What would cause you to consider teldrassil repayed?

I mean, hell 
 if you want to go down that avenue of thought.

The Kaldorei Empire is just one in the line of Empires that controlled the landmasses of Azeroth. Nearly all of their territories were once Troll held; and they conquered them through conquest. Prior to that, as Azshara can attest to, the entire world was the dominion of the Old Gods. Yeah, the Black Empire is some serious Lovecraftian horror 
 but all “Ancentral Lands” of Azeroth were once theirs.

It will be interesting if Blizz actually does have us lose in the end of BfA, and have the Black Empire return (and not just N’Zoth, all of those big buggers). Sort of makes all territorial deputes rather irrelevant if the big original owners of those lands come back and start yelling to get off their lawns.

They tried to give the NEs darkshore
The armors are mostly hit or miss but mostly miss but at least it is something.

What really sucks about this whole thing they build up this Night Warrior thing so much and all to have it boil down to some lame fight event.
World’s slowest get away
Some nameless Valkyr dead we met 5 minutes ago.

Oh and Horde gets a whole host of Undead NEs and two alliance heroes
The whole Battle for Darkshore has become about NEs killing NEs.

It is always one step forward and two steps back with blizzard when it comes to the NEs.


Past me would have cared, but present me can’t be bothered to be invested in the story when it’s just the usual dance. Total victory would be rather outlandish, but the Night Warrior is pretty underwhelming, and feels like it’s not really a big deal.

With the armour design, the gold is garish with the other colours. Personally not a fan.

Call me sour, but at this point, total extinction would be okay with me, considering it feels like monkey paws for NE 24/7.


I’d rather the night elves die out than see them slowly retconned into discount high elves mixed with Dragon Age.

Start with a interesting race, then strip anything remotely interesting from them. That’s the Blizzard method.


That’s an argument that the game should never have been made in the first place. Red Vs.Blue is the soul of this game ever since Orcs Vs. Humans.

I doubt forceful integration would work to begin with. Being occupied is terrible, especially if they hate you. It would likely just end in the Horde rebelling and the faction conflict cycle continuing. I would rather there be a more cooperative relationship with some tensions. We absolutely cannot get the Garrosh plotline a third time and I do not see Blizzard making the Alliance the aggressors in a faction conflict major plotline, and pointless skirmishes in continent of giant threat is stupid.

the greatest and most well received game in the original series was WC3 and it has much much different message than red vs blue lol.


But it isn’t. Throughout the majority of WoW’s lifespan, the focus has been on the threat of the week. The faction conflict was little more than an after thought.

Also, we’re always starved for content. Imagine how much more we would have if none of it was locked behind a faction wall.


Wow, you’d honestly be okay with the extinction of 2 playable races? Why? I mean, I’d never accept anything like that happening to the worgen!

I think the best way to resolve this thing is to split the world in two, between Alliance and Horde, let’s face it, night elves just can’t hope to hold their lands from all of the Horde in Kalimdor forever

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If it’ s done interestingly enough. As it is, the Night Elves and Gilneas aren’t really nations any more, but endangered species. I’d rather have the Kal’dorei go out with a bang instead of whimpering on the streets of Stormwind.

or: start with an uninteresting race and gradually try to make every other race either like the uninteresting one or a villain


If I kickover your sandcastle then you come over and demand my sandcastle to replace it
 then I kick my own sandcastle over so neither of us can have one

is that considered a fair repayment?


It can be, if said person is too stupid to realize they got played like a fiddle. Then again, that sounds like the type of person blizzard writes alliance stories for.

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have you ever heard of the term diaspora


This is stupid. Why in the world would they let 2 major races die off. If that was going to happen it would have been with the bloods elves as they have the lowest population in wow. Furthermore more tube NE are not in the brink of extinction. There are still at least a few thousand that got out plus the army and those that were not in the tree at all.

For someone who plays a Night Elf you bash them a lot on the fourms Drahliana. Please switch to a human, thanks.


Most of those in Ashenvale were killed. But yes, Night Elves still have considerable holdings in Hyjal, Feralas, and Val’sharah. But then again, no one mentions them, and everyone in A Good War and Elegy treats Teldrassil as the functional end of the Night Elves as a people. So, who knows? :man_shrugging:

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I wasn’t referring to those in Ashenvale because that was a given lol. But your correct that the others are not acknowledged at all.

It also didn’t give us an outcome on Mal vs Sylvie, completely changed the BE life span, and was written was written by the same person that implied that the Forsaken are fragile paper dolls. But I’m just being petty now lol. In any case I think they lost at least half of that civilian population.

Not the first time Blizzard ignored Night elves being murdered in Ashenvale. We never got a Taurajo-like questline in Cata for Silverwind Refuge.


Like I said, the story would have to done WELL enough. And I’d find some appeal in the pathos of being one of the last of my kind. I enjoy Superman and Dr. Who after all.

And as a Night Elf, I find it rather embarrassing to see my people being reduced to being beggars on the streets of Stormwind and I’m rather suprised that you’re content with that status.

I can’t see how that is appealing. The last of the one of the most ancient and powerful races on Azeroth. That’s depressing if anything. An entire civilization and culture lost, I cant see how that’s a good thing. I think I see what your trying to say but it’s not good. The loss of the faith of Elune, the Cenarion Circle, the sentinels, the lands that they’ve defended for thousands of years, how is that a positive in anyway?

In no way do I find the refugee status of the Kaldorei in SW acceptable, but you’re solution to that is just to wipe them out? What sense does that make. Why not let them recover? Even the BE are being given that chance and they lost tens of thousands more than we did. This is not the first time the Kaldorei have face loss and each time that come back stronger. Even with this burning they have the highest population of elces by far. Let them retake their lands and recover.