What will you do if factions are merged?

Goldshire’s gonna be wild when the factions merge.


Akira’s one of those movies you put on to test your mind and heart.


I feel like if it wasn’t a sequel I’d be pissed, since I don’t like when they remove gameplay features just for a laugh.

Please Blizzard don’t do this. This game at its core was Alliance vs Horde with the typical world evil threat bringing us together but don’t make it permanent.


Have a larger pool of players to recruit from.


I would quit, forever.

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I would go out of my way ganking gnomes and planting blood elf banners on their corpses! Sacrificing them with the drust knife, and otherwise making life for all gnomes a living hell! Gnomes are not people, and they deserve to suffer! Gnomes are the vermin of the races of Azeroth! Purge those heretics into the lava and only drag out roasted corpses to feed those who have a taste for gnome flesh!

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Cheer because it will help so many QoL things


There’s absolutely no facts that this’d ever happen.

So i’ll just have waffles for breakfast as always.

I would still play classic, but that’s it.

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I’d unsubscribe and quit playing.


Yeah, I agree, a merger would be the death of the game.

I think the closest acceptable iteration of this idea would be a merged raid/dungeon where Horde and Alliance take up arms together against a common threat.

After all, I doubt the Horde or Alliance cares if there’s an axe wielding orc or worgen standing next to them before a threat like N’Zoth.



We agree on something!


At its core 15 years ago, heck 10 years ago. Imagine how many more people were playing back then.


I have no problem if they let the factions queue for say dungeons or say lfr together but I’m not for full faction mergers.

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Have a baby with a Draenei girl

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Ok I can see it now .

WTF are the Tauren and the Gnome doing and is that even possible?

Gnome woman Tauren guy… yes that’s possible!

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Same id quit big time and not look back.


Doubt there will be a complete dissolve.
Factions are kinda central to the game.

Don’t see Orcs being able to just walk into Stormwind etc.
More likely non warmode will allow grouping and teamwork.

Solve a bunch of PvE issues and keep PvP as its own thing with the two factions as a fragile peace and skirmishes.

Even a stretch to imagine cross faction guilding would be a thing…

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