What would you have done in Jaina's place?

Personally, I think that there was no other solution to the Sunreaver problem. They were traitors and had to pay.

But since people here think that Jaina was soooo wrong, let’s hear it then.

You’ve just heard that Sunreaver rogue cells within the Kirin Tor used Dalaran as a staging ground to steal the Divine Bell from Darnassus and give it to the Warchief who nuked your city, despite your decree that Dalaran should remain NEUTRAL.

What do you do then? How do you deal with the traitors and make Dalaran secure again?

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The Sunreavers didn’t even steal the bell. The blood elf who did it was a member of the Reliquary.


Their leader allowed the theft. Aethas himself watched the theft take place, and said and did nothing. Crime by compliance.

One thing people tend to forget is that the Divine Bell incident was also initially much more brutal in that it caused a giant Sha to rampage Dalaran, explaining why Jaina is supposedly so unrestrained in her actions. This version however never made it in-game or past story drawing boards. What we get is a sort of middle ground between either side causing extreme city wide damage and violence.


Sunreaver mages opened the gateway from Darnassus to Dalaran. This is a fact, your fake narrative doesn’t hold.

As Jaina, if you do not acknowledge that Sunreaver mages were involved in the theft, no one will take you seriously as leader of the Kirin Tor.

Because that’s redundant. We already see what the Divine Bell is capable of when Garrosh uses it on his men and turns them into Sha monsters. We don’t need another scenario showing the same, that’s just redundant writing.

At this point, anyone who played MoP or MoP Remix should know very well what the Divine Bell is capable of and why it’s such a serious crime that the Sunreavers helped Garrosh steal it to conduct his war of genocide.


Probably not arrest an entire group based solely on racial and political association


and prob not turn into a pogrom when they reasonably don’t like the unfair arrest of their entire political group


This is a non-answer.

You haven’t explained how Jaina would retaliate. “Not do anything” is not an answer.

It absolutely is an answer just not the one you want. Its not do nothing its not do a hate crime. When a person commits a crime you don’t arrest the entire street a long with anyone who even looked at the guy, You arrest a couple a known associates do a proper investigation and a trial


Launch an actual investigation instead of being unable to control my emotions to find out who was responsible for stealing the Bell and punish them with either execution, imprisonment in the Violet Hold and/or exile in the form of a teleportation spell off of Dalaran?

With her own personal power and knowledge of the Arcane, the resources of the Kirin Tor at her disposal, the ability to call upon even SI:7 or the Silver Covenant she was in more than enough stable ground to do something actually precise rather than reckless.


The portal that is opened by Fan’lyr Silverthorn leads to Domination Point not Dalaran. He wasn’t even a Sunreaver. So Jaina accused the wrong person in the first place. She did everything wrong.


Which they didn’t. We been over this already many times.

I would be so much worse for the drama of course.

Arrest Aethas and hold a trial. Dispatch investigators to gather details of what happened and precisely who was involved, present the evidence before whatever judicial system Dalaran has, and wait for a verdict to be rendered.

This is the normal reaction to suspicion that a theft has been committed. Unleashing your pet paramilitary force to conduct a city-wide murder spree is not.


Talk to Varian first, especially before borrowing stormwind troops without apparently talking to him. Find out that the belves are talking about switching sides, hold the sunreavers under a lot of scrutiny until the situation is resolved.


Varian literally sent his son to kick them out. Honestly, sounds reasonable to think that is what he still wanted. Maybe it should be Varian who told Jaina about these secret meeting?

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That always bothered me.


Should bother a lot of people. It was a gross abuse of power on Jainas part and it gets ignored a lot by some people in an attempt to paint Jaina as the victim


I think we also need to admit that there’s so incoherent storytelling here.

Pre-purge Jaina comes off as someone who is desperately holding onto her ideals and wants to maintain the city’s neutrality.

During and Post-purge, Jaina genuinely comes off as a hardcore Alliance partisan who has been looking for a reason to re-align the city with the Alliance and was happy to be given the excuse.

I get that the theft of the Bell is supposed to a turning point for her, but it doesn’t come off that way.

The Alliance troops secretly quartered in the city do not support this reading. Locking down the Dragonhawks so the Sunreavers can’t escape doesn’t support this reading. The eagerness with which she approached Varian, like she was giving him a gift, does not support this reading.


tbf her slide starts in Cata.

Gets a pretty in-depth view of the tauren political situation via baine, and then sends troops out to mess with them knowing the Tauren/Baine don’t want war and already dislike Garrosh.


All I can say is I want July to come sooner so we can get Chronicles and hopefully close the chapter on TWO faction wars once and for all.