What will you do if factions are merged?

Play more Forsaken and Tauren characters, probably.

Ill quit. I would be fine with dungeon ques shared like mercenary mode. Not pvp or raids though.

I’ll have twice the number of people tell me how terrible of a player I am.

I would also immediately transform into a tauren.


I’d cheer. The faction war is played out. We are always fighting each other then suddenly we have to cooperate to fight a threat to all of us and then we go back to fighting each other, lather rinse repeat. It’s predictable and boring and this game needs to evolve.


I think it would open up some political battles and some leaders trying to take over secretly …spy and such. It’d also open up some dialog and in-fighting between races that have always hated each other.
It would add to the lore IMO, and I REALLY hate sylvanas so anything that has her dead…well actually really dead…gets my vote.

Also to OP question, I’d do nothing. I’ve always liked goblins but I’m a dwarf and will always be a dwarf. But goblins are cool :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And also, more eyecandy in the way of male blood elves running all over :heart_eyes:


Well I play both sides and more times than I will ever admit I am not paying attention land in the wrong camp and get killed by the guards.

So if that stopped being a thing I would be happy.


God dangit didn’t mean to delete it, meant to edit it.

I’d probably leave to focus on something else, War Thunder has a new patch soon full of new tanks/gamemodes/planes. Maybe i’d finally start a fresh game of Skyrim without mods. Been meaning to do that.

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I would probably quit as this would be the sign that the end is very near.

It’s not warcraft without some faction tension. Lovecraft here we come and i don’t mean lovecraftian either.

Draenei are love, Draenei are life. I wouldn’t play anything other than Draenei and a token Darkspear Troll.

gotta keep an eye on you Draenei players. Sneaky types.

No other race is as efficient as a rogue than Tauren and Draenei. Have you ever seen one? No? Yeah, we’re that good.


Adapt and not let it affect my playstyle.

But who will pvp.

That has been happening a lot to me lately too.

Play the game? At this point, in normal mode, faction flagging is just a pointless annoyance that just makes me hearth out to my garrison for a minute whenever I cut too close to an opposing flight point.

I’m politely assuming that, if such a thing were to ever happen, war mode will not change and thus we wouldn’t need to fight forum wars over it?

I don’t like it… But at least there would be more people to play with I guess.

Finally be able to play the kind of elf I WANT to play.

Even if Blizz manages to develop what I want through apathy and accident, I’ll take it.

I mean, Arenas aren’t faction dependent, also we have Mercenary Mode for BGs. Warmode should become a Free-For-All.

I would drop the game, I will never play side by side with the Aliance.

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