What would cause you to consider teldrassil repayed?

Teldrassil was corrupted upon being planted. Without being blessed by the aspects, the tree house was suscepitble to the will of the old ones. It likely would have turned into another den for the Mantid.

As for compensation for the Dark Lady’s noble deed, the Azuremyst Isles would be a nice addition to Horde territory.

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You’re not as fun as the void hating Draenei.

As much as I loved it, Teldrassil was a just a place, and places can be rebuilt. Though I do like the idea of Mylune going into an absolute bloodfrenzy on Horde forces in the name of all the fuzzy wuzzy critters that died (and general destruction of several ecosystems).

The sticking point for me, is the genocide of the Night Elven people. That’s where I fully give in to ‘an eye for an eye’ (which is a bit fitting for a people who are essentially a theocracy, and now led by a literal avatar of divine vengeance). The Orcs, Tauren, Darkspear, Bilgewater, Forsaken, and Blood Elves, for their part in the War of Thorns, need… a similar reduction in population (and the Shatterspear finished for good this time). Until their respective leaders are also weeping in a novella, lamenting how the scattered Horde adventurers are among the last of their kind.

Even though the Huojin and Allied Races didn’t actively participate, by this point they’re at least condoning genocide by continuing to support the Horde, or joining the Horde after the Horde has bloodied their hands in such a way. So, some manner of less extreme punishment is in order.

A couple points that should be touched on in the process:

  • Night Elven competence. The Night Elves should be leading this push (Anduin kicking, screaming, and whinging all the way), and shown at their proper RTS levels of power and competence. Not compatible with an MMO setting? Oh well. Shouldn’t have wrote them like that originally. But you have, so now it’s time to follow through.

  • The Wild Gods. A single lumber camp sends Cenarius into a rage of righteous fury, but the genocide of his friends and followers does not? The Horde have the Zandalari and their loa, unshackle the Night Elven Wild Gods.

  • The Cenarion Circle. Their primary leader got axed in the back by the High Overlord of the Horde, while the Warchief of the Horde was actively trying to kill him. He now fights in Darkshore, while Goblin tech and Forsaken blight ruin so much of that nature stuff they claim to care so much about. While I’d love a Purge of Moonglade scenario, and have been calling for it since the pre-patch, it still needs to be addressed in some capacity.

Likely? Possible? Probably not. But I’d be satisfied. Until then, I try to be in the habit of mentioning the genocide at least once a day (usually more), until the day they shut the servers down.


Teldrasiil can never be ‘repayed’ because it was never meant to be. Wholesale slaughtering another race wouldn’t suddenly make the night elves (be they players or just the in game race in general) “feel” better.

It should be a wound that continues to bleed out for the duration of Warcraft’s existence, a constant reminder that the Horde is the kaldorei’s enemy and they should never stop fighting and because we know they can’t actually wipe the Horde off the map, they’ll be fighting forever.

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Why do you torture yourself like this?

A complex balance of sadism and an ever so slight touch of masochism, the intricacies of which are beyond the purview of the Story Forum.


But that is how this works. You want to destroy a city of the Horde like the Horde gets to, it is on the same terms as the Horde. You have on reason to slaughter the Tauren and I had no reason to slaughter the NEs.

I feel it is worth pointing out that why our grass might look greener, it smells terrible and will give you a nasty rash if it touches skin. The Alliance is getting a short deal with no real way to get satisfaction for what happened to Teldrassil and frankly the fact you will almost certainly end up forgiving most of the Horde by the end of this, but you really don’t want any of what the Horde has had.

But that is how this works. You want to destroy a city of the Horde like the Horde gets to, it is on the same terms as the Horde. You have on reason to slaughter the Tauren and I had no reason to slaughter the NEs.

I feel it is worth pointing out that why our grass might look greener, it smells terrible and will give you a nasty rash if it touches skin. The Alliance is getting a short deal with no real way to get satisfaction for what happened to Teldrassil and frankly the fact you will almost certainly end up forgiving most of the Horde by the end of this, but you really don’t want any of what the Horde has had.

Ok two points. Firstly, people keep bringing up the Zandalari loa as a reason for the Ancients to fight the Horde but the Loa almost never directly help us fight the Alliance or anyone who isn’t directly attacking them. Bwonsamdi is the sole exception and that is because you literally attack the throne and he is the royal Loa. The horde has had Bwonsamdi on the line for years and never once had him aid us against the Allaince.

The loa don’t help fight wars they aren’t directly involved in. They might lend a blessing or a boon but they don’t join the fight. If that is what you want from the Anceints, sure but they kind of do that already.

Second point, if you have the Ancients go to war with the Horde, you better be ok with them getting killed. It will happen. As much as some people seem to want a one sided stomp fest where the Horde is brought low, there is no way in hell Blizzard is ever going to sell that to the Horde playerbase. Hell, even the Seige of Dazar’Alor was pushing it.

If it involves the murder of innocent tauren druids sure however it should mean the Horde never has to work with the CC again and is given its own, equally significant and represented druid faction for druid matters and it leaves the CC severely weakened and unable to openly operate in Horde territories.


Still more than what the Ancients do. So it’d be a start.

I mean, the two highest officials within the Horde tried to kill the secondary leader of the Cenarion Circle. In a realistic world, there would be fall out and schisming.

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Varian spent most of his appearance in WoW running around with Goldrinn’s blessing. That blessing literally gave him the advantage in fighting Garrosh when Garrosh invaded Ashenvale because Varian wasn’t getting tired.

Sure but in a realistic world setting such a falling out would leave said organisation massively diminished and with much less influence and reach.

The Alliance could have the CC all to its self but only if they were fine with it being a shadow of itself. That is probably the reason the CC, and for that matter, the Earthen Ring, have chosen not to get involved and instead focus on the wounded world. Frankly, if they did have a schism they might no longer have the resources to do anything about the dying world even if their side won.

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i acknowledge the horde fanbase is unhappy (at least half of them) too but the tread is about repaying teldrassil not about frying hamburgers.


Justice. Justice would satisfy me.

Sylvanas, Nathanos, and everyone else who supports her made to account for the atrocities they’ve committed.
War reparations could be waived since both sides would struggle to rebuild and if WWI taught us anything, too heavy a war debt causes…problems.
The withdrawl of all Horde forces from Arathi, Darkshore, Ashenvale, and Gilneas (they can have Azshara and Silverpine).


It’s crazy how many Alliance players like to sit on their moral high horse, and yet here they are in this thread, calling for the deaths of thousands of people to get “repaid” for the atrocity that happened to them. That would seem pretty distasteful to the average person who actually is morally good…


OMG, I’d take that in a heartbeat.


And we know that won’t happen. What they’ll do is create a Horde-side druid organization, only, see, “Instead of revering nature and working in harmony with it, we will DOMINATE and CONTROL nature! For POWER! Mwahahahaha!” And they’ll probably start creating their own botani to unleash on the Alliance. My tauren druid would hate that.


…and this is why i dislike the idea of faction parity, because it is never enough for you guys.

Hey, I loved undercity and brill, and i hate the fact their destroyed, but i dont count do I, because only your opinion matters.

Your line of logic means you will never be satisfied. Thunderbluff wont be enough, Bildgewater Harbor wont be enough, the only thing that will satisfy you is orgrimmar, which would pretty much destroy our faction.

You can hate what happened to teldrassil, just dont go saying that your pain is worth destroying everything in the horde.



I think this is a very tricky question.

The ‘eye for an eye’ approach is tempting, but the opponent here is a playable faction, with its own fans and real people who’d be impacted. And an actual equivalent to Teldrassil (as someone said above, where their faction leader is reduced to tears over a society-shattering, mass-murdering event they are powerless to stop) is a terrible thing to inflict on a playerbase.

Of course, it’s just as easy to think ‘well, Blizz broke all those reservations to hurt us, so why shouldn’t they break them again against the Horde this time?’ - and that bitterness is hard to shake off. Especially when one of those few posters pops up arguing that night elf fleeing civilians totally deserved to die a horrible death because of something unrelated to them.


So, here’s what I think would at least get close to salving the open festering wound that is Teldrassil’s destruction:

Show the night elves retaking Darkshore and Ashenvale. Don’t tell us through Twitter after the expansion ends - craft a scenario, for the player to actually play through, showing the night elves at the height of their competence and effectiveness.

Let the night elves ambush the Horde this time, taking out camp after camp, calling the trees and the wildlife to attack their foes. Let some of the Wild Gods join in - if not in person (Though I think Cenarius at least should clear out a logging camp or two) then at least show them giving their blessings to the night elves.

Use all the fun assets from the Darkshore warfront - Keepers, Dryads, Faerie Dragons, Chimaeras. Show the unified Night Elf force that WCIII fans have always wanted to see in this game. And let Tyrande show off her new Night Warrior power in a plot-significant way.

Show them retaking the whole forest (even if the player only participates in a few battles, show the messengers from other points reporting victories to Tyrande), and show some plan at fortifying it against any future attack. Giant thorn walls or impenetrable undergrowth, swarming with angry wisps, blocking the entrances to the Barrens and Azshara or something like that.

And I would like to see some Alliance support in this campaign, especially if the writers want to reinforce the idea that the night elves don’t have unlimited troop numbers (though when have numbers ever mattered?), but I would like to see mostly worgen support, then draenei, and after them some humans/dwarves/gnomes/etc.

In other words, since so many night elf fans feel like they’ve only been used as the Horde’s punching bags or damsels in distress for the Alliance to rescue, show off the night elves being competent and dangerous in their own right.

(I’m presuming this happens during a patch where the Horde is dealing with their burgeoning civil war, so they - and the Horde player - have other internal battles and plot goals to focus on instead.)

Alternatively, if the writers are really planning on the ‘Blue EK/Red Kalimdor’ (which I hope they won’t do), then I want to see a huge, in-depth campaign for the night elves (and the Forsaken on the other side) to build a new capitol which serves as the next expansion hub on whatever continent/island we visit next.

Let this new city start as a small hub and let it grow over a few patches as players quest and contribute to it. Have lots of NPCs expounding on their cultural lore during these building quests. Use all the fancy new art assets, like the new docks at Auberdine or Val’sharah trees and buildings. Show the night elves (and the Forsaken in their mirror) moving forward and reestablishing themselves in the world.

And lastly, I would like to see the night elves involved with taking out Sylvanas (assuming she is getting at least ousted from the Horde this expansion). They don’t have to be the ones to strike the final blow, they don’t have to be the only people involved - especially considering the night elves will be involved in tackling Azshara - but I want a night elf lore character explicitly stated to have been important in the effort to take Sylvanas down.


I don’t need “payback” to be the foundation for story resolution. That’s not how history progresses, otherwise it would be an eternal cycle of revenge.

My character may never be satisfied, but I will if the story resolves in at least an interesting and engaging way.


You would turn the other cheek in the face of a genocide? Frankly that sounds less noble and more hopelessly naïve. Some things shouldn’t be forgiven so easily.


Now who’s roleplaying in the story forum?

I as a player don’t need payback, I’m not being assaulted by Blizzard’s deisions in it’s storywriting no matter how I may feel about them.