Look, the Ashbringer yoyo’s between corruption and purification all day. The aspects that blessed it are shadows of their former selves, whatever mojo they worked could be wearing off and unleashing the old god evil once more.
It’s better not to take the chance. Not when it’s just night elves inside, certainly.
No it wasn’t. Undercity was humiliation for the Alliance. Blizzard well Ion stated it was a horde victory. We won from a deus ex machina reason. Otherwise, Sylvanas humiliated the Alliance at every turn.
I mean the only reason you were in trouble was deus ex machina reasons. You beat the horde military in the straight up engagement and only needed those deus ex machina because blizzard didn’t actually think that a military would think.
Kind of like the horde war campaign? oh and the leveling zone story for the horde? horde is doomed to fail at everything in BFA and has been.
Attack on Teldrassil: failure, didn’t get the NE to surrender/loose hope or create a friction in the alliance. Also mind you the horde was in full force and couldn’t over run the kaldorei - who didn’t have most of their forces.
Siege of Undercity: failed, not only could the horde not hold off alliance forces and prevent a seige. This wasn’t a sneak attack, horde was prepared. Yet couldn’t prevent seige or fight off the seige.
Since, we been running away from alliance heros while horde heros… are just super weak… I do not even mean weak compare to Jaina, Malfurion or Tyrande. Nah horde a team, Rokhan gets wooped by Blademaster Telaamon’s image and need to be rescued. In our war campaign mind you.
Blackhand, Gul’dan, and Kargath have always been villians.
Kil’rogg as well, although he may have been honorable.
Ner’zhul started out seemingly good, but then became the Lich King. He is perhaps the best subject of potential villain-batting.
Grommash has always been like he is. He even “redeemed” himself at the end of WoD, just like in WC3.
And Durotan was never evil. Not in MU or WoD.
Let me know when you’re told to save an insane amount of civilians in an impossible amount of time or get to watch your leader’s newest buff be invalidated because the Devs all favor the Horde.
Lol I’ll take trying to complete an impossible task over 90% of the Horde War Campaign and I’d rather have my favorite character get an underwhelming power boost than be killed off for no good reason. You wanna trade? It sounds like you do.
If they favored the Horde so much, they would not subject them to a dreadful soul-searching and second civil war plot redundant with the first one unless they really believed Horde players would love it.