The night elves fully taking their land back and kicking the horde out. Then building a new world tree. Nothing else needs to burn…well maybe Sylvanas.
Oh, don’t get me wrong it bugs the crap out of me as well. Aviana I can “kind” of forgive, as she has her hands full healing the Mother Tree (which, hey Blizz, if you want to make a new NE world Tree have a WHOLE lot more meaning, give them a product of Aviana’s hard work with a seed from G’hanir); but Cenarius and Malorne? Where the hell were they? Cleaning up some crap on the Broken Isles or something? Just like the Vindecaar (which could have dealt with easily tbh), they were just not there.
Its just about as frustrating as the fact that as far as I can tell, the NEs don’t really seem to have a means of dealing with a lot of the aerial tech the Horde has been developing reliably (outside of the Wild Gods and Malf). Blade-throwers and Ancients specialize more in ground targets then higher speed aerial artillery, and Hypogryph riders lack the firepower to effectively deal with something that armored. Heck, why can’t the Horde get access to Blackfuse and Iron Horde tech? Wouldn’t that have made the scales more even in the WoT, without all the tricks?
Sylvanas and her Val’kyr killed by the Alliance, particularly the Night Elves. No escapes, no copouts, she is sent to the afterlife to get what awaits her.
The RAS dismantled and blight outlawed by both Horde and Alliance, plus major neutral parties (CC, Earthen Ring, AD, etc). No more plague creations.
Full horde cooperation and participation in the issue posed by the giant sword in the planet.
Minimum wage for employees imposed on Gallywix set by an arbitrator.
Liadrin atones for sending an assassin after a neutral healer.
After the Night Elves showed up to help save the Nightborne from the Legion, the Nightborne apologize for failing to help save Teldrassil from the Lich Queen.
Baine appointed Warchief and the writers must leave him as Warchief for 5 x-pacs not counting BFA.
LOL, I just get a little pessimistic when I see this sort of topic.
Bluntly, there is no real in universe way to give a satisfying “repayment” to Teldrassil. The Tree, being just as much a symbol of NE arrogance (as it is of nature), is replaceable. The thousands of lives within the Tree are not. Even if it turns out as I expect (and that Sylvie’s decision to burn the tree ultimately came more from a place of pursuing her true objectives, over her supporting the Horde war effort) … the Horde faction is going to have that hanging over our heads for a long time.
Also, there is no way to satisfy many of those within the NE playerbase; because they do want to destroy the Horde (as their characters would be justified in wanting that). Mechanically there is no way to actually accomplish this, and functionally even if they could they would not risk punishing an ENTIRE faction for Blizz’s own writing (that the Horde PLAYERS had absolutely no control over). Which means there is only so far they can go towards the desires of the NE playerbase.
I’m especially bitter because it shaping up to look like Saurfang has a pretty high chance of death (too many Brox, Grom, and Doomhammer parallels going atm) … further culling our already very weakened list of faction representatives (which means less relevance in later expansions).
You know, I’m not even sure. I was going to say they should help rebuild Teldrassil to give the Night Elves a home but that doesn’t undo all of the lives they took. How do you fix that? You can’t bring ashes back to life.
Living wood doesn’t burn like that unless it is dried out in drought like conditions, which is kinda impossible given Teldrassil was surrounded by ocean. This is why campers use old wood fallen off trees or have the firewood bought by people that have prepared it for their fires.
This is why you see wildfires in California (Where Blizz HQ is located) all the time cause of the desert like conditions and the droughts that effect the area. You don’t see this very often in places like Washington state where it rains more often than not.
Teldrassil shouldn’t have went up like it did. It was a research failure on the writers’ part, much like using catapults to attack it from the shore. They set it up so you couldn’t swim that far so how were catapults throwing stuff that far.
I’ve heard it was supposed to be special azerite catapults and that they had shamans spreading the flames faster but I’d have to check A Good War to see if that’s true or not. The in game version certainly didn’t indicate that.
Doesn’t do much good for the catapults hitting it from the shore, that’s still a goof.
I still wish it had been a third party that did it and framed the horde, leaving the Alliance enraged and seeking revenge, which would mean the horde didn’t burn the tree but were still guilt of carving through night elf land and attacking it etc so that they aren’t entirely undeserving of an alliance counter attack.
TBH, before the Warbringers came out I originally believe that perhaps Teldrassil had accidentally grown into some of the newly surfaces Azerite deposits around the world; making the situation far more explosive than anyone (including the Horde) had originally assumed.
They attempted to invade the tree, and the wrong root is hit and … BOOM! Just like I originally assumed the reason the Vindecaar wasn’t around was because with the Legion FINALLY defeated the Draenei finally saw an opportunity to go recover Tempest Keep and Oshu’gan with an actual working Naaru ship (man, was that a wasted opportunity).
However, the route they went with was so … simple it makes things more confusing. For example, why the super catapults? If the goal was to hit the tree from Darkshore, pretty sure Goblins are masters of weapons tech and rocket propulsion. Shouldn’t THEY have been able to easily cook up a delivery system that could span that distance, rather than old school WC3 looking siege weapons that somehow can fire several miles of distance? Another missed opportunity…
I would be ok with the Alliance destroying Thunderbluff on two conditions.
A) It has to be an unneccesary act done only out of spite and a lot of innocent tauren have to be killed in the process with Mulgore being left uninhabitable.
B) The Alliance will have to destroy Ironforge to keep it out of Horde hands by rendering it uninhabitable.
If your ok with those two conditions then I would be fine with the Alliance destroying Thunderbluff.
Alliance shouldn’t raze anything, that’s not their style. Forcing Sylvanas to scorch earth her own capital should be considered the parallel to Sylvanas going full Chaotic Stupid on her only win condition (Teldrassil.)