What would cause you to consider teldrassil repayed?




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Bad guy factions ought to be upfront and unapologetic about what they are especially in a game sense. Maybe give some interesting decisions but in general just letting players have fun being Sith Warriors or Decepticons. Old Soldier is great, but it is an awful position to be in as a player who did not sign up to be bad guys or be shamed for things out of their control.


Yes. Darkshore should have been completely retaken. The warfront should have been in Ashenvale.


Push the Horde to Ashenvale and put the Warfront there. Last time the Night Warrior was used it carved out the Kaldorei empire.

Lmao. Yeah okay sure. Also the only Hero from WoD that was important to today’s Horde is Durotan. Literally none of the other Warlords were crucial except Grom who stayed a villain and didnt redeem himself until the very last second.

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have the bronze dragons make another time-traveling expac to save everyone! XD

By that logic, there would not even be an Ashenvale warfont if the Horde was getting steamrolled that heavily.

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To add to that:

They lost the rest of their ancestral lands, after losing half of it in the first place in Cataclysm.

Good one! I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time.

Oh wait, your serious…

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I just hope Teldrassil burning means we get an overhaul of Ashenvale and a new home.

I want the new NE models from Legion being used.
An updated ashenvale with a new capital would be enough to make me happy.

Double bonus if the Horde gets its own Cenarion Circle so we stop getting Horde in NE lands under the guise of neutrality.


Definitely not going to be seeing a new race capital. Darnassus will continue to be the race capital for new night elves and at some point it phases out of their use.

What would cause you to consider teldrassil repayed?
An updated ashenvale with a new capital would be enough to make me happy.


I wonder. Ancestral lands, you say.

The Zandalari barely were allowed to exist at the pleasure and whim of the Kaldorei Empire. The Kaldorei Empire can claim almost all of their conquests as ancestral lands. Much of the Kalimdor they knew was under their dominion. Which was much of the land on Azeroth. And then they blew it all up.

All land is Troll land. Much land is ancestral to the Kaldorei Empire. But in actual practice, the land is owned by those who can take it, and those who can hold it.


Repayment is unlikely to ever happen, so I would be okay with the expansion being over.

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I mean if they weren’t so important then why do we have horde cities/town/outpost named after them?

Because the “New Horde” were a bunch of hypocrites who glorified the perpetrators of the atrocities they claimed they were trying to atone for.


I’m willing to accept any ending… even the total extermination of the Night Elf race if it’s interesting enough. a bonus if it comes with the absolute termination of the possibility of the Forsaken ever procreating themselves… doomed to a slow decline.

The idea that there should be some kind of "repayment’ or fairness is idiotic.

Actually it’s ingrained into the playerbase by Blizzard themselves. Yeah, it’s stupid, but they dole out the parity, so people are used to it and expect it.


By Blizzard’s metric then, repayment was delivered when Lordaeron was blown up.

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Well, obviously.

They underestimated how little NE fans actually care about it, so of course there is outcry. Granted, the same can be said about Teldrassil. Who even actually cared about the zone outside of it being burnt to a crisp? People care more about the event than anything.

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