What will you do if factions are merged?

Omg that would be no laughing matter

I’m curious why though. I get the “omg this is wow Orcs vs Humans” argument. But honestly, you know how many people have switched factions? None of us really know, but I’m betting a lot (and that counts those who play both factions) End of the day, we are all humans behind the key board


It may no longer be true (which is sad), but there used to be a lot of common experiences that united players on the two factions like Barrens general chat or Paladin blessings or when Ironforge was the capital chosen by players instead of Stormwind (as chosen by Blizzard). Faction used to mean something beyond just PvP or RP. Losing that means WoW has lost its heart and soul, it would not surprise me in the least if merged factions led to mass unsubs.

What surprises me is how many people actually want the game to be more bland and watered-down by merging the factions. That may be an unfair characterization, but it’s what it sounds like to me.

That said, as some in this thread are saying I would not be opposed to allowing a mercenary mode for mythic raiding or whatever, but then you have to balance around it which probably leads to even more blandness (not my area of expertise)


If anything, I’d say factions water it down. Blizzard needs to worry about faction balance in almost every aspect


Misdirect bosses to every non-tanking Forsaken player in LFR.


I’d quit playing entirely. Instead of just taking breaks, I’d never come back.


Eh, I’m not sure that this is true. Attempts to balance the two sides can actually lead to interesting and creative solutions rather than just not caring at all. Also I’m not sure Blizzard has ever, really, truly cared about making the two sides experiences completely equal. They make attempts to balance them every half-decade sure, but imagine if the factions were merged. They would probably just get rid of racials entirely rather than try to balance every raid/PvP encounter against 20+ races potential combos

I just like being separated, I enjoy two different stories. I enjoy the feeling of “exclusive”. Orgrimmar is for horde only, alliance can come but aren’t welcomed and can’t use our stuff. That’s the stuff I enjoy, and I like knowing that alliance also has their own exclusive stuff. I like the feeling of tension between both sides.

Warcraft was built on Horde vs alliance. If they break that then they break wow for me, it won’t be the same anymore.


No, just the crappy ones

Half the people you group with were Alliance in Warlords of Draenor though. You just don’t know it. And I bet some still have their Alliance toons.


Considering i was around when timeless island was a thing and the slaughter that happen. The bodies on both side and team up. The horde and alliance gain up on all of us. It did matter raiders against the rest. To this day i still have night mares.
Would problem wait it out till they fire the person who said this a good idea.

I wouldn’t really care a whole lot. I haven’t cared much about the factions in a while.


For the Holliance! Lol

Nah… I don’t like the idea of all of the races being cool with each other. Unless it was like some third playable neutral faction. I’d probably just feel the same as usual depending on what character race I was playing.


Rofl that faction is entirely blood elves. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I don’t know it wouldn’t feel right if there was no factions. And to be fair, if there is no factions who rules “it”? A council of 50/50 Horde and Alliance? Jaina? Thrall? See how that could get messy. What I personnaly suggested before was to create 3 new factions that would determine with who you can pvp with or agaisn’t in the world and in bgs, that you can join as either Horde or Alliance.

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I wouldn’t have to buy those language translator pots anymore from Dalaran just to communicate with non-friended people while we wait for rares and share our toys and mounts :slightly_smiling_face:

They could have two kinds of realms: one where the normal, helpful people play, and one which is all free for all all the time. You are hostile to everyone, no grouping allowed.

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Wait are you saying battle royal mode, I wouldn’t mind that.

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Merge them? Hell no.

Create more factions but take away the barrier? I might be open to that.

Edit: This Druid wants to join the Cenarion Circle.




