion.
they said they would add them over time as stated but did not exactly state when that time is. i mean honestly for how long we are waiting it better be good.
my guess is by the end of SL or they will release it in the next expac at the start as a “teaser” to probably get more subs in also kinda like a filler for like 'cool" things we could of gotten prior but they waited out on to just post it as another “feature” in the next expac.
They plan to add heritage armors in .5 patches as “side projects” when they get time. They put main priorities at the top and heritage armor is at the very bottom.
I really hope draenei are next because they’re one of my most played race. But honestly all heritage armor look really good. (i nearly rolled gnome just to have that cool engineer suit) So whoever get theirs next, i’ll be happy.
Draenei already got their armor thought? Its basically the draenor plate armor lol. Can’t get more “draenei themed” then that. Same way forsaken got their armor via warfront and night elves too.
I still want all of the different colorations of Void Elf and Lightforged armor. If Mag’har get three sets, then the others should get their colorations, too!
And the weapons!
Those weren’t heritage sets. Anyone can use those.
Can’t have your designers making Maw doodads if they’re wasted on Heritage Armour sets.
You missed the point. The themes of those 3 armors were the core of night elves/draenei/forsaken. They can’t design a more heritage armor theme unless they took a lordaeron armor theme.
Heritage armor are for a specific race only and come with a quest to understand that race a little more. Warfront armor are basically just generic faction armor, in those case, stormwind/night elf/forsaken/horde and have no exclusivity beside the classic alliance/horde divide.
I didn’t miss the point. They’re still not heritage sets. You said Draenei, Forsaken and Night Elves got their armor. They didn’t. There was no questline, no rep requirement, no sets specifically for those races.
Just because there was a theme to them doesn’t make them heritage sets.
They absolutely can.
You seem to be the one missing the point… Heritage Armors are meant to be unique to the race they are for as well as encompassing the core of the race’s heritage. You’re argument can be applied to various armor sets from each expansion for nearly every race in the game…
You overanalyzed my post and took it too literally. Their “race designs” exist on existing armors so creating something different that still represents them is tough. Draenor plate set is 100% draenei themed. Horde wf set is 100% forsaken themed. Alliance wf set is 100% night elf themed(hence night elves taking back darkshore).
There’s nothing to “overanalyze.” You literally said:
And they didn’t get their armor. They got sets that are themed, but any race can use.
It’s not. There’s a lot they can do with Heritage armor for them. Sorry you’re not that creative.
I’d bet we have some coming in 9.1.5. Night Elves are getting their leader back, and Forsaken are getting whatever happens to Sylvanas, so both races are due for some exploration of what their place in the world is now. That’s ripe fodder for a heritage armor questline.
I like!
Works for me!