What will it take for Horde Blood Elves to accept Alliance High Elves?

do you just run laps around dalaran all day? are you counting void elves? this is not my experience

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Oh hey, someone else twisting the statement so it means something different.

he said “Blood Elves kinda are high elves”

The sentence you made up reads like the blood elves have a few similarities to high elves, but not that strong.

Ion’s actual words, at best for you mean that they’re very very similar but with a few differences, but most likely just means “Blood Elves are High Elves.”

Word order matters.


Cool message, same point.

Still looking for validity that isn’t personal issues with the subject.

This point isn’t disputed, merely doesn’t point to what we’re asking for and used as a way to muddy the water.

We know Blood Elves are High Elves, we also know (or at least most should), that not all High Elves are Blood Elves, those are the ones people are asking for, the one’s you’ve never had.

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Then you aren’t opening your eyes. There are very VERY few Void Elves anywhere in comparison to High Elves.


Jaina and Lorthemar have to kiss and make up.

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We end up in Void Elf territory where any variation from blue eyed Blood Elf is going to leave people unhappy.


thats weird. i see them every where in the war campaign. alleria their racial leader and mentor is front and center. but if you blink you WILL miss the 4 bfa high elves


Alliance wood elves are night elves. The whole point of high elves is that they care about the arcane more than nature. Blood elves are quite literally high elves. The high elf king renamed his people. That said, high elves already exist on both factions, so the chances of blizzard every saying “sure, why not” are 0.00000000000000000000000000001%. Void elves are high elves, blood elves are high elves.


Blood Elves will prolly just get Blue Eye options and you’ll be able to switch factions.


You must take long blinks then because we’ve seen Alliance High Elves all throughout the game since wrath, seeing High elves still on the Alliance even after Void elves were added speaks more to Blizzard not forgetting High Elves, contrary to your head cannon.

“Things I can’t see stop existing because i’m trying to pass my point off as fact”

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O really? Where is everywhere besides Alleria and Umbric, the whopping 2 named NPC’s? Where as everytime i go through Dalaran i get to see the Silver Covenant and when i am in SW i get to see the High Elves all over the city and especially in the mage sector.

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i cant find the SC in the most updated version of dalaran either. what do

Can’t find the Sunreavers either, guess Blood Elves don’t exist anymore :man_shrugging:

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This isn’t English i am not sure what you are asking.

so theres 2 aligned with the alliance in SW. 1 in the mage portal room and 1 hunter type in one of the castle corridors. at least be honest about it. when you say all over the city you make it sound like they can be found working at inns and shops or something

tbf, 2 more can appear but are tied with unlocking void elves which we all know what that implies

so you can count the number of ‘high’ elves in SW on one hand

3 in the Mage room, the SC is not neutral, stop head cannoning.

And the 2 with the Void elves are not eluded to becoming Void Elves, it is just Elves interacting with Elves, they have no way of recreating them, stop head cannoning.

Stop head cannoning.

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Yea, like i said you need to open your eyes.

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actually they are. elsharin the mage trainer is in fact tagged (STORMWIND) and appears friendly regardless of reputation with the SC


the argument can even be made they are holding the portal open for the visiting kirin tor emissary

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Yes, and they’re hostile to Horde.

“Neutral”. My god Fyre lol

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do i really have to link pictures of my horde characters with green/yellow SC NPCs

NPCs being flagged hostile to the other faction in areas they arent supposed to be should not be surprising

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