What will you do if factions are merged?

I tossed the dagger into a pool of lava whenever it showed up for me. Does that count?

Oh come on! You could have made at least made 10s by selling that sucker.

Why thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Wait till we down bosses and turn and shank horde before they loot.

And let the stupid dagger try to sweet talk someone else into doing bad things?


Talking evil artifacts go straight into the pit of lava, I can make 1000x more than that just picking herbs and making dr-… performance enchancers, for raiders.

Worst part is that’s not an exaggeration… you seen the prices of the new flasks atm. Makin’ bank.

At least she doesn’t judge you for killing things for 12c.

Idk, you might make a killing over evil artifact knockoffs.

Ill just keep Dwarvin on and smithing foes in the name of the light.

If factions are merged, I will take the chance to slaughter as many gnomes as I can before abandoning the factions as a whole and returning to The Ebon Blade.

But I’m not a murder hobo :frowning:

Also, I’m sure there’s a market for that, but I’m not an enchanter. :frowning:

I’d post up in wherever the elf ladies are hanging these days.

I’d find another game. One not singing Kumbaya, which has it’s time & place, but not in WoW.

I know faction identity has deteriorated over the years & I suppose that’s one of the many reasons they are rebooting Vanilla. Not something I intend to spend time in, but faction sense was much better then.

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You know what they say, “Keep your friends close and your food supply closer”.

Assuming I can get through the doorways, go to Ironforge and get drunk with the Dwarves.

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I can only imagine the Goldshire Inn on Moonguard if that happens… it would be GLORIOUS.

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Lies! I’ve watched you slaughter those seals for vendor trash!

ERP with Taurens

I’m pretty sure you have confused for someone else, because I don’t remember anything to do with anything with seals. :frowning:

Whelp, I mean… if that’s what floats your boat, I imagine goldshire will get more… insane… than it already was.

Petition for Gnomes to break away into our own Faction.

Finally Re-Sub knowing i can play with anyone i want to.

(And if they don’t fix all the problems they’ve created, then un-sub again.

I’d start using some of the sweet mogs the horde has. Their 2h axes alone would change the transmog game forever for me.

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There are a lot of variables to this, if they let us align to the opposite faction in such a way that we can even use that faction’s mounts and tabards then I might race change a character or two, if that stuff remains locked to the character’s original faction though then i probably won’t use the new system at all. If we’ll be able to do all quests offered to the other faction then I may use my main to experience the Horde side of each expansion.

I’ll be very interested in hearing what, if anything, the devs have to say on this topic at ActiCon this year.