What will you do if factions are merged?

If they merged them I would race change to a goblin.

I would surround myself with space goat ladies and still kill human pallys

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It really won’t if I’m being honest.

I do have a Worgen Rogue that I regret till this day making as a Worgen (starting area was amazing tho), I have plans to swap him to a human or maybe a Panda for the memes.

I’d be able to group with all of my friends regardless of our faction. I’d also get to have my choice of any race. Both would be huge for me.

We’ve had years of mirrored faction bases in zones, quests and objectives. It’s getting a little silly at this point. World PVP would also be better with FFA added.

I’d go get hammered with the Dwarves, and we would holdest the biggest, baddest drunken party EVER.

Alcohol and explosions = CAN DO FUN EH?!

I would love this, I still hate the horde but I think this would do a lot for the game. If I can raid and pvp and trade with my friends regardless of whether they are horde or alliance that makes the game much better. Also, this fixes the faction imbalance issues in PVP and PVE. Now you can matchmake in BG’s more like you do in Arenas. Plus if you can still raid with your guild and have the race that best suits your class that is huge. I have a theory though. I don’t think the factions will end, I think there will be a third neutral faction that can join guilds and groups on either side. I think players will be given a choice at the beginning of the next expac. Go with Jaina and Thrall to the third faction or stay with your current faction.

I would celebrate!! Probably wouldn’t chane any races though.

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You and me both. Except for the occasional dwarf or worgen…

Doubt it will come to pass.

But if it does - considering they don’t impose the character restrictions on servers anymore, I’d heavily consider moving all my characters to the same server (I currently have all my alliance toons on one and all my hordies on another.)

I doubt they’ll do it.

My plan is already to be Horde next expansion, so I guess I would be happy I could raid with more of my friends.

I would probably play horde already if that pyramid didn’t suck so bad.

Finally be able to happily play my Draenei/Lightforged with my friends who prefer Horde, it will greatly increase my fun and desire to play the game which is seriously lacking right now.

Play classic WoW

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I will punt goblins along with gnomes

I wouldn’t change a thing. I already play both factions and have zero investment in dumb faction conflicts.

“The Horde we just worked with to save the world a couple of times are stealing all the MacGuffinite to empower their heretofore unknown Weapons of Mass MacGuffin! We must go to war!”


OH I believe if they did a full on merger of factions I would probably quit too.

But the idea of dungeons or lfr fits into how some countries might not get along normally until a common enemy brings them together for even just a short time.

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Ok you can eat all the gnomes you want except Grumbles.

We need to make sure the cookies keep flowing.

If the factions merge, I will definitely quit playing wow. Maybe focus on classic, unless classic ends up being trash, then I will just quit altogether and go back to playing eso.

Wonder how they will do it. Will warmode be the same under the guise of “skirmishes”?.

For all PVE content thats simple.

Hating alliance is one of most fun to do things in game and on forum. Just removing factions would completely destroy wow for me.

Making new factions that can hate each other on the other hand could work.

Nothing really. I’ve wanted this since Wrathion and others in MoP made it clear the only way forward was together.

I may move a few more V.Elfs over to B.Elf, or the reverse, but for the Most part no change.