If they bring the token in, I’m out. I’m not a myth and I’m not lying. I will not play anymore if they introduce the token, it’s a red line I won’t cross.
what’s a myth?
I made a statement on why I don’t enjoy retail, and as an extension is why I wouldn’t play Wrath outside of enjoying the zones.
There’s no myth about it.
Yes, in fact you couldn’t really read anything else than people complaining about many different reasons for grounding people. It’s actually one of the biggest player generated complaints in WoW’s history.
This wasn’t a complaint, this was a solution deployed by many other games successfully to deal with a problem. And this was not only a successful solution for those games, it was a good reason why they continued to be successful as a game.
The anti-flying crowd screeched very loudly for a very long time.
This is actually completely on the players here. The only blame you can place on Blizzard is the fact they listen to the players.
You don’t know how inflation works do you?
Yeah, your bundle of herbs might sell for 100g, but that 100g has WAY less purchasing power than say… 20g might in a game without a token.
Blizzard deserve better customers than you.
Please begone.
I mean, Blizzard is thinking ahead for those who are very casuals and need gold.
And Blizzard acknowledges that the best market for them to sell the wow token IS classic TBC whereas gold sellers will try to make their market.
Better blizzard take over and shut down illegal gold selling, which actually hurts the game.
casual players trying to buy their epic mount fly isn’t going to destroy the economy, but Mr. OP who knows nothing thinks otherwise.
Do we even have any sort of confirmation that they’re coming?
nope, but like most of the other things that were datamined that end up happening, we’re trying to get out in front of it
Hard yikes.
Guess I’m going back to retail if this happens. Bummer.
WoW token was in the Classic version of the game, just only the Chinese version, this is may be all this is.
I want you to think about this for a moment.
i’m not going to go into the complexities of inflation and purchasing power as lets face it, 99% of that is not relevant in a world where you can murder things for money and nobody needs to eat or sleep to survive.
in a rudimentary sense however, the economies in WoW are forever “inflating” as there is infinite unrealized currency and very little costs that one is forced to take part in that take currency out of circulation. these costs are commonly known as “gold sinks” and are a bandaid fix at best
you mention purchasing power, well okay, In world of warcraft there are two different markets a player can engage in (3 technically if we are to count P2P selling). A play can buy from a vendor, and a player can buy from the auction house (or among their personal connections or trade networks).
lets look at the AH first. your claim is that 100g is the same as 20g in a market that is inflated by a factor of 5 (5 x 20). and that by itself is correct. we aren’t losing any purchasing power here, we just aren’t gaining any. we maintain parity. that is of course with the assumption that all goods will maintain the same market value multiplied by the factor in which currency is inflated (likely in reality there is some nuance to this)
so why then would I want an inflated server? if I simply maintain purchasing power, or possibly even slightly lose purchasing power, what’s the point?
well, if you recall there is a market in which prices are not based on market value, and are instead set to specific values. This would be the environment as it’s own market.
lets take that same bundle of herbs, the one that was selling for 20g without a token. If i want my flying training (800g) and mount (100g) in TBC, I will need to sell 45 bundles. to get my epic training (5000g) and mount (1000g) I will need to sell 300 bundles. If the token were to make my herbs worth 100g however, then for regular flying and mount I would only need to sell 9 bundles; and for epic flying and mount I would only need to sell 60 bundles.
two things change here. the AH market becomes the best way to make money (encouraging more buyers and sellers and thus more velocity in sales for items listed on the market) and your purchasing power against the environment dramatically rises. As somebody who engages with the AH to make money both of these things are a win for me.
Oh you’re going back to retail because Blizzard is about to add a feature that will kill gold sellers which actually hurts the game.
Good call.
We don’t need such players like you in TBC. Bye!
GDKP would like a word with you.
Mage farming killed classic. Yes to tbc token.
Calm down.
This already happens with gold the RMT that has existed in classic. Every single Naxx guild in classic is full of gold buyers.
The economy is already completely destroyed. Who cares?
To all that’s going to leave if the token comes:
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out
And yet this is not how it went down in retail. As the value of gold drops and the demand to sell things to make up the difference rises, the markets get flooded and pretty soon you have one of two options: spend a LOT of time (or cheat and use bots) to get massive amounts of what’s actually selling on the AH to get enough to sell for the actual value of what they used to be worth, or buy gold to get ahead in the game. This is exactly what happened in retail. You forget that bots, once aware the value of gold is not what it used to be, will do whatever it takes to obtain not gold but value. Value is the real currency. If the AH is where that value is, bots will flood the AH, alongside all the sellers who are now trying to get their hands on more gold because more of it is required for anything whose price is economy-driven and not fixed. There aren’t enough buyers to balance that out. This will be especially true in Classic because more players there are wanting to play the game rather than buy their way through it.
I’d be all for the token if it worked. But it broke retail’s economy for the average player and will do the same thing to Classic. Plus, what’s the fun of earning your way to fixed expenses like leveling and flight if you can earn it in an hour? It’s fun to earn things. Lots of Classic players feel that way. We don’t want the experience trivialized by gold bottoming out in both relative value and actual value.
This is where your argument breaks. Bots have already flooded the AH.
Gold selling is a gigantic industry in classic, that influx of gold is already happening except in the worst way possible. You are forgetting that tokens can be used to remove currency from circulation, the token costs more in gold to buy then the amount you recieved when selling, this currency is removed from the system when people use gold to buy time.
Right now we do not have a gold sink big enough to remove any significant amount, token fixes that.
As for wanting to “earn” things in game? I love spending time to earn things in game, I love big long attunements and other systems that encourage me to play the game to earn things.
I’m not a fan however of wage-slaving in game for hours to “earn” something. Farming mats to sell for hours to be able to get flying holds 0 excitement for me.
So do fresh servers. Also banning gold buyers and gold sellers would have fixed that. Banning bots/exploiters/hackers. Reworking AOE and pathing in dungeons.
Lots of “fixes” that never happened and never will. I don’t even want to hear about how the token will “fix” anything. It’s simply a cash grab for an incompetent company.