What would you rate shadowlands on a scale of 1/10? MOST PEOPLE THINK ITS POOP!

For me personally… i give it a 3/10

it was rather garbage honestly and I for one am very happy its near its end.

EDIT: wow… it looks like a lot of people AGREE!!!


a big fat PILE OF :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop:




Maybe like 5/10 or 6/10

It wasn’t great, but at least it wasn’t the pits like wod or tbc :dracthyr_love_animated:


I think most of us are. 3/10 is pretty fair. I might bump it one 4/10 … I mean some of it was really interesting. The execution had much to be desired.


Hard to summarize the entire expansion this way, I usually chop it up into aspects but like

Overall, maaaybe a 4-5/10 range?

Had a lot of good armor/weapon appearances, some good NPCs, the story was absolutely nonsensical and contradicted itself regularly, dungeons were a mixed bag, and raids had some great bosses and some real trash ones

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  1. fact is they lied and they did nothing to even show that they cared.
    do better abusive company? its honestly not hard at all.

1 point for each fun memory I have.

Launch day.
Beating Twisting Coridoors.
Crafting my tier set after not having one in forever.


Might want to check out this existing thread:

Overall I give it an 8/10. I enjoyed the leveling and raiding the most. I disliked having the lockout with the covenants in the beginning of the expansion but making it switchable without penalty made it better (compared to say Legion where you have to grind out each class to cap to see the full story).

I hated this iteration of the command table. It’s the only one that I never maxed out. I also wish we could have picked talents separately from the convents as well.


Agreeable. The gameplay is one thing but the fact tons of lore has been destroyed is really crummy imo.

How do we go on as societies fully understanding how the afterlife functions? How does this change our understanding of life and the cosmos? Not to mention lots of major lore characters were retconned or had entire personality changes. I don’t like it.


Anyway can’t wait to play Dracthyr Evoker in live been having so much fun with Preservation Evoker on the beta :dracthyr_heart:


This was the worse expansion I have ever played. WOD wasn’t great amd BFA had issues for sure but this one. From the very start it had major problems and the devs refused to fix it.
Class design is a D.


If it released like it is in 9.2.7: 6/10.
As it actually released: 2/10

Overall: 3/10.

Unfortunately, Blizzard doesn’t get a pass for releasing 9.0 in the craptacular state it was and spending 3/4ths the expansions lifecycle fixing their own stupidity. Also the 1-2 punch of BFA/SL was the deathknell for decades of WoW Lore for me. It’s so bad now, I don’t even care.


My scores are more subjective because what makes or breaks an expansion for me is how well I make friends in that expansion. But I agree with 3.

I didn’t like the flying between zones.
I didn’t like the jailor.
I didn’t like the MSQ style. Don’t copy this from FFXIV. And I know it’s coming again in DF.
I don’t like abandoned systems or covenants.

I did like Torghast. All of it. I found it very fun.
I did like the Maw. Even before we could ride in it. Difficult content is not bad content. Don’t listen to the haters.
I did like the dungeons.

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It wasn’t the challenge that got me.

I hated the Maw because it took too long to get anywhere (before mounts) and the zone just made me feel miserable to spend time in - everything from its art direction, music direction, its overpopulation of trash enemies and the half-baked Dark Souls mechanic all just made the zone feel unwelcoming…

… and I get it, it’s literal WoW Hell. The team obviously accomplished their mission… a little too well. They made it so hell-like that it felt like hell to be in, so I just didn’t bother with it and accepted I’d always be behind those who grinded it out.

ZM was a big, welcome course correction from how crappy the Maw and Korthia (to a lesser extent) were.

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yeah its honestly crazy how many threads ive seen asking for a gear system change over the past 2 years.

lol it took them TWO YEARS to change it.



we got a lot of good customizations and mounts this xpac

The mogs will be looked fondly upon, the mounts are good… character customization additions were also good.

While the story was bad… the things that are “permanent” are Legion level improvements imo

art 10/10
music 8/10
story 4/10
raid bosses 8/10
leveling alts 1/10
mounts 6/10
battle pets 5/10
crafting 1/10
dailies 1/10
the grind 1/10

Over all, for me, this is the lowest tier of expansion, same as BFA, and Cata.

My list looks something like this.
Best, to worst.

Wrath of the Lich King
Burning Crusade
Warlords of Draenor
Battle for Azeroth


Probably 9/10, I don’t really play the game too seriously but I just like my friends and spending time with them. The game still let me do that so we’re good. M+ was fun especially halls of atonement. 9/10 instead of 10 because voice chat was down too often this xpac, always at inconvenient times. And sometimes I get disconnected, which is annoying because then everyone has to wait for me to get back in and do this stupid authenticator code.

3/10. story matters a lot to me. it was horrendous.



shadowlands was poop :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop:

please do better next time!!!