What would you rate shadowlands on a scale of 1/10? MOST PEOPLE THINK ITS POOP!

Their pride won’t allow it.

Last time I played that had bonus roll was Legion I think…?

Coming back to WoW a few months ago. Why did they even get rid of it to begin with?

BFA still got bonus rolls. Its obvious they want to make the loot harder to obtain. Like classic.

Eh like a 8/10 content and gameplay were good, grinds were better than most previous expacs.

Don’t care about lore, story, leveling or whatever other garbage people are rating it low for.

I would rate SL as 'better than WoD, but worse than every other expansion. From a strictly gameplay perspective we were shorted an actual raid tier but there was a bunch more grindy things to do vs WoD.

From a story/lore perspective SL is objectively worse than the ‘timey whimey’ that wod was simply because we got a robot pantheon, the first ones came off as a rehash of the titans (mysterious creators of everything effectively), and the dumpsterfire that was ‘no one escapes the maw’ as I literally teleport out of said zone less than 5 minutes later…

What were the other options on the scale where people chose “poop”?

2/10, about where I’d put BFA too. At start I’d said it was better than BFA, but they ran into a lot of the same problems with overbearing systems.

They then upped the ante and somehow managed do more narrative damage than an expansion that threw away 2 absolutely massive warcraft villains in a single patch each. Like the cheapening of the lore of the afterlife was bound to come with going to the Shadowlands, but did 80% of previous lore have to become all part of the Jailer’s plan?

Then we didn’t even get all the patches/content for this expansion while this all happen.

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probably a 5/10. i’d give it a 6 or 7 if the devs weren’t so hands on this expansion…the covenant in dungeons thing felt really bad too - (before loosened restrictions)

I hope they’ll be more responsive to change when something clearly isn’t working come DF :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

I’m still salty about how bad SL S1 was. I couldn’t stomach S4 because lower kara is too hard for me at any level. I played a lot of S2 and S3 and enjoyed it once they let us gear up a bit in low keys. I can’t play the way they expect you to play in 15 keys, and S4 +2 tyrannical lower kara trash does more damage than S2 and S3 fortified trash ever did at any level, so Blizz pretty much bullied me out of the game. If lower kara trash damage was in line with the other dungeons and other seasons, I might have been able to eek out a 5. Overall I give SL a 3.

Well let’s see… the game didn’t set my computer on fire and burn down my house. So that earns it a point I suppose. There were also moments however sparse and fleeting that I could say I enjoyed, so that earns it another point.



10 character limit…

Somehow I’m starting to miss BFA

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The art and music departments are always top notch, even when the expansion and content stinks. I give my compliments to them.


Hear me out - I actually liked season one… it went downhill from there though.

The gameplay of season one was great. i really liked the new dungeons and castle nathria was a great raid… the only problem was covenants and not being able to switch between them without a two week penalty making it impossible to play an offspec.

i mained vengeance as DH for tanking mythic plus but i would have also liked to pvp as havoc which would have required night fae… had i wanted to do both, I would have literally had to level a new DH to max…

Now, even if havoc pvp was viable with kyrian, we had “conduit energy” which prevented people from switching conduits too often…so at the very least, a person would be prevented from switching specs too often.

3/10 legit review

4/10 . 10 char

2/10 for first patch, 4/10 for final patach and letting us which covernant

BUMP. hopefully blizzard will TAKE NOTES from this thread!

we are tired of the POOP :poop:

try to be an actual game dev this next xpac :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Was my first expansion since returning from og wotlk.

I think I’m one of the very few who enjoyed it. But again it’s hard when there isn’t much to compare it to.

Going back to old content when nobody is doing it doesn’t give it the same feeling.

I’ve said the same things in other threads, but Shadowlands is just a 2 or 3 outta 10 for me.

Super low, considering the game is functional and works, but after BFA and everything, I needed a GOOD expansion and this was anything but.

The sheer damage to the lore in so many aspects is just unforgiveable. How can religion continue to even exist on Azeroth now that people know everything in the afterlife is robots. Ancient robots. All their previously held beliefs mean nothing, and most of the ‘infinite resting places’ are probably just poorly run hellholes if any of the four we visited are any indication of the entire system.

Story drives the reason to play. After a few weeks of raid and dungeons, once you get near item cap, and the diminishing rewards from loot starts to add up, the only thing that really keeps me playing is long-term investment in the lore. And the last few expansions have killed that entirely.

Raids are good, dungeons are good. Not enough variety in affixes, but this improves every expansion.

The world content is just, I dunno, completely dead. Waiting on rares isn’t content, dailies and WQs are old systems that have been run into the ground. Finding 100 treasure chests that have one grey item worth 10 gold isn’t content. It’s filler.

The World is so disconnected and empty in Shadowlands. Where’s the emergent gameplay? Something needs to change in the future. Zones need to have more happening in them. Random events, invasions, flying cities, anything that encourages random players to work together.

Covenant balance was awful, class balance is the worse it has been IN EXPANSIONS. Survival hunter and destruction lock sitting like 50% above the next few classes and 100% above anything below the middle of the pack. For months. Absolutely ridiculous.

Add that on with a gutted expansion in the last half as Blizzard has imploded, smushing 9.3 into 9.2, and the lackluster conclusion (if you can call it that), is insane.

This expansion has been a complete failure on everything but the staples of raiding and dungeons.

And the cracks are already there for Dragonlands too. Half-finished classes are only the start.

Overwatch 2 is about to ship in a few days. Remember the PVE mode that was the selling point of the game? Yeah, that’s not a thing anything. Not even in on launch. Scrapped into ‘story missions’ that are postponed until 2023.

This company is straight up on fire and probably irredeemable at this point. Whether it’s lack of effort, corporate soullessness, or just the entire thing fracturing at the core and the people that are left desperately trying to salvage what remains, I have no idea, but the fact we’ve had two completely crap expansions for WoW in a row, and the best compliment people have for Dragonlands is “it’s not as bad as Shadowlands!” should be all anyone needs to know.

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1/10 the way they implemented everything against players made it all terrible

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