The destruction of Undercity was a good start, but the war won’t truly be over until Sylvanas is truly dead in recompense for starting a pointless war, genocide, defiling the dead, and needless cruelty above and beyond what military expedience dictated was necessary.
Not exiled, not imprisoned, no half measures…dead. There needs to be a finality to Alliance judgement to discourage further Horde adventurism and bring the point home to them that to follow such dictators is no longer in their best interests or long term survival.
My problem with Lordaeron is that the Alliance had no agency. The whole battle was a feel good moment for the Horde and then in the end Sylvanas just bombs the whole city and flys away.
Some Horde posters like to pretend this city for a city superficial trade as somehow being equal.
But complain so hard when they get a taste of it in Battle for Dazaralor when jaina teleports away.
And even then the Alliance player has to be constantly told civilians and the city is fine and all we did was blow some boats and kill their king for REASONS!
There are ways that the game’s story can continue that don’t involve giving the current expansion’s villain time to escape alive and start even more crap.
What if Sylvanas is captured and held as a prisoner by the Alliance?
We could keep her alive for the future but still bring her to justice.
Frankly killing her or removing more locations with more potholes is just going be hollow. Better off we have more active battlegrounds like Warfronts to keep the fun going.
Wow and I thought nothing could have drove home the fact that we are the villians more than maiev using the burning spirits of civilians to attack me on the darkshore war front now you want to burn one of our cities down now too? What killing all our relevant heroes wasnt good enough for you? Or getting to keep All the main characters that probably should have been blood elves instead of high elves? Here I’ve got it maybe kael can come back from the dead to redeem himself and join the alliance as well?
I mean he was always an anti hero and they do a fairly good job explaining his descent into madness but it was never depicted in game and was far from organic. To be honest he should have just been the blood elf racial leader he was already well established and a beloved character
Wasn’t his insanity because they literally jammed a fel crystal into his chest to resurrect him? Fel is not known for its stability inducing properties.
He actually began snapping when he couldn’t find a more permanent solution to his people’s magic addiction seeing illidan feeding on potent feel energies he demanded that he be taught how to do the same. Illidan warned him how addictive it was but kael did it anyway and it began eating away at his mind. When the scryers defected it was the final straw and mind you kil’jaden had been communicating with him the entire time convincing him illidan thought he was a failure and a joke and that his people were losing respect for him
I would not be shocked if Nazjatar is commanded by Jaina for the Alliance and Nathan and Lor for the Horde since that’s who both sides send out for the accidental(?) lead in.
I will actually be more surprised if there are sizable Shelf and Nelf forces in Nazjatar. I just don’t think the current team sees this as Elf vengeance against Azshara… yet?
Put me in the camp where “Retaking Ashenvale decisively” would make me happy. Bring in the other Kalimdor alliance, so the draenei and the worgen (the two Alliance refugees the night elves gave a home to) can help out. A rip roarin’ rampage of revenge isn’t necessary, though I would like to see Sylvanas down to her last val’kyr. It’d be cool to have JUST enough left to keep the forsaken going, while leaving Screamy McAngstpants without a free rez, so maybe she has to think a bit more carefully.
Just having the kaldorei holed up in Ashenvale to rebuild would be nice. They’ve been through worse, what with the sundering and all, but at this point, with so many losses, the night elves probably aren’t up to taking on the entire Horde alone again… But with what a bloodbath the War of Thorns, Darkshore, and hopefully the wartable missions/Ashenvale were, maybe the Horde decides that they’ll go pick fights with someone else for a while.
But seriously. Ashenvale. The less-than-two-decades-old tree and Darkshore were a shame, but night elves without Ashenvale feels wrong. I love that zone. Even with what Cata and all of this thisery did to it.
If Blizzard were really ballsy, this expansion would end with smoke coming from the ashes of Stormwind… a real bloody Horde victory for a change.
But I expec that it’s going to end with one of those infuriating pats om the head from the Boy Fairy. I call him that because I"m expecting Tinkerbelle wings to sprout on his back at any moment.