So this is sort of a continuation of this thread: Too many DPS in m+: A different perspective
Whom this thread concerns:
In this thread I’m aiming the question towards those of you that currently play only or mostly a DPS in m+, but aren’t vehemently against tanking/healing in general. In other words, if DPS suddenly became absolutely atrocious, you wouldn’t quit WoW, you’d just roll a tank/healer instead. If you’re a player who would quit WoW the moment the DPS role wasn’t fun instead of trying/swapping to a tank/healer, this question isn’t directed to you.
Why am I asking?
I’m constantly seeing complaints both here in the forums and in the game itself about the queues being too long as a DPS. It’s been suggested time and time again to make tanks/healers easier, less responsible, more rewarding etc, but it’s yet to work.
Tanks were neigh invincible in Dragonflight, yet we still saw people waiting for them.
Healers are only as hard as your group is making it. With a group that plays well you’ll find that in all keys within the reward range (0-10) you’ll mostly have yourself to worry about, aside from the occasional heal check.
So obviously buffing/simplifying tanks/healers within reason isn’t working, so rather than focusing on making those roles more attractive I want to focus on making the DPS role less attractive to reduce the current abundance of DPS in m+.
What am I asking?
Let’s say we don’t want Blizzard to change the fundamentals of the game (group size, m+ being grouped content, the trinity etc.).
I’m curious as to what would have to change about the DPS role in general for you to move away from it and pick up a tank/healer instead. What does Blizzard have to change with the DPS role for you to become part of a solution by re-rolling into a tank/healer and thus reducing the surplus of DPS playing m+?