What would cause you to consider teldrassil repayed?

Oh you wanted to do this out of story? How would you resolve this in “an interesting and engaging way” without the Night Elves getting some kind of recompense for a literal genocide against them? You can see from above that not everyone considers outright vengeance an answer to the question.


Looking to give up your character I presume?

The options are limited. Blizzard isn’t building any more race capital cities so there aren’t going to be replacements for Darnassus or the Undercity.

As far as what losses players had on this side. I’d argue that having to be a member of the Horde at all during this expansion more than balances out what Alliance players lost in Darnassus and Darkshore.


Eh I’m not sure having to deal with being villain batted for an expansion is quite equal to having an entire race nearly killed off in your faction. One of those things can be changed and it’s not the second one.


Its isnt.

Being villain-batted is rough, but at the same time its pandering to a certain type of horde player. Being genocided isn’t pandering to anyone.


Well it is pandering to people who have an odd, almost obsessive hatred of Night Elves. There’s been a few on these forums.


I feel like Lordaeron could have been the revenge, but sadly other than some unnamed archers and glaive throwers, the night elves had no impact on the battle. It could have been the vengeance of the Kaldorei coming for Sylvanas, but Anduin Genn and Jaina get the spotlight.

Instead, the Night Elves get their moment in Darkshore. Where they will be forever locked in a back and forth battle for Darkshore. So what could have been the other shoe dropping was turned into essentially a stalemate.

The undead also lost their capital, but in the grand scheme of things this feels like the Nelves being the punching bag again so other characters can take the lead in the overall war. The undead on the other hand had a lot of big victories in Cata taking new land etc and feel like they’ve expanded more, while the night elves felt like they were a recurring punching bag in Ashenvale for a long time.

I really hope that Darkshore is not the end of the night elf story in BFA. I get that they alliance story can’t be just about them, but they really do need to have more of a presence in the war story, in a way that has an actual conclusion, not an eternal game of tug of war where one of their zones is turned into Wintergrasp without the pvp. I feel like not having the night elves wreck up Loraderon was a missed opportunity that could ahve been more interesting than SYlvanas just rigging the place to blow.


Sylvanas dead, a new centralized seat of power for Night Elves in lore, Night Elves being back to their WC3 level of importance and power without needing their hands held by humans.


Personally I’d love it if they took back Dire Maul as a new capital, though I don’t expect that to actually happen.

So…exactly the same as Teldrassil then.

You can have our Pandaren.

We’ll promote the Hozen to playable to compensate.

Teldrassil was also more shocking because it was…well, stupid. Undercity feels justified because of Teldrassil.


Justice against the one responsible - Sylvanas


At this point I just want the Banshee Queen dead she burned the tree killing civilians making the Horde into the villians. Then she got her own civilians out and wrecked her own factions city to try to keep the alliance from being able to possibly capturing it and also trying to kill off the Alliance leadership. I don’t blame the Horde for the Crazy leader that was put in charge but they need to put a stop to her madness so we can focus on healing our world.


What I would like to see is not the destruction of a Horde city or army but to see Sylvanas being destroyed to the point of being a humbled whimpering mass by the time the Night Elves are done with her. For an example of what I mean, and as a shameless plug, I present this…

Not going to lie, this is kind of creepy dude.


The head of Anduin because without him this war wouldn’t have happened.

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    1. That’s sort of creepy.
    1. Why go to all that effort? If you really want to make sure Sylvanas suffers, just ensure she’s sentenced to that absolutely horrific afterlife she’s been completely terrified of for the last 8 years. Take out her remaining Val’kyr, and you’ll force her to come face to face with her greatest fear (unless of course … it turns out her “third” death will be what ushers in the Old God’s coming. Sylvie is one of those on that list). :stuck_out_tongue:
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She would look at the end of the Second War and the disastrous incursion made by the Alliance affiliated prince of Lordaeron (Arthas) and TBC…

But I’m talking to both a male human pally poster AND a member of the playable High Elves cult… Of course you were gonna disregard the lore that doesn’t agree with you,.

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I apologize for being a bit creepy with that idea. But my goal is based on three points.

  1. I don’t necessarily want to kill Sylvanas as to demonstrate that her actions would have consequences and that those consequences could translate to an interesting story.

  2. Destroying a Horde city or in some way attacking Horde players is not an option from a gameplay view point nor is it something that would ultimately satisfy most Night Elf players. And more to the issue I see no point in punishing players for an action they had no choice in. The character who directly ordered the attack on Teldrasil is another matter.

  3. The Night Elves, in my opinion, deserve a chance to get a least one good attack on Sylvanas and Maiev is the perfect person to deliver that strike.

The thing with acts of genocide is that no one should want to see them “repaid”. Sylvanas needs to answer for what she’s done going all the way back to Cataclysm, but that’s not to say the burning of thousands of innocents needs to be carried out again against someone else just for the sake of balance.


thats… the point of this tread… besides, burning a city =/= burning innocents.