What will it take for Horde Blood Elves to accept Alliance High Elves?

Void elves violate that aesthetic a lot more than high elves ever could. Void elves are purple blood elves. It is literally a color swap for all their stuff.

High elves would likely be designed closer to night elves or humans as that is what they are more like. even the mages are more like human mages in the ways they apply magic.

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No, it’s they’ve already been playable on the Horde for over a decade, and a player race’s visual identity is a meaningful feature of the game that Blizzard wants to maintain.

First of all, you’re confusing visual lore, with narrative “Lore” even though “technically” Nightborne have undergone 10,000 years of physical evolution under their nightwell that separates them from Night Elves.

And whether you like to admit it or not, the Nightborne hardly look like the Night elves, they don’t use their model, or most of their idle animations, and they have very limited amount of skin color options as well. Night elves on the other hand still have dozens of unique hair and skin options that allow them remain unique, and distinct from the Nightborne. This wouldn’t be the case with playable High elves, and you’re fully aware of this if you’re trying to push the “Panda” argument.

Except that they’re the most played race in all of WoW, and have been for the past decade? That faction identity between races is an important distinction to maintain, not only from a narrative point of view, but from a developers point of you? You know just saying it “doesn’t matter” for no logical reason besides you thinking so isn’t a very compelling argument.

You seeing NPCs doesn’t validate you getting them as a playable race? I see humans in the horde base in Tiragard Sound, does that mean I should get those humans as a playable Horde race? No.


Sure, thing, go to the Mage tower in SW with your Horde character and take a picture of that.

Because i know you’re about to try and show them in a SANCTUARY city.

The fact that i’m even responding to your delusion as to where allegiances lie. lol I’m the real clown here. :clown_face:



taken on the broken shore/ghostlands in quel’thalas both contested territory

vereesa is tagged green/friendly in one screenshot to the horde and yellow in the other. flagged for hostile in hostile territory means jack

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Both Instances and Scenarios.

Guess reading is hard.

that ghostlands/quel’thalas ss is not an instance or scenario and they could have simply made her neutral in the hunter campaign for horde or replaced her with hal and the farstriders, but they didnt

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So your argument is that high elves are not allowed to have a different physical routine and diet resulting in a different body build? That is what most are suggesting with changing their model.

Sure lore wise there is nothing stopping blood elves from having that lifestyle but blizzard chose to give blood elves that model which represents their more noble and regal side. The rich elves of silvermoon using magic to cater to their every needs. Not soldiers and peasants.


First base, second base, third base, fourth base, fifth base, sixth base, seventh base, eighth baaaaaase. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY BASESSSSZZZZZZUH??

Blizzard already came out and said that blood elves are high elves so…what will it take to get high elf fans to shut up and go away?


so where are my void elf paladins if that’s the case!?


extinction of the human race or world of warcraft and the warcraft franchise as a whole to shut down.

The fastest way would also be just give us them as an allied race.

She is your companion in Legion, you’re on your Hunter, obviously in that SCENARIO she will be friendly to you, based on the circumstances.

In Zul’aman, she is again a neutral-assistance in fighting the Amani, they obviously would not make her unfriendly or hostile when they’re trying to pass off the vibe that she’s there to help. She even states she’s not there for the Horde, shes there for her home.

How about a solid answer instead of skewed view on lore?

The casuals coming out of the woodwork and showing they don’t know enough on the issue definitely doesn’t help. :man_shrugging:

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again they could have just switched her and the SC out for hal and the farstriders for the horde hunters

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HAHAHAHA, ok we are done. Visual lore, i can’t stop laughing.

I will tell you what, You can keep your Blood Elves and i will continue to champion playable High Elves. Maybe Blizzard will give us some “visual lore” ie. updated models to make them playable.

But they do use the Night Elf model with modified animations. That is the WHOLE POINT OF AR’S. They are easily re-used assets.

Lastly, this idea that putting High Elves into the game somehow takes something away from the Horde is a non-argument. If you still want to play Blood Elves go ahead, if you want to play High Elves then that is what you do. I mean after all they handed the Night Elf to the Horde and IT’s identity, but i guess you will poopoo that because it lays bare the invalidity of your argument and “faction identity”.


And make 2 different scenarios for every single quest in the campaign for Horde and Alliance?

You know this is Activision Blizzard, right?

Except for the entire story behind regaining Thas’Dorah, Vereesa’s sister’s weapon. But go off.


its a simple model and text swap for one NPC. the farstriders/sc are teaming up. you can even see the farstriders in the ss

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its obvious. They don’t want high elves added because they want to keep playing the horde but once high elves are added they will have such a strong compulsion to play as one they will swap factions despite not wanting to be alliance.



Considering the High Elves of the Silver Covenant are behind the genocide of innocent Belfs in Dalaran I imagine they aren’t popular with the average Belf.

Understatement, they happily and actively helped Jaina massacre them in the Isle of Thunder and the Purge of Dalaran.

Blood Elves are pissed about it to this day, even told Jaina so.

This really makes me sad, shows even the Hordes players don’t really care about the Horde, they just care about a pretty model and their ability to still be edgy.

Saurfang was right, the Horde is built on a lie. :cry:


a couple take advantage of the situation to settle old grudges and the sunreavers blame jaina for the purge