What would you have done in Jaina's place?

Because it’s not a polarising subject. Hidden Master questline was great. What else is there to add?

Most people who are not even that invested into these seems to think so…

I would RPG describing it as: “Resentful of their pitiful station since the Alliance Won the War and lording its victory over them for years. Some Horde members wait in the shadows like beast waiting to pounce, hungrily salivating at the moment they can even the score and rob the Alliance of one of their Godlike heroes to feast on their victory for years to come!”

But that’s just me turning everything into an RPG story in my head! :rofl:

She never did so for the detriment of her people. She didn’t allow the Horde access to Dalaran so that they could obtain the means to obliterate her own city.

As Legion proved, she doesn’t get to solely decide who has access to Dalaran and who doesn’t. That’s strictly the COUNCILS job. Which is why she ran off all pissy when she didn’t get her way

She just took it upon herself to go murder-hobo on an entire organization due to the actions of ONE traitor


oh come on, its not like there was a crisis going on that was all that pressing, so what if she entirely bailed on the effort in a tantrum?


Next tell time someone just needs to tell her a traitor sunweaver did it. Blizz would have had her solo the entire legion :dracthyr_lulmao:

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Neither Vol’Jin’s death, but beggars can’t be choosers. What has happened, has happened.

I really like this plot too, so long there is tenshion, conflict and it feels like there actually are different agents with conflicting agendas is all good to me. What is missing for a long while to me is that Every sub-faction is treated as likeminded, nobody has any say to contradict the overarcing narrative. One of the reasons why I liked the Wrathgate and Putress was becuase it was a great twist of events, and yet it felt like it was something totally in line with Forsaken nature.


I wouldn’t have purged a single one of them. I would listen to what they have to say, and that’s what no one did.

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She didn’t “bail”. She still fought the Legion, just on her own and not by working with the Horde. We saw this in her comic.

Alliance bias.


More like Horde bias, Genn wanted everyone to be tried. Everyone just settled on making Garrosh the scapegoat.

Countries tend to not want their soldiers to be tried for war crimes when they win conflicts

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And yet, according to some of your fellow Horde players, the Alliance didn’t “win” anything as they were allegedly on the brink of extinction until the mighty and noble Horde rebellion saved them.

Still strange how no one tried Jaina, if she truly did commit war crimes. I mean, it’s not like we had an entire novel called “War Crimes” a few months after the Purge of Dalaran. :smiley:

Because again no one brought the charges against jaina, Just because you aren’t charged with a crime doesn’t mean you didn’t commit one US soldiers know this very well


What game are you playing? If alliance heroes would actually have to meet serious consequences your death toll would be similar to ours by now.

Hardcore Alliance players would also have a meltdown over it

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Tbf, edgy characters get edgy endings and heroic characters get heroic endings.

People here have completely lost touch of reality.

I literally got asked “So why you want the Horde to be punished for committing genocide and being bad/evil?” yesterday.

Apparently it’s a “hOt TaKe” to think that genocide should be punishable. :rofl:

See my list above. Blizzard should be grateful the Horde never unsubbed over so much character death by now. For some reason they are loyal customers despite them always getting the bad ending.

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Task them with retrieving the Divine Bell.

Tell Aethas Sunreaver that if he wants to prove his people are innocent, then they need to infiltrate the Horde and take the bell back, that the Sunreavers should KNOW that the Horde cannot be trusted with artifacts like that, from personal experience.

Mind you I’d have no expectation whatsoever that they’d accomplish their goal, but it’d get them out of the city, and at that point, they’re not coming back either.