What would cause you to consider teldrassil repayed?

If recent events are any indication, that mindset is beginning to die out. Therefore, forcibly converting the remainder of humanity is unnecessary and any attempt to do so would only serve to incite retribution.


The quotes you took from my previous post were referring to the hypothetical on whether I, a human on Earth, would make one entity suffer to save the human race. I wasn’t referencing the Forsaken in that post.

The best phrasing of this question I’ve seen to date would be the Torchwood serial “Children of Earth”. I highly recommend it.

It was JUST. A. TREE. Drama queens.

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Take the blood elves from the Horde and give them to the Alliance.
All Horde players with Blood Elves automatically switch factions.

Only then would the debt be repaid. :stuck_out_tongue:

Community Service, a PSA with Smokey the Bear, a sincerely written note of apology, a hefty fine, and Sylvanas’s head used as a volleyball at the next Darkshore Family Field Day event.


I think a fair number of people cared about Undercity. And I see it as sufficient ‘repayment’. Though, I don’t personally care about doing tit for tat stuff these days.

Problem is that repayment was ruined when 2 seperate Alliance forces were inside the city when Sylvanas blew the city and smirked as she flew away.

So the repayment continues.


That isn’t a problem for me. They didn’t seem of narrative significance to me when it happened.

Well to be fair you are not exactly the target audience that feels shat on and seeks recompense.

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Sure. I just thought this thread was asking peoples’ opinions.

What would cause you to consider teldrassil repayed?

Sylvanas publicly hung, burned, then torn limb from limb. Every Forsaken put to the sword. Every acting Horde leader at the time of Teldrassil beheaded. The Horde disbanded, all territory under Horde control relinquished, and every member of the Horde forcefully relocated into their “home” territories.

Oh wait, this is WoW, so ummm, I guess if Sylvanas shoots some arrows at N’zoth, then we will all be besties again, ala Grommash and WoD.


That is hard to justify considering that the Forsaken have been doing fine for basically the entirety of WoW. If anything they have considerably grown in power and influence. Humans disliking them is hardly a real and present danger. Stormwind had not made any move against them. In fact, history is that the Forsaken have cost humans far more than the reverse. There really is just no reason the Forsaken would have a ‘it is them or us’ mindset.


Here is how the forsaken logic plays out.

Sylvanas and Forsaken lament being a living dead. But now they are free.
Torments to a curse if you recall.

Then during cataclysm Sylvanas goes on the offensive, wipes out couple of towns and raises people she killed (And for some reason they follow her?)
Because apparently after so many battles many forsaken had died and this made it difficult for Sylvanas to hold the area for the Horde.

So she goes out of her way to maximize casualties and then turns around to raise her new victims. And the only reason is because she has to ensure the survival of her people…
Her people… who she sends to battles where they can die…
to raise new people… who she will send to more battles where they can die…
to raise new people and rinse and repeat.

After how many battles do the original people she started with no longer exist?
If it was a selfish wish like “I want to rule over a undead kingdom forever and to hell with who I kill” It would make SO much more sense.
But nope.

All dialogue lines pretend this is all for protection and survival.
Forsaken are undead. They don’t procreate. They don’t evolve further.
All they do is rot and eventually return to dust.
And one of the WoW books covered this… Forsaken have a huge problem with their body rotting away and they need new corpse pieces to keep their body functioning.


My city is gone my home, out of all the horde capitals that’s where I always went to for haircuts, auction house, bank, and minor crafting. If I needed to get to a location on that continent that would be my go to.

Do you know what happens when you teleport there now? You get tossed outside.

This is not accurate. They do not rot, Blizzard even confirmed they are in a state of suspended decay. The problem is they do no heal either. So, they do not get weaker or turn to dust over time. But, if they get damage they have no way to repair the damage short of adding a body part. Accidents or war cause damage to them and they look for replacement parts.


I would consider Teldrassil to be properly avenged if:

  1. Undercity was purified and the kingdom of Lordaeron was rebuilt for the Alliance and ruled by Calia Menethil. The Lightforged Forsaken could find some rest here.
  2. Night elves get some sweet storylines that don’t involve Tyrande and Malfurion acting ridiculously.
  3. Nathanos Blightcaller was killed in a legit one-on-one duel with Tyrande or Malfurion. In his final moments he realizes the error of his ways and with his dying breath apologizes for being such an a–hole all these years. Somehow is redeemed and becomes a Lightforged Forsaken.
  4. Alliance get Lightforged Forsaken as a playable Allied Race.
  5. Alliance get High Elves as a playable Allied Race (cue the usual incessant Horde whining about there being a megathread for high elves).
  6. High elves high elves high elves high elves.
  7. The Horde gets NOTHING except two new Allied Races of their own: troggs and kobolds.
  8. Sylvanus is driven to insanity by the concept of playable Alliance high elves.
  9. Sylvanus is killed by Saurfang in a great duel and the Horde goes back to being semi-sane.
  10. …
  11. PROFIT. And Teldrassil avenged.

Cue What a Wonderful World

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The heads of Sylvannas and Saurfang would do for a down payment.

But I’m not expecting even that.

This I am cool with. I even think a lot of Horde would be as well.

No, just no.

First, I don’t want to see any kind of forced ‘redemption arc’ on him. It makes no sense at all.

Second, the Alliance does not need Lightforged undead. We don’t need to further the idea that the Horde Forsaken are all evil by having the ‘good’ version on the Alliance. Also, and this is the larger part of it, the Forsaken need to develop themselves outside of Sylvanas. You remember when the Alliance had to play Horde side to see how their (Worgan) story went? Yah, this would be kind of like that. The light undead need to be part of the Forsaken story, not the Alliance.

And thirdly, and I cannot stress this enough, the LAST thing the Alliance needs is Nathanos. The Alliance welcoming him in after all he has done would be ridiculous. Plus, it would kind of be a terrible feeling for the vast majority of the Alliance players to suddenly be working for him. And, lastly, he is just not a good character. Hardly one that needs more story time.

Let Nathanos die with Sylvanas.


You can talk to Zidormi to get teleports working again. All my alts are chilling out in Darnassus still, and my hearthstone is still set to Teldrassil and works exactly as it did before when I have Zidormi set the phase back to before the War of the Thorns whenever it isn’t the Alliance’s turn to do world quests on Darkshore.