What would cause you to consider teldrassil repayed?

Death of Sira, Delaryan, Nathanos, Sylvanas, Lorash Sunbeam, Saurfang. Morka Bruggu, Hiamo

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Lol. May want to do a fact check on that one buddy. We werenā€™t the ones who set up a blight bomb inside the city to try and kill our enemies.

Ah, zombie!

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Excuse me but it was the Alliance that invaded Lordaeron just like they invaded Zuldazar. Without any concern for civilian casualties. What makes the Alliance so different from the Horde now hmm? Alliance is supposed to be this bastion of light, the symbol of goodness and peace and all that is holy. Then they go and commit atrocious war crimes like the Siege of Undercity and the Battle for Dazarā€™alor.

There were no civilians in Undercity and, again, it was your own leader scorching the earth that got it destroyed. Iā€™ll give you Zandalar but frankly itā€™s debatable if a bunch of guys riding a dinosaur could be considered non combatants anymore if they chose to attack you.


So this is how Alliance players justify genocide and mass murder. No wonder you guys get away with it all the time.


Nah we invade undercity after the wrath gate. Scratch that one off and replace it withā€¦ I dunno astranaar?

Undercity had no civilians they were evacuated. Iā€™m all for battle for Dazar whatever though. Crank up the war crimes to 11 I wanna roast orcs over a bonfire.

I donā€™t even know what to say to that. Is he screwing me with guys? I feel like he is.


There is no conceivable repayment for the Crown of the World.

but Iā€™ll take Sylvannasā€™ head on a pike a a deposit.


The entirety of BfA is retconned.


Like the horde did on Teldrassil? Excuse me if i dont take anything seriously from a hypocrite, besides we do actually care about civilian loses, it is in fact why i can stand above in my higher moral ground, and your faction, sir ,cannot,looking at your profile, you are obviously a troll, nothing to see here guys move along please.

Agreed. It would take Blizzard pulling a time reversal or a ā€œit was all a dreamā€ scenario in order to ā€œfixā€ this. But I guarantee that if they do so the rage from the playerbase will shake the heavens.


Invasion of Quelā€™thalas. I mean heck Horde Elves havenā€™t had their lands lost and destroyed unlike Alliance Elves that is.


Destroy Stormwind instead. That city is so ugly and disorganized that it needs to be leveled. Plus it would mean Blanduin gets to experience actual loss for a change.

You forgot Silverwind Refuge. Its okay though, Blizzard did too.


no effing way, leave the hamburgers alone, we got no reasons to destroy thunderbluff.


It isnā€™t possible. Thereā€™s nothing that can ā€œpay backā€ a crime like that. Murdering someone elseā€™s civilians is just more evil on top of evil.


This is the point that all this weighing of what ā€œthe Allianceā€ lost vs. what the ā€œthe Hordeā€ lost.

At this point Iā€™m not sure if it would annoy me more or less if that happened. I suggested in a past thread it could be a neat way to show the genesis of the infinite dragonflight in that, following helping the Horde get to AU Draenor, they begin to meddle in the affairs of time going against what their charge was and do the big one that is undoing the burning of Teldrassil. The unforeseen consequences of which is Nā€™Zoth uses the opening created from such large scale tampering to corrupt them all and escape. Bam, opening of next expansion.

Hey. Local warlock here. Evil ainā€™t all that bad.

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sylvanasā€™s head.