What would cause you to consider teldrassil repayed?

They could go the alternate route and have the surviving Night Elves suffer a crisis as their culture starts to degrade and fracture, with more talk of how Elune abandoned them and more conflict with, or assimilation into, human culture.

The issue with that is they risk repeating the Gilnean issue, where an interesting people and culture were just killed off in seemingly random locations in Cata-Azeroth, with their plotline of being an exiled people dropped before Cataclysm even concluded. Skip forward to now and theyā€™re just edgy humans(but not too edgy because the Alliance arenā€™t allowed to be that proactive)/blue Tauren.

If the Sundering didnā€™t make the night elves doubt Elune, not to mention several Legion shenanigans, I feel like War of Thorns (followed by evidence of Eluneā€™s existence and favor) isnā€™t going to make the kaldorei break.

Which is yet another reason why Sylvanasā€™s stated plan was incredibly dumb.


Partial credit for both Orgrimmar and Undercity

Likeā€¦ What more do you want?


Weā€™re punished for being Alliance. How many times do I have to lose a city or some area for a conflict only to be told I canā€™t hate the faction responsible? Now I canā€™t even want the character responsible dead because the other side is attached?


Throw it back at you. How many times do I have to suffer a Civil War and/or villainbat plotline that runs counter to what my faction was advertised as? How many times do I have to lose leader/notable characters without proper buildup characters to replace them?


While both are meta-perspective flaws, and symptoms of creatively bankrupt writers, I think the key difference is that the Alliance isnā€™t directly responsible for the Hordeā€™s repeated civil wars in the same way the Horde is directly responsible in the repeated atrocities the Alliance has to endure, and turn the other cheek to.


The Horde as per written by Blizzard. Playerbase attachment and dismissal of such isnā€™t a competent argument. People who enjoy Sylvanas, Garrosh, or the Horde in general donā€™t enjoy them due to bashing the Alliance contrary to popular belief.

The Allianceā€™s grief with the Horde is a product of Blizzard just like the Hordeā€™s grief with itself is a product of Blizzard.


Just twice, with any luck, if Gallywix is preemptively made one of the bosses in Sylvanasā€™ raid. After that itā€™s just a numbers game, since, well, how many characters are there left to kill?

if they donā€™t let us have revenge we are going to be the ones punished.
because if there is something that this game has teach me, is that villains pay for their crimes.
hell, guldan killed basically 3 important characters including 2 faction leaders and he was already dead in the first raid tier.


This is the issue with faction conflict story lines: if the story was going to make any sense, the instigator (Horde most if not all the time) would be decimated, to the point that they might as well not exist. However, with the villain being a player faction, they canā€™t do that and still keep the game going, at least not in a way that makes sense in any real way.

When Thunderbluff gets bombed or the Frostwolf clan destroyed, something like that.
Basically when someone who doesnā€™t actually deserve it gets hit.

They can make the faction no longer an entity but the individual races and their racial hubs may continue to exist.
Which promotes new capitals and I hope. HOPE that means a world revamp.
Maybe something like Outland vs Dreanor; the old world is there somewhere but it is the new one we play with on now on.

This could work, most Alliance donā€™t care about the faction itself compared to their individual races. Some Horde players though take the ā€œfactionā€ pride way to seriously.

Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re responding to me. Iā€™ve said I have no interest in interacting with you.


I respond to poor arguments when I encounter them. Forgive me but I donā€™t particularly commit your avatar or name to memory for me to remember whether or not you desired interaction or not. Aside from that, in a forum environment one does not ā€œask permissionā€ to reply to anotherā€™s post.


I agree with the sentiment but think of it this way. On the Alliance side we get much more stuff. Kul Tiras and each of its zones have more Alliance holdings individually than Zandalari have in all 3 zones put together.
I enjoy Zandalar, it has that Fallen Empire vibe to it which was enjoyable but the whole mini-continent was a huge tour of what the Zandalari used to be and how to prevent the last place looking like these dumps.

I mean sure the Horde get Suramar canonically but its not like a normal capital. I play both sides and the Horde just doesnā€™t have much to lose.
So in short yeah Alliance loses stuff to the Horde but we are given stuff to lose.

Horde has very little in terms of what they can afford to lose short of their capital cities.


Yes to all this, and yes to Ashenvale, but I want Darkshore back too. Night elves without Darkshore feels as wrong to me as night elves without Ashenvale.


Yet youā€™re someone who gets defensive when someone enters your thread and criticizes the point of it.

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Sure? Even if im ā€œdefensiveā€ (may you list an example?), Iā€™m still arguing in the same manner; i see poor/dumb statements then I address them.

Silverwind Refuge.


I feel like this is the only really plausible one, from a game standpoint. The next expansion, they could phase in altered versions of the above mentioned zones (with gold dragons to let players phase back to Cata and hopefully once it goes live Vanilla respective versions) where the Alliance has asserted full control of those zones.

That would be the route Iā€™d go.

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