What would cause you to consider teldrassil repayed?

The war never ends… it just pauses for variable lengths of time we over optimistically call peace.

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I’m certain all Jaina does is temporarily freeze it since the blight is still all around the ruins.




What are you talking about? Did you not play through the scenario?

The Horde tried to save Undercity. They LOST, thanks to Jaina. At that point, the choice, forced by the Alliance, was either let the Alliance finish it off, or finish it off themselves to get in a parting blow. That’s what they went for, and they failed.

You writing as if Sylvanas just randomly decided “to destroy her own city”, which is obviously not what happened. It’s a ridiculous claim.


Yes, I understand that you can use partial quotations to misrepresent an argument if you lack reading comprehension.


You literally said she destroyed it.

Nobody forced her to do anything.

She made a choice. She would rather burn the whole place rather than let the enemy have it and take it back later.
The Alliance never intentionally destroyed anything maliciously like the Horde has done. That’s the difference between the two.


It wasn’t a casual decision… it was a move to take out Anduin, Jaina, Genn, and Alleria which would have been worth several Lordaerons. As it was it took out any of Anduin’s forces that were inside.


That doesn’t matter.

Who took the decision to destroy the city rather than let anyone else have it?

Who took the decision to destroy the tree rather than let the enemy retake it?

She is the culprit for both.
No one else is responsible except for her.

Ultimately it was her decision.


Working on it.

I mean, nobody is stopping you from maining Alliance if the grass really is that much greener.

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I’ve been in the same guild, playing with the same people for 10 years. Not gonna ditch my friends because of the story. Well, that and I have 0 interest in maining Alliance.

Haha most of what I wrote was in jest (although Alliance flags over Lordaeron would be neat). I think that redemption arcs are overused. Sometimes a character has to be so far gone that there is no redemption, no softening at the end.


All this talk of blood reprisals–how does that benefit me, exactly? I don’t care if orcs have a nice city to live in, and if Nathanos’ sonorous voice were ever to be silenced, I think my world would actually be a poorer place.

(seriously, what is the point of punishing anyone other than Sylvanas and maybe her top lackeys? Some of y’all’s sense of justice is seriously Old Testament)

What we need isn’t revenge but reparations–to get back something with a value similar to what was lost, perhaps with some punitive damages thrown in to ensure something like this doesn’t occur again.

6 months free subscription for NE mains paid by Horde mains sounds about right.

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You mean the Horde leadership?

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Are you asking me if I would enjoy seeing Lorethmar piked, Gallywix squashed, and Baine mounted on a wall? Probably.

Would it actually repair the damage done to the Night Elves or make Azeroth a safer place? I don’t think so. None of those leaders are responsible for much besides failing to rebel after the fact—a “mistake” I imagine most people would make if they were in charge.

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The horde player would / should be considered one of those top lackeys, though. They spearhead the entire campaign through Ashenvale and Darkshore and it’s just as much because of them as it is Saurfang that Sylvanas was even able to get into a position to burn the tree.

Discord. Now.

We need more night owls are aren’t dirty aussies.


Yeah, hard to get around that one.

But then, my dear little PC is guilty of so many crimes against Azeroth at this point that I consider her sort of an undercover outlaw at this point any ay, so…

Wait. When did we/y’all start hating Aussies? I thought we hated… whatever EU country Dwarf guy was from?