What would you rate shadowlands on a scale of 1/10? MOST PEOPLE THINK ITS POOP!

The worst expansion to date. Easy. 1/10. Probably less.


At the start of the SL with forced Maw intro, and the long content drought to 9.1 plus the forced torghast for leggos and anima was in low supply at the time and trying gather enough anima in a week was brutal. It was a drag and would rate it 2/10.

Today however, I’m rating SL 7/10 because everything opened up, we can send anima to our alts, we can share covenant transmog with our alts from different covenants, we can freely swap covenants too and I can farm 25K anima in a week. There still some things I don’t like, time gating to fully unlock some covenant features to get a hold of transmog and mounts. I started farming in 9.2.5.


NO WQ gearing scaling beyond ilvl 213. No Titan-Forging. All Mounts were BoP. Crafting sucks in Season 4. AH cancel scanning was much worse due to the Leggo market. No crafted mounts too.


About a 6 for me. I loved the 9.0 covenant stories overall, and I liked the story in Mortis. Lot’s of good cosmetics, mounts, pets, and toys as well. Downside, too much time spent in blasted hellscapes like the Maw, and great Ghost the grind is frankly just stupid.

For me it is 3 out of 10. Just was not my cup of tea.


Trying my hardest to be objective a 3/10 seems right.

My favorite thing to come from SL was Revendreth/Castle Nathria/Denathrius/the backstory for the Nathrezim - really enjoyed this zone’s vibe and the Denathrius/Nathrezim stuff.

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I am only playing SL because it was free.
Thank you and all that.
I play solo most of the time on my main.
I do all the quest lines I can do.
I play alts for professions and I would like to have (within reason I hope) all the patterns/recipes/schematics.
Its getting to be a grind and I’m getting too old for this bs.
Still trying for Cata patterns that are a bazilion to one odds of dropping.
Good luck…
also I haven’t played SL long enough to judge or played during the covenant issues.
I am sooo happy I can fly now…again.

0/10 - I hate the story, I hate covenants and how they work, I hate renown and how it works. Bleh.

I took a long year+ break and am playing around and doing things in the old game content, waiting for DF to hit. Once SL goes in Chromie time, I’ll be skipping it on just about every single character (And I’m an altoholic, so that’s a couple dozen characters).


-Storylines were bad IMHO (Sylvannas/Jailor/Anduin, Baine, etc) …no real conclusions.
-Limited time reward structure or “seasons” (Not a fan to play FOMO games or content)
-M+ still remains toxic and difficult to get into unless you’re guilded
-Leveling was very lackluster and the fated system was bad at first, and I didn’t want to re-play the content (Questing is my go-to, typically)
-Rares missed the mark for me (wtb WoD treasures/rare loot drop)
-Torghast was fun for a little while but not something I would push a lot of time into (and, again more limited rewards)
-Korthia was kind of a joke to me but I made a lot of gold at that point
-Zerith Mortis was cool but, once again, just a daily quest island with collectibles… meh (Same thing since the beginning of WoW practically)
-Still no player housing (A feature I have hoped for since '05)
-No new races (I am surprised venthyr and the fae people didn’t join horde/alliance)
-No tinker class which I was kind of expecting since the start of BfA. How many people have asked for tinker over dragons?)
-No new specs added to other classes (example: tank shaman/warlock/hunter, ranged dmg pally, etc)

Overall, I’m surprised I kept my sub active. My screenshot folder has 26 photos and when I compare that to other expansions that had thousands… yeah… 2/10 for me. It offered some modicum of “entertainment” but nothing that I felt was overly noteworthy.


A solid 5 it wasn’t complete garbage but (for me) there was anything special that drove me to play it after my first character went through it. I eventually did all covenant stories in full over the life of SL but after the first it was mostly just out of wanting the mounts and sets.


shadowlands SUCKED!!!


hot garbage! smelly smelly poop! :poop:

do better! we tell you what changes we want but u just ignore us for years! :clown_face:

So many cons and it made me unsub. They fixed some of the issues on 9.2.5. Still, some good features did not come back.

  • No bonus rolls (on top of low drops from bosses, no bonus roll too?)
  • Boss drops still feels a lot less than previous xpacs (MoP to BFA)
  • Long flights (scenery is great, until it gets old)
  • No flightmaster whistle
  • Vault only gives one gear after you grind all the slots for it
  • No bad luck protection (more than 10 boss kills, no gear drops)
  • Heroic raid clear doesn’t feel rewarding and can be ignored due to M+

I’ll give 3/10. Some of the cons will carry over to DF.

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Let’s just say I played WoD for longer than I played Shadowlands.

At the very least WoD went super god damn hard on the aesthetics.


Pretty garbage. I’d give it a 3/10. It did have some good things, but otherwise, became pretty apparent early on that this was pushed out the door so they could work on something else instead.

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4/10, a huge chunk of points lost for the story, which was terrible and no engaging for me at all. But it’s not the worst expansion

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The expansion at launch was not good at all. The gated maw (Eye of the Jailer at start), gated legendary items (Could only get so much ash/cinder per week), gated campaign quests(Renown Gating), covenant locking, conduit energy, gated soulbinds and soulbind trees. Covenant ability balance.

Most classes had one OP covenant ability, and not picking it really hurt you. You were spec locked till you got more soulbinds. Even then, you could be stuck with a bad Covenant ability for your OS. And conduit energy made it so swapping specs, usually ended up in playing a bad soulbind for your OS.

The piles of unused legendary powers. They were not balanced at all. You mostly had one that outshined all others for your spec. And the cost of the legendary blanks, even on a high pop server was steep. So you didnt want to play around with different legendary items, because they were expensive to make just to try them out.

9.0 was bad. 9.1 wasnt much better. Covenant swapping was not friendly. Domination shards. Korthia. More Torghast grinding. And Domination shards were HORRIBLE. They did nothing to change how you played, or made your rotation better. You get 3 shards? You get 2k more dps added on as a passive proc.

9.2 was decent. Sepulcher raid was too long, with too much trash, and was very over tuned. Zereth Mortis was a decent zone.

The problem I have is that the expansion really got fun in 9.2. The way the game feels in 9.2 is how it should have been at the start. Story aside, it still took the devs till 9.2 to finally give the players what they asked for. And 9.2 doesnt redeem 9.0 or 9.1. At all.

And we received 2 content patches. Not three. I will never buy that this expansion was planned to be a 2 patch one. There is still an empty portal spot at the top of Oribos. The sepulcher raid feels like it was meant to end at Anduin. Because after the port, the whole aesthetic changes. The bosses as well. Lords, Rygalon and Jailer were going to be for the 9.3 raid and patch we never got, and were shoe horned into 9.2.

As a total package it is as bad as WoD. WoD was fun, but had nothing to do. Shadowlands had a ton to do, but none of it was fun. Both ended in a .2 patch as well.

It would be a 2/10 but it gets half a point for creation catalyst and season 4.

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I played all through WoD, despite it being the expansion where I stopped raiding. I played through the Maw at the start of SL, got to Oribos, logged off, and didn’t log in again for over a year.


Shadowlands is the first time I’ve ever not touched rated PvP… Or raids… And I eventually just completely detached from max level stuff and focused on alts.

I mean, I missed WOD, so maybe that would have had the same effect.

But I know that the gear/reward treadmill felt really obvious… And the story wasn’t interesting enough to make me feel like staying on the treadmill. Maybe the raids were good (I wouldn’t know, lol), but the PvP gearing mechanics were also tedious. To be fair to WoW, there were a lot of factors leading to me absolutely not having time or patience for more stressors.

But man. I did not enjoy Shadowlands. I did not care about the afterlife or its waiting room. Especially where the afterlife clashed with what we “knew” about it beforehand.

Like 2/10 worst one ever

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Art & Music - 10/ 10.

Systems & gameplay - 0/ 10.

Butchered story & NPCs - 0/ 10.

I wish I could forever delete BfA and SL from my WoW game files and pretend they never happened.