What will you do if factions are merged?

It just dosent work… more factions and loosening factions would be ok but World of Warcraft is its factions (que Illidan).

But as for merging, they would have to just throw away all existing lore for it to work. Why would Draenei ever team up with Orcs? Or Forsaken with humans? I realize anything is “possible” with enough twisting but like I said, they would have to just start from scratch.


It would be nice to funnel supplies across factions. Im happy with the way things are, and merging the factions would only enhance my gaming experience.
But they have to make it make sense lorewise!

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If the Alliance and Horde merge and a new faction is created, I’m going to the new faction.

Probably keep playing the game. Don’t really care too much if the end result ends this asinine Faction War.


On behalf of the forsaken, sorry about the tree.

Does that make it better?


Lets just say there will be a lot of the former “Alliance” races bodies found in alleyways if we are forced to coexist…


Point to a random Pandaren and make fun of him.


The lore is getting ruined with this constant “i need you-i hate you story rotation” that the factions were doing since Warcraft 3. Many people don’t want more lame excuses in order to become enemies and friends once and again.


Some will get seriously butthurt and quit. But I bet the number would be maybe a dozen or so across the entire game. But that could be like 5% of the playerbase by then so…

Might allow Dwarves in the raid. Dwarves are cool.

Depends on the degree of faction merging. If the Alliance are still KOS in Horde capitals and settlements and we still fight each other in PvP? I won’t do anything. Just continue to play.

However, if they completely bring down the faction barriers then I’ll finally be done with this game.

Mostly business as usual. I’d hang out in Thunder Bluff if possible. Tauren are nice!

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I would enjoy the much larger pool of m+ and raid groups. Would the writing be bad? Sure, but the writing has been bad for a while.

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Nothing would change for me.

I don’t ever see them doing a faction merger, it would suck if they did, but letting people who do dungeons and lfr do them together probably isn’t a bad idea.

Me personally I would probably quit since one of the best things about this game is Alliance vs Horde in my opinion.

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Roll 3 or so taurens immediately. I miss my floofy cows

I doubt that he has a problem with the people playing the other faction be it Horde or Alliance. Its in game that he likes the tension and conflict, which so do I, so somebody having a toon on both sides means nothing.

For the record I have never had a max level Horde toon and don’t plan on it anytime soon.

Merge guilds, LFG/LFR, remove in-game language barriers, and make you switch factions automatically when in Warmode to balance it.

Doing this without removing factions would actually add the QoL improvements people want without affecting their egos.


There isn’t much that can effect my ego which is pretty healthy in real life lol.

Frolic with my new alliance friends, of course.