What will it take for Horde Blood Elves to accept Alliance High Elves?

well most of us are not asking nor expecting them to be added immediately. We mostly want acknowledgement they will happen. And yes more elf races will be added to the game. I am sorry you feel that shouldn’t happen but they exist and many want to play them. It is fairly likely undead elves in some form will be one of the final allied races of BFA.

You’re kidding right? There are more than enough elves in the game… You want a High Elf… RP as one.


actually in the run up to blizz con this always happens where multiple topics of ‘high’ elves are created regardless of an open megathread

and the SC is not an AR. neither are the sunreavers or the scryers. they are splinter factions of the blood elves. might as well submit si:7 and kirin tor for an AR spot

What if the Alliance throws in the “bee” mount?

except that didn’t happen last year when we had our megathread of over 10k comments with a previous megathread that got capped at 20k a few months before.


True, but this has also happened throughout the year.

It isn’t appropriate to take a stance of “I don’t agree with this issue, therefore you are not allowed to discuss it.” If we’re going to push for a policy of containment, we have to have something to contain it in. If high elf threads are spam, then there needs to be somewhere for these people to discuss high elves. I don’t think it’s practical to just outlaw the topic altogether.


and nor is it the right of the forum community to judge whether it is allowed or not. Blizzard allows it therefore what is happening is very much abuse of forum tools.


the problem is there really isnt anything to discuss the whole point is to keep bumping the threads in the hope blizzard makes a core race neutral. and again alliance ‘high’ elves have as much right to represent the high elf people as defias/fogsail humans

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I mean I am all for alterac humans for horde.

I’m not sure it’s our place to decide whether or not a topic has run its course. I have my arguments against high elves, and I make that argument whenever possible. I feel high elf supporters are wrong. But does that mean I get to decide that the discussion is over?

If high elf supporters are fundamentally wrong, give them a place to be wrong in. At the very least the ideas generated in their threads may inform dev decisions when it comes to making future compromises. Like, if there’s a fundamental aspect of high elves that people want, perhaps a new race that isn’t an elf could incorporate that in some way.

That’s generally how these forums are supposed to work, but that can’t happen unless we maintain a thread specifically for that topic and keep it out of all others.


Lol wut? This matters why? Oh right, personal issues. No one is arguing the validity of the Blood Elf story as the “High elven people” main story.

There’s nothing saying High Elves can’t have their own story in WoW, that’s the point of creating a “story”.

There’s plenty to discuss, the issue is your ilk coming in and derailing the topic.

And even if there wasn’t anything new to talk about, that still doesn’t give you the right to trying to silence the discussion on the forums, but thanks for admitting your true goal, that a lot of us were already aware of.

All of which are created by a new high elf fan or a forum casual, the long time Helfers are more than happy to keep the discussion in the singular megathread.


Laugh your way all the way up to Blizzard where they’ll simple repeat the same exact thing I’ve been telling you. You want to play fair-skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed elves? The Horde is waiting for you."

Champion it all you want, it doesn’t make the reasons why it won’t happen any less compelling. But good luck.

Not only are their models completely different sizes, but their visual textures are also completely different as well, in addition to their distinct animations. Unlike the void elves that currently have the EXACT same blood elf model, with the EXACT same animations. And you can’t see why that’s asking for far more than what the nightborne gave the Horde?

It does take away from them, hence why there is such a resistance to the idea from Horde players, and why Blizzard addressed this exact issue when asked why they chose the void color scheme for the race in the first place. Your argument boils down to “It doesn’t matter, because I say so!” which isn’t really an argument at all to be honest.

The Nightborne didn’t steal the identity from the Night elves though? Night elves have dozens of visual themes at their disposal, with 12 different skin colors, and hair colors that allow them to remain completely distinct from any Nightborne player. Crying that they share 1 skin color that isn’t even the same shade as an argument that they’ve somehow taken the Night elves to the Horde, when you got the actual blood elf model with all it’s animations is a pretty bizarre perspective to argue from.


without the anti part of the discussion these threads would be as active as the vulpera or san’layn threads

yes your agenda is playable alliance high elves. mine is the status quo. that blood elves stay unique and a core races aesthetics and themes arent infringed upon. i was never trying to hide this

your opinion, as far as I can make out, seems to be that ‘high’ elves can be meaningfully differentiated from blood elves. they cant and the game director said the same thing. the artwork from the megathread are fanfictions and have no place in the game. everything from the hairstyles to smearing make up can be done with a blood elf

and now with the faction war over and not a single faction leader interested in endless war except for tyrande, the difference is literally an adjective now


Thanks, i will.

The Nightborne model IS THE NIGHT ELF MODEL, LITERALLY THE EXACT SAME MODEL. It is where the Nightborne model was taken from.

Imagine that, Blizzard put more time into making the Nightborne something different and put a copy paste on something for the Alliance with pretty art assets and called it good…color me shocked, SHOCKED!

NO, this is YOUR ARGUMENT. They didn’t exist (as playable in WoW even thought they were playable in Warcraft) before so they shouldn’t now…because you say so.

Stop, just stop, you keep trying to justify that your own claim of faction identity is ok if it’s Nightborne but can’t happen if it is High Elf. Just stop. You can’t have it both ways even if it’s just “they share 1 skin color” as well as the model…etc. etc. etc., it either matters or it doesn’t. But i am sure you will be ok with it because…well you are horde, so it’s ok if it happens to the Night Elves with the Nightborne, but HELL NO to the Blood Elves. Oh the hypocrisy.


oh boy. so you are one of those shallow players that determines it all based solely on appearance.

I see that with many that oppose high elves. Less to do so from a lore standpoint (but sometimes cherry pick the lore to try and spin it for their own use) and more “Muh model”.

Appearances are not what matter at all. It is funny how your side dictates that we can’t have high elves that look like the blood elves but we are also not allowed to change them at all in the slightest. This is why I don’t acknowledge many of your side’s arguments as legitimate.


well either you are wrong or you are purposely continuing the topic despite wanting it to end. Its a lose lose for you.


nightborne have three skin colours, two extremely vivid blues that cannot be mistaken for any night elf skin tone and one gray skin tone. oh and they dont get colorful hair

night elves actually have more purple skin tones, and the blues one they do have (skins four, five and six) are quite washed out, almost blue gray in fact

nightborne spent millenia isolated behind an arcane barrier and were slowly transformed by the magic of the nightwell. nightborne have had physical changes meaning they are something new and distinct from true night elves. they also are druidic or hunter types who worship elune. nightborne dont worship elune, have a matriarchal society, live in a grand elven city and are addicted to magic. so they have different themes and aesthetics unlike high/blood elves who are the exact same people and havent been separated or changed over a millenia

the models of the male nightborne/night elves are like comparing skinny and giant kultirans(scrawny vs bulky), while the main feature is the up turned ears on females and a different stance

so you can quit strawmanning nightborne everyone knows they are distinct from night elves


Indeed! the master of all elf races!

Fine, make High Elves have a shade of white skin that can’t be “mistaken” for Blood Elf. Go full on tan and Wood Elf with it.

I didn’t strawman anything. That is your guys argument, things like High Elves haven’t been playable for the history of the game for the Alliance so they shouldn’t be now…and faction identity. Until i pull out the hypocrisy of the Nightborne and “faction identity” then you get all… he is using a strawman because it directly refutes what you are saying.

Good luck, no matter how you try to soften the reality it still doesn’t change the hypocrisy of those positions. Nightborne are now and always have been Night Elves, they even share the same LORE save for 10k years in a bubble for one group…despite visual lore hahahahahaha.

Oh did i mention i am ok with giving the High Elves new models and new animations. Blizzard took the Night Elf model and modified the animations for the Horde and Nightborne…and they copy pasted the Void Elves for the Alliance, the UTTER DEFINITION of Bias. Whooooeee, this thread keeps on giving, i love it.