What would cause you to consider teldrassil repayed?

Nope, you’re right. Saurfang even says as much in “A Good War” when he’s yelling at Sylvie. That what she just did will haunt the Horde for a thousand generations. Which, actually suggests HE never intended to push the Alliance races into extinction; which contrasts HEAVILY to Sylvie how constantly implies that was her goal for the Kaldorei.

BTW, seriously, read “A Good War” and just look at how many times it seems like its implied that Sylvie would have done something like Teldrassil eventually (just not as soon as she felt she needed to); and that her goal really was the extinction of the NE people (which is why SHE put SO MUCH emphasis on the death’s of Malf AND Tyrande; where as Saurfang operated on the belief they were obstacles best avoided). Its sort of creepy how LARGE scale her “True Objectives” really seem to be (even without us knowing what exactly she’s planning).


by the power invested in me by horde players everywhere, we accept. you got yourself a g*ddamn deal.


Oi, speak for yourself. He might be a grumpy old sod, but he’s our grumpy old sod.


Err, I didn’t vote for you. Nathanos is the only character in this entire game I wouldn’t rather have on mute.


Pretty sure most Horde players enjoy having their own slice of Human potential to run around with and win every objective he sets out to do.

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You mean the “Potential” that the NE playerbase believe they deserve? Like it or not, if the NEs were allowed to be portrayed as powerful as they were in the RTS (which makes for a awful recipe for an MMO race) … “Human Potential” pales in comparison to just how absolutely ridiculous “Kaldorei Potential” really is on paper. You outright ignore Tech-Creep (just because), that’s absurd … if the Kaldorei were a culture in a Civ game, they’d be nerfed through the floor (or banned).

As to when the Horde is allowed to enjoy that good ol’ “Human Potential”, when? WoT? When a skeleton police force outnumbered 6 to 1 (and Malfurion) managed to result in more combatant losses on the Horde side, despite nearly a decade of explosive advancement in tech and tactics by the Horde? Oh, and then, they (almost on their own), with no real infrastructure on Kalimdor managed to create a viable beach-head for future invasion fairly damned easily.

How about when we stole the “Scepter of the Tides”? Oh, Alliance stole that back and used it against us before it was destroyed? Yup, great “Human Potential” there. How about the Golden Fleet? Soon as we get it, Alliance makes a massive push into Dazal’alor and shatters over half that fleet. How about before BfA? The only presence the Horde has in the ENTIRE expansion is Sylvie’s little foray into grocery shopping. Huh, failed there too? And we’re completely irrelevant the rest of the expansion…

Yup, its good to be Horde. We’re just succeeding everywhere (AKA, Blizz didn’t bother putting in the work of actually ensuring the HUGE power imbalance between both Factions was evened out before they forced the low-fantasy faction to be the aggressors in a War against a SUPER HIGH fantasy faction). Thus, we’re succeeding by simply not just getting TOTALLY steamrolled by "Alliance Potential"; just waiting for the Naga to even the odds for us … not on our own steam.


BfA might try and make you think that Azerite is the resource that will win the war, but that’s a trick. A lie. The true resource race is whichever side can weaponize Human Potential.

Unfortunately, the Alliance has had years to refine their reserves of Human Potential, whereas the Horde has only recently developed the means to make meaningful use of it.


I don’t remember Night Elves being ridiculously strong in Warcraft 3. The Scourge did huge damage to them. Yes, they gave problems to orcs and humans but is more the point they are very capable fighters with powerful nature and goddess magics on their side. It is probably novels that did stupid writing to make them absurd, as if it was military propaganda for them.


Well, fair, most of that general power came out of the WotA content.

You do not speak for all Horde players.

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lol i love how seriously some of you are taking my post

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Teldrassil: destroyed.
Gilneas: uninhabitable.
Gnomeregan: uninhabitable.
Undercity: uninhabitable.
Goblin home city (forgot its name): destroyed.
Silvermoon City: Not completely destroyed, but seriously damaged.
Not to mention all the non capital cities and villages.

When is enough going to actually be enough? Every time a city gets destroyed it also affects innocent civilians, displacing or killing them. Where do we draw the line as Alliance and Horde and say just that? Enough is enough.

The Lich Queen’s head on a pike. Or burned to ashes. that would be poetic justice.

Ohhhh or better yet, bring her back to life (true resurrection) and THEN burn her. That way she’ll feel the pain.

Then again the mature part of my brain says she should be brought back to life so every ounce of mortal regret and guilt comes back to her and then she can spend years trying to atone for all the innocent people she murdered out of spite.


“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.” -Mahatma Gandhi


That argument only works if you start from the position that the Forsaken have no right to exist.

Because from a Horde/Forsaken perspective, Sylvanas’s actions were heroic. She was risking her life not for herself (she already had effective immortality), but for her people. And this is directly stated, repeatedly, in the texts, most famously in BtS when, thinking about these events, she muses that “I would have saved them [her people]” had not Genn intervened.

From her perspective, Genn’s actions were not just villainous, but genocidal, and intended to rob the Forsaken of their future. Which he directly gloats about.


It wasn’t invalidated. It put the Night Elves back into the game for Darkshore.


It was countered by one shooty boy that impressed some discount reject Elves and two floating goth girls.


I said that the Night Elves were back in the game, not that they had swept the board. Gameplay does demand that the Horde get it’s share of victories since it’s a PVE warfront.

Depends on how you look at it. Free will, supposedly, being the cornerstone of Forsaken society surely more than a few would be uncomfortable with the idea of a slave being the cause of their species’ survival.


Not at all. All you have to assume is that they do not have the right to create more at the cost of others. The issue is not the existence of the current Forsaken. It is about creating more. And the cost of creating more is the enslavement of a sentient being, and arguably a good one at that. Additionally, it was going to be accomplished by aiding an evil one.

Plus there is the whole:

Making the act a bit more questionable.

It is not about all Forsaken. It is about Sylvanas. Genn’s grudge towards her is very personal. He saw her making a grab for power, and he denied her. I doubt the Forsaken in general would even have entered his mind. He wanted Sylvanas to suffer. And we have no evidence Genn even knew what Sylvanas was going to use her for. He just knew Sylvanas wanted power and he took that from her.