What would make you not want to DPS in m+?

Killing stuff is more fun than like healing others or tanking / taking damage

Queue times.

To many synergies that wouldn’t be passive. Bring down the outstanding dps to the lowest spec and make that the normal.

Both of those might get people to try something else or quit

It’s a great answer!

Whilst it doesn’t provide a direct solution, it indicates what blizzard would have to change for players to eventually move from DPS to tanking/healing.

Some of it seems to be happening next season anyway, as DPS damage gets more emphasis and it’ll be more up to them if you time a dungeon or not. Sadly enough that still puts pressure on the tank to pull more, but without adding DPS checks I think that’s the biggest improvement they can do to make DPS important.

So you’d swap to tank/healer if you weren’t killing stuff? Not sure what change you mean would have to happen for you to give up on DPS.

So you’d swap to tank/healer if there were no queue times? Not sure what change you mean would have to happen for you to give up on DPS.

Care to elaborate about the synergies? Are we talking talent synergies, comp synergies, dungeon synergies, ability bloats? For the second part I understand it as if all DPS were nerfed to that of for example shadow priest, you’d either re-roll or quit?

Oof! That’s some next level Anduin sensitivity! :slightly_smiling_face:

if you want to tank or heal to reduce wait times go ahead no one is stopping you

If you had read the thread you’d see I already am, so this doesnt really apply to me.

I can’t answer this question I’m asking because to me, nothing needs to change. Tanking/healing is already alluring enough to make me play that rather than a DPS.

However, since complaints about how annoying LFG is as a DPS, I created this to find a way to combat that. This thread is for all DPS who want to be a part of the solution to tell us what it would take for them to become just that, a part of the solution.

Those who already are part of the solution, or refuses to be a part of it, can’t add anything of value to the discussion in here.

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i dont think ive ever been in a situation where i thought “man i wish i wasnt dpsing this” but i have been in some where i thought “man i wish i was on a different spec/class than this one”

Are you able to imagine how such a situation could look like? Please describe in that case.

If they implemented a Warlock tanking spec, I’d tank on this character. Since they can’t, I put one of my friends who plays a hybrid in Tank/Healer jail so I can get my Warlock keys done.

Way easier to pug and gear as a Tank than a DPS TBH.

I already would rather tank in m+, but the group I run with already has a tank so I play dps.
Hot take but having a steady group to play with solves the issues of not having tanks, if people stopped pugging they’d stop having issues inherent to pugs.

Perfectly reasonable, I’d also love for more specs to choose from when tanking, even though it means extra work for blizzars to design and balance these specs.

Yeah, mostly because how easy it is to get into keys as a tank if you ask me. As a DPS you’ll more often than not have to be overqualified to pug.

Indeed it does, but this thread is here to make the pug scene less frustrating as a DPS, since not everyone will be able to or want to commit to a set group.

Of course the game does promote social interactions, and it should, but that doesn’t mean that it should fully neglect the playerbase that prefers to play on their own terms either.

Honestly, these days tanking is basically just an easier DPS. But yeah, a large part of it is that you gotta be the cream of the crop playing an overgeared, overexperienced meta DPS to snag invites in a timely manner just to fill your vault.

Meanwhile they’ll take the equivalent of a bathroom floor hotdog for Tanks and Healers.

I vehemently disagree (for all keys below +15 at least), but that’s besides the point anyway so let’s not go there.

Yep, can’t be picky when there’s not as many to pick and choose from.

If mob health in dungeons was so low that you functionally couldn’t dps because everything dies too fast then I would never dps a dungeon again.

I’m almost done leveling my warlock and I can’t even try affliction in dungeons because it would be completely useless. You might get 5 GCDs in before the mobs are dead and it is an awful experience.