What will you do if factions are merged?

Well, I have a lot of friends who just really dislike the Horde and prefer to play on Alliance. It would be nice to be able to play with them all again.

Nah. That wouldn’t be a factor in my decision to race change if I race change anyone moving forward.

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I’d race change some toons to Kul Tirans, Dwarves, and Worgen.

I doubt they would ever do a full merger - they would probably allow people to group cross faction though.


I doubt it will actually happen, but if it does, it will change exactly nothing for me.

It might mean more people to raid with, I guess.

It would be terrific for the game if they dropped the horde vs alliance thing. Raids would be more balanced. PVP would be more balanced. Q times would drop. Sylvannas loyalists would quit. So much good stuff.

No race changes, but I will have all my alts in the same guild. It would be wonderful, then I won’t have to look at mats that I have on the horde and need on the alliance. Honestly I would just rather be neutral to both horde and alliance. I feel like my characters are mercenaries and will fight for whomever pays them.

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I’m glad we burned the tree you stinking hippy.


Not even a cow?

Ohhhh go make a Goblin. You will not regret it. You can still hate the Horde on your Alliance characters. When you’re on your Horde you can say things like, “stinking Alliance…” when you see them do stupid stuff.

Maybe a moose. There’s something about the antlers that makes me sqeee internally. I was going to level a Highmountain Druid this expansion, but lordy am i struggling with motivation.

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She’s so cute :purple_heart:

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I played both the Human campaign and the Orc campaign in Warcraft 2. Without the Orcs v. Humans aspect, though, there wouldn’t have been a game in the first place. I feel the same way about World of Warcraft.

Merged??? Well… I’m going to do some digging and find things that make my Gnome here HUGEEE. Then Imma going to dance in Org and there is NOTHING. THEM. ORKS. CAN. DO… But watch me dance in their city.

Probably go about my day, and enjoy the increased player pool, and the removal of unnecessary conflict, and player segregation.

I have literally zero investment in PvP, or this faction war.


Agreed. I have friends and former guildmates who play Alliance. I would love to run things with them again.

Can we also do away with this class/race restriction? The lore is out the window now for a lot of combos in the game. Just open up all classes to all races.

I think it stinks. Warcraft without Alliance vs Horde isn’t Warcraft. It’s a PC bastardized version of it. So yeah, I’d probably quit too

looks at your name

narrows eyes

You dont look like the andraste from all the chant.

Also id quit if they remove factions entirely. I like having 2 seperate factions. Does it have to be horde vs alliance? Not at all. But if they merge, i better get an evil faction or something to join…

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I hope we get to kill the heathens that rejected N’zoths Gift.

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This is why I like Draenei ladies.

P.s. i like your new mog.

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I would stay subbed to the game