I didn’t know that W’s inside a circle and square can cry.
We haven’t even paid the Horde back for Theramore.
Or Southshore.
Or Gilneas.
Or the Wrathgate.
Or Brennadam, but that one’s new.
I wouldn’t be. We just spent time making sure the Nightmare didn’t break out onto Thunder Bluff in Legion. Plus, given how the Alliance was explicitly shown Baine getting arrested, I’m guessing it’s more likely than not that the Alliance is going to get questing be part of a joint effort to save Baine or something.
As for the topic on hand, I’ve had a weird idea that I’ve not been able to quite solidify in a way that’s been satisfactory enough to post. But, rough idea:
Vol’jin apologizes. Once Vol’jin remembers/figures out who played him into putting Sylvanas in charge, he comes to share that information with the Alliance, and while he’s there, specifically have him apologize to Tyrande and Malfurion and the Night Elves for everything that happened under Sylvanas’ rule.
And then something cheesy happens, where all the Night Elves that burned on Teldrassil appear as spirits next to Vol’jin and he says something like “My people have a saying. The Darkspear never die. And neither do the Kaldorei!”
And then Elune can make them all into stars or something.
What would make me consider Teldrassil repayed?
The restoration of the World Tree and miraculous resurrection of every single life lost during the burning as well as the War of Thorns, I suppose. If the Devs want Elune to seem more powerful than Jaina (since one of Jaina’s water elementals can take on Nathanos AND Talanji and Tyrande can’t even handle Nathanos WITH backup), a Mass Resurrection would do it.
Anyways, there really isn’t an equivalent exchange that’s possible. Any target is either too much or too little.
It wasn’t even Azerite. Just regular, everyday arcane fire that any mage could cast. From A Good War:
- Sylvanas had assigned magi to each siege crew. When the Horde fired back, they would do so with unstable, explosive, arcane‐touched payloads that could set an entire ship ablaze.
Men, women, children . . . the fire would not care. Fire had no honor, no reason, only the urge to consume until there was nothing left.
Everyone still in Darnassus would die.
Did they even have the air assets in place to reach the top of Teldrassil in force enough to hold it once the portal at the base of the tree was disabled to prevent the horde army from using it? or was the plan for the entire army to scale the tree to take it?
If the plan was for airships full of troops, then why did they fight their way through Ashenvale and Darkshore? Why a feint through Felwood and down the mountains?
I never touched the horde side of WoT so I have been left wondering this. I was never surprised that Sylvanas was the one to burn the Tree cause the plan as stated never made much sense to me once they got to the Tree or even their path to the Tree.
It only makes sense if the original objective was to burn the Tree from the start.
The Alliance’s utter and complete defeat and submission to the Horde. Baine and Saurfang executed. Sylvanas gone somewhere else so she can’t do another massacre again.
Then I’d forgive Blizzard for the entire Teldrassil affair.
What? Oh you meant what should Blizzard take away from the Horde to placate the Alliance? Nothing. Undercity, Rastakhan and the Horde’s entire BfA plot are too much already.
They apparently had ships, but not of the Air Variety; so who knows. They did bring plenty of Goblin Shredders I suppose… As for the other issue (the idea to burn the Tree from the start); for Saurfang and Nathanos … no. Both of them (no matter how diluted they were in thinking this) seemed to genuinely believe that the primary objective was to take the tree and hold it hostage.
Sylvanas … is another matter. There are several points in “A Good War” where she at they very least expected burning Teldrassil as a possibility. At the point she learns that Malf is dead however, she at the very least still intended to invade the tree (what she did after … who knows). When she decides to burn it however, it does seem to imply (to general degrees of strength) that her reason for doing so came from a place of supporting her “True Motives”, rather than supporting the Horde War effort.
Take that how you will.
Undead Neltharion razing more Horde areas than Eastern Kingdoms. Have Durotar break off from Kalimdor and it slowly circle it’s way into the maelstrom during an expansion…all the while exposing the lair of an old God
Likely just the writers decided to burn the tree and worked from that angle from the beginning. The side effects are to make Suarfang and Nathanos idiots cause they had no realistic way of taking and holding the Tree aside from threating to topple it and no way to stop mages from using portals at the top.
And to also make Sylvanas look even more evil cause there was no realistic way to take and hold the Tree for a long period of time, so she must have been planning on burning it from the start and the entire bit with Summermoon was spur of the moment theatrics.
but you can just ask the bronze dragonflight lady to bring it all back for you anyways
In my mind you don’t go far enough.
The complete and utter annihilation of the Horde would be proper pay back, because to riff on Sylvanvas: the Horde cannot be trusted to keep the peace; they will attack again.
Every second Warchief seems to have genocidal ambitions.
I know this ends the story and the game, so I won’t be getting any satisfaction.
You are by far the worst rival I have ever had.
Why would it? Most of this game’s best content focused on neutral factions available to both Alliance and Horde players. The faction conflict has been little more than an afterthought for the vast majority of WoW’s life time. If the faction system was removed and everyone was “technically” Alliance, would it really change anything?
Literally none of those matter.
The only reason any of those got blighted or slaughtered was because they were in the way.
They should have gotten out of the way.
I am sorry but the Night Elves were never that important that you can demand Thunderbluff or Orgrimmar in return. Thanks to the Alliance, Undercity is now inhabitable and I think that’s good enough. Besides, the Alliance recently ravaged through Zandalar and murdered tons of Horde defending the port and Zandalari civilians as well as their king.
The Night Elves need to suck it up and plant another one or better yet, stop living in trees!! I think this is like the fourth tree that these Night Elves planted and nothing good has ever come out of it.
First there was Nordrassil in Mount Hyjal, then there was Andrassil (now called Vordrassil) in Northrend which was basically a pathway for Yogg-Saron to enter the Emerald Dream and corrupt it. There is Shaladrassil in Val’sharah which became corrupted thanks to the Emerald Nightmare. And last but least, Teldrassil and we all know how that turned out.
I dont trust them enough to pull it off, not without pissing off one of the factions, trying not to be biased here but ive given up on a satisfactory resolution of this conflict for both factions, they have demonstrated an excellent capacity to write themselves into a corner with abysmal proficiency (srsly half of the horde fan base is unhappy with being the baddies AGAIN ,the other half on sylvanas side are on it and half of them are only on it because of spite, not to alliance or the horde but the writing team,the writing for the alliance side is meh, i liked boralus quests but thats it, B o Lordaeron sucked big time as an ally, love BoD as raid, hate the writing, Stop they are feeling sad dont push the attack, there could be better reasons to sound a retreat on that failure of a raid but no, idiotball it is, tyrande night warrior sucked big time too), LYING to their fanbase (remember?oh guys but dont be so sure sylvanas burns the tree! sylvanas proceeds to burn the tree, also 8.1 was supposed to fix shammy/spriest etc…) while ignoring any feedback too, im having a really hard time suspending disbelief, at this point i want this disaster to end, some nuke decimates both factions and we need to start from the stone age fighting between red/blue murlocs.
Nothing. There isn’t anything that will take back the suffering it caused. It’s on too big of a scale.
A complete and involved questline in which the NE army routes the Horde completely through Ashenvale. Darkshore is meaningless Ashenvale must be the victory. Complete with toys maybe T-mog (cough glaive)
Sylvanas being killed by Tyrande in a fairly one sided event where we get to see what the Night Warrior can do. And to finish it off Malfurion ripping down the walls of Org so that the Warchiefs seat will always be at risk of their actions in the future.
And a new capital city of Kalimdor incorporating Gilnean and Draenei aesthetics in the center of Ashenvale.
Of course I know none of this would happen and only serve to make the Horde characters feel as crappy as we do right now. So with no feasible way for Blizzard to right the wrong they did it’s pointless to even care any longer. The long of it is, they can’t they just can’t while keeping it a 2 faction game.
Just to be clear - ya’ll know the Alliance are the good guys, right?
There are a couple of threads on the top of this forum right now complaining that Horde players want to “have it both ways” with Sylvanas or whatever, but I see a lot of folks in this one who want to have their moral superiority cake and eat genocide too.
…Okay that was a tortured metaphor but you get the point.
I really don’t give a dang about either TB or Org. You can obliterate them both and I wouldn’t so much as frown. But you’re looking at Sylvanas’s character assassination and saying “Yes, do that to my leaders too!” which seems like an odd thing to wish for.