What will it take for Horde Blood Elves to accept Alliance High Elves?


They worry that if people get the opportunity to actually play the High Elves of lore…they will and this idea that Elves are evil or play for the evil faction will die. I don’t think it would, as we have seen with Sylvanas, some people just want to see the world burn no matter how evil the actions are or even if they are suckers for it.


and honestly they should probably stop making the blood elves so generic as the story progresses. Just have them go back to their old ways. They don’t worship the light they drain it for its’ power.


Alliance high elf fans will never be satisfied until they can play the exact Blood Elf model with the same character customizations.

They made model changes. You got void elves. You weren’t happy. You keep telling yourselves that if only they would make the right modifications you’d be happy.

But hardly anybody would.

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Don’t speak for us, thank you.

How about take a gander at the Megathread, shows exactly what we would like from a High Elf AR.

Blue skin and wet, glowing hair is not “model changes”.

We literally got Edgy Blood Elves.


Sorry, not sorry. I’ve read many high elf threads in the past, including several I got silenced for posting in after the self-appointed moderator announced that anyone not in favor of high elves was going to be falsely reported, and encouraging others to falsely report them too, for daring to post in that thread. I’m not going to read the megathread.

Maybe you’ve forgotten what happened after they made minor cosmetic changes to Blood Elves to differentiate Void Elves. There was so much outrage, yet immediately afterwards people started saying again, make minor changes and everyone will be happy.

Alliance players who don’t want to play Horde like the Blood Elf model.

You’re kidding yourself. It would be an exact replay.


Void elves is where the edginess of the blood elves went after they embraced the light and all that crap.

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are we headcanoning the forums now?

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I mentioned before, but I would have no problem if “high elf” was a Kul Tiraned version of the blood elf, complete with a new model, bulkier build, and athletic features. But that takes time, effort, and money. When I comment on theoretical high elf races, I’m specifically referring to the version that is demanded by the high elf threads. Not a single listed idea, concept, or piece of artwork sufficiently differentiates them from blood elves. They just give them tattoos, different hair styles, and of course, blue eyes.


So don’t pretend to know what we’re asking for.

And if they wan’t to play that they can play Void Elves, we have the Blood elf model in Void Elves, a literal carbon copy.


alternatively they can take the night elf model and make an HD version of vanilla/classic high elves.


So they want something that doesn’t even resemble an elf?

Sorry, I have read too many high elf threads. People are kidding themselves if they’re saying they want something that doesn’t resemble the Blood Elf model.

They said they would be happy with minor changes before. They got minor changes and were outraged. And since then there have been a number of threads demanding Blood elf customization options.

I would be fine with that as well, and I think that’d be a pretty slick way of doing it.

But, again, there’s a reason why ideas like ours are a minority in discussions like these. I really do feel like most high elf support simply stems from resentment that blood elves are a horde race.

Ask yourself this; if blood elves, as they exist today, were on Alliance rather than Horde, would there still be a call for playable high elves? I don’t think there would be, because there’s no functional difference between them in terms of how they’ve been represented.

If you want to get creative with new models or rework old ones, that’s fine, but understand that at that point you’re not really adhering to the image that a lot of people think of when they ask for “high elves.”


Basically this?



The talk of how they should look and concepts and stuff have largely died down because our megathread was killed by the forum police and we now have to keep going to new high elf threads and reestablishing all the arguments that people throw at us instead of being able to be done with it all and letting us brainstorm and create.

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There’s numerous combinations of Idel and regular animation changes they can make to easily differentiate the High Elf model, it worked for Nightborne, who literally have Night Elf animations with a unique idel animation, and one of the most popular ideas is essentially a human model reskin.

Basically that.

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yes. basically that. Obviously more cosmetic options but as the base yes that is exactly what I want.

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The face is everything in terms of this game’s customization. The fact that they retain blood elf heads is a huge problem.

I sympathize with that. This shouldn’t be happening and that thread, although I vehemently disagree with it, should be given some kind of protection at this point. I’ve been steadily watching what has happening with it for months now, and what I have seen is nothing short of a blatant abuse of the flagging feature.

I mainly base my arguments on the accumulated concepts left by Casimir on the first post. If there are other popular concepts that drastically differ from the blood elf aesthetic I’d love to see those.

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High Elves are Blood Elves. Talk a few seconds to watch part of the Blizzcon TBC trailer I queued up for you.

The name game is getting silly, and Blizz isn’t about to add another playable Elf to the game. The Alliance already got the Horde’s most popular model (with many acting offended) and the Horde didn’t get the most popular Alliance model.


you have the ‘legacy of quel’thalas’ discord for that. where you can discuss what names you have reserved, class you would play, or w.e to your hearts content, but here on the discussion forum people can be for or against

In all fairness, that defeats a large purpose of what the megathreads are meant to achieve. The existence of a megathread is a continued show of support on the forums in order to get a message to the developers. They’ve already admitted that they enjoy reading player allied race ideas and peruse the threads from time to time.

I don’t think they can do that with a discord community.

Disagreeing with the high elf thread is fine. I disagree with it fundamentally. But the fact that it’s constantly being locked due to flagging abuse is a huge problem. They wouldn’t be spamming new high elf threads if the main one could just stay open.