What will you do if factions are merged?

I’ll probably be happy because faction imbalance won’t impact on PvP.

merged factions id be more concerned about the Disney buying Blizzard rumors because it seems theres a bit of truth behind it a few execs at Disney are seriously trying to convince their boss the current CEO to actually consider the proposal and negotiate a deal to do so

the Disney CEO hasn’t said yes however they also haven’t dismissed the notion either

I have always felt that player agency is key to good game design. This idea of make a Character during gameplay you pick your Factions, each faction has an Opposite, PVP is enabled when you wear you’re factions Tabard, which can not be Tmogged. (one of the few good things in Blade and Soul).

Otherwise all PVE content is no faction, you are Heroes of Azeroth.

I would also include Evil factions as player options, you want to serve the Scurge, ok. You want to support the Old Gods, or the Burning Legion, awesome, more reasons for PVP are awesome reasons for PVP. But don’t force PVE players to suffer though bad PVP enabling writing.


I will finally be able to group with all my friends and it won’t matter what I play.

If the Faction war ends, or is changed, there is still plenty of WarCraft going on. Anyway, the name is no longer really a literal thing, it’s just the name of the Universe at this point, just like StarCraft, which you don’t literally have to play on a star.

As to the second bit, WOW has been Lovecraftian since the beginning.

I’m 45 years old and not some insolent child. So I don’t get all pissy and make ultimatums/whine threads.

But I guarantee this is something I would quit over.

Cool, but then again you could still play Classic.

I raided in vanilla. I had my fill of vanilla in vanilla.

Same, but at least you could still have factions there.

If I could get back all or most of the friends I had back then, you can bet your rear that I would go back. But I know for certain that that’s not going to happen.

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All most all of my friends from vanilla are gone as well, but that won’t change no matter what happens in game.

Well that’s exactly what I’m saying. I have three friends left in the game from the vanilla days. And two of them are like me: had their fill.

The third wants to go back in because he was away from the game for 8 years and only came back a couple months ago because of the news of classic.

You say that but I still play old school RuneScape

I just preferred the game that way

Moot, since they will never merge.

Depends on what happens to guilds.

If I don’t have to leave my guild, probably race change my druid to a nelf, my priest to a nelf, my lock to a belf (cause I gotta play 2), and then I’ll have 2 Belf and 2 Nelf toons and all will be well.

I would immediately mog Gul’Dan’s staff that we got from the movie promo and ride around on my deathwheel. That thing is covered in about 6 inches of dust.

I think I’d celebrate too. I tried a pserver once that let you queue with the opposing faction, it honestly wasn’t a bad thing. There are more upsides (like shorter queue times) than downsides (they’ve rehashed the faction war so many times it’s just, tiresome). I’d actually like to see the game move on from it, or develop new factions in the other direction, anything for a change. PvP could easily remain a thing, individuals or small groups could still bang if they want, no nation can control ALL it’s people and small-scale conflicts could easily erupt without wrecking the lore.

Finally go ride a Tauren like I’m usually mentioning if I’m not talking about Tinkers.

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It would mean we wouldn’t be experiencing two different point of view, when it comes to story-line.

If you play both factions its always nice to know both sides of the story.

It is weird Velfs can be holy and disc priests…

Really blizz needs to implement the class skins idea from Taliesin. It recons some issues with the races, and could be a heck of a lot more fun.

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